I saw this man in black sneakily running out of the alley, and then sneakily and quietly entered the house opposite Zheng Qian.

After the fat man saw that this person had disappeared into the house opposite Zheng Qian, he also tiptoed over and lay under the south-facing window of this building.

At this time, a man's complaining voice came from this window:

"Numb, call me out in the middle of the night to patrol and patrol you." "

It turned out to be a little Rollo. - The fat man understood in an instant.

"I guess I heard the sound of the zombies outside just now, so a family here sent

this little Luo Luo out to patrol" "Grunt, ha~

" I saw that at this time, the sound of drinking water came from inside, and then the little Luo Luo inside naturally muttered

, "Good wine~hehe~"

It turned out that this little Luo Luo found a small shop, touched it in and stole a bottle of wine, and then drank it. In this, I just spend time and be lazy.

Patrol? non-existent.

At the door of the small shop around the fat man, I looked up and saw that the door of this room was written in big characters - Tiantian Supermarket. looked at the opposite side again, and diagonally opposite was Zheng Qian's residence. This small shop is directly opposite Zheng Qian's residence. From here to Zheng Qian's residence, it is only 10 meters away.

I hope these two little girls don't come out now~

At this time, the fat man couldn't help but mention his throat and eyes.

But fortunately, Zheng Qian's rented house is surrounded by thick load-bearing walls, and there are no windows, and the door is also a soundproof and reinforced anti-theft door, so now these two little girls are taking a bath inside, and after a distance of 1 meter outside, they can't hear the sound. Besides, this time the two little girls used mineral water to pour directly on their bodies in the bath, so the amount of water is not large, and the sound is naturally very small.

I saw that this little Luo Luo had been drinking in it for about 10 minutes, and then there was a sound of walking and a voice of questioning from this small shop:

"What the hell are these zombies doing tonight, why did they all run away?"

When the fat man saw that the people inside were about to come out, he quickly rolled around as a wild donkey and rolled into the green grass by the river.

At this time, the little Luo Luo who was drinking inside also walked out of this small shop with a bottle of Lao Baigan in his left hand and an AK47 in his right hand.

"There are numb, and guns, these people are not small!" The

fat man looked at the rifle in his opponent's hand, and immediately became vigilant.

"Fortunately, I wasn't seen just now, this bullet doesn't have long eyes!" At

this time, this little Luo Luo picked up the wine bottle, looked up to the sky and took a sip, and then walked towards the bridge leisurely.

When the fat man saw that this little Luo Luo walked towards him step by step, he couldn't help but be a little flustered.

After a while, this little Rollo was now only 3 meters away from the fat man. As he walked, he was about to collide with the fat man, and then they both fell into the river.

"Dude, there's a river ahead, are you drinking too much, and you have to go this way!"

The fat man couldn't help but worry about this little Luo Luo.

To be honest, even if this little Luo Luo has a gun in his hand, this fat man is not afraid. Because now this little Rollo is in the light, and the fat man is in ambush in the dark.

If this little Luo Luo walked forward and walked into the green grass by the river, the fat man would never hesitate, and directly hit his shoulder, and directly called this unlucky little Luo Luo to meet the Jinghe Dragon King.

But in doing so, the fat man himself was exposed.


Because since this little Rollo is out on patrol, there must be a den of doomsday hunters in this vicinity, and there must be a lot of people with a lot of weapons.

If this patrol man does not return on time, more people will inevitably be sent to look for him, and then he will die and die!

Therefore, the fat man will not take this person's life unless it is absolutely necessary.

3 meters, 2 meters, 1 meter...

"Ma Dan's ~ don't do it endlessly!" Just

when the fat man was ruthless and ready to give this little Luo Luo a ride. The walkie-talkie that little Rollo was carrying suddenly rang, and then the little Rollo suddenly stopped.

"Little dog, why haven't you come back, where are you going to be lazy, come back quickly after patrolling, the boss told you to have something to arrange!" When

the fat man heard this, he chuckled in his heart,

"There is a walkie-talkie." Group Battle~" The

fat man saw that this little Luo Luo had not gone back, but stopped, just when the fat man was about to burst out, and then, this little Luo Luo said to the second walkie-talkie: "What is it called, I will be back soon! I copied it, why is the river in front, and I almost became a water ghost

!" Then a not very friendly voice came from the walkie-talkie:

"Ma Dan, who are the water ghosts! Be careful to

come back and knock out your big teeth!"

As soon as this little Luo Luo heard this voice, he immediately scared off two and a half souls with three souls, and suddenly sobered up:

"Boss, I'm a water ghost, I'll be back immediately."

After saying this, the little Luo Luo staggered into the alley.

"Numb, I'm scared to death!" the

fat man patted his chest.

It's also fortunate that this little Luo Luo speaks quickly, otherwise he would have become a fat man's ghost.

The fat man saw that this little Luo Luo was ready to go home, this was really a golden opportunity to explore the enemy camp:

first, it is now night, and it is unlikely that the tracking will be discovered in the past;

Be cautious of a drunk person, even if he follows behind with a big grin, he will not be noticed.

"The opportunity is rare, go over and investigate"

So, the fat man bent his waist and followed into the alley.


The author has something to say

: The following content is not included in the number of paid words: Fatty: One step further, die!"The strongest reserve of the end of the world" This is one of the chapters of my novel, if you are interested in the apocalyptic survival zombie novel, you can click on my name to go to my homepage, and select serialization below!

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