After packing up my gear and luggage, I was ready to go. Before leaving, I went to this balcony on the south side to take a look at the situation outside.

As the saying goes, if you don't look at it, you don't know, and you are shocked when you see it. If you don't know this scene here, you will think that this is the old and beautiful Hawaii, and a group of people at the end of the lawn over there are now dancing around the bonfire and holding a gala!

Hehe, in fact, groups of zombies are wandering around this grove over there, three layers inside and three layers outside.

"TMD, this is the zombies from ten miles and eight towns have rushed over~"

I didn't pay attention to it outside for a while, and there were so many zombies here, this is really, the children and grandchildren are endless

! But fortunately, these zombies are now a group of dragons without a leader, without the control of the parasitic corpse emperor's corpse control technique, such a group of zombies, for me, is at most troublesome, but the threat to me, it can be said that there is almost nothing!

And these zombies are all on the south gate, I can see from the mobile phone map, I want to go to Xiaoya Village, just walk from the north, no need to go to the south gate.

Besides, even if I had to go from the south, I wouldn't go from the south. Because it's a zombie cave right now.

The zombies now happen to be attracted by the fire and crackling sound of the grove. If I had hastily walked from the south and been discovered by these zombies, wouldn't I have just hit the muzzle of the gun, and the meat buns would have gone and the dogs would have gone and never returned!

The general community will have two doors, not only one door, of course, this community is no exception. So I'm going to go through the north gate of this neighborhood, if there is this north gate.

I opened the door to this suite and walked down through the fire escape. Now, I'm an old acquaintance with the zombies below. If I go downstairs right here, I'm sure I'll meet a lot of zombies coming to greet me.

But I'm a low-key person, I don't want such a high-profile appearance, and I still have the opportunity to talk to these zombie babies in the future.

So I sneaked through the hallway to the first floor of the building, and dragged the sack out of the opening.

Since this side is the north side of this building, and the zombies are basically on the south side of this building, when I crawled out of here, I found that this place was now empty, except for a thin layer of fog.

I glanced at the cottage where I had dinner + slept for almost half the night, and then whispered:

"The green mountains do not change the green water and the long flow ~ farewell!"

and then dragged the sack and walked towards the north of the community.

At first, I was carrying this sack, but because there were too many things in it, it was too heavy, and I couldn't bear it after lifting a distance of about 10 meters, so I carried it on my shoulder, and I still felt unbearable after walking a distance of about 100 meters.

"Fortunately, this Zheng Yan and the fat man didn't carry rice when they left, otherwise it would be a bit difficult to run away like this. It's okay

to drag it, the quality of this sack should be okay" It was a lot easier to drag it all of a sudden, because in this way, you don't have to overcome the gravity of the things inside these sacks, you only need to overcome the friction of this sack on the ground.

And the current roads are very smooth paved roads, and it is very labor-saving to drag them.

I dragged the sack from the east side of the community road, bypassing the northernmost high-rise building, and then came to the north gate of the community.

From afar, the door was closed. But when I walked in, I said:

"Nima! I can't see Mount Tai in a leaf~"

Needless to say, the one who hides this door must be a fat man. If you think about it carefully, this fat man is quite smart this time, because this one uses a stick to block the door lock, and for a person of normal intelligence, it will open it for you in seconds.

But for these zombies, this is definitely an insurmountable chasm.

Now the vicinity of this north gate is very quiet, and looking through this north gate, the fog outside seems to be thicker than the inside of the community.

"It should be this road!" Without

further ado, I hurriedly took away the iron rod and pushed open the north gate made of this iron fence to prevent long nights and dreams and being harassed by zombie acquaintances in the community.

Of course, how can I be missing such a thing as crossing the river and demolishing the bridge.

When I walked out of this north gate, I used an iron rod to completely lock this north gate - of course, for zombies.

"Go you


The author has something to say

: The following content is not included in the number of words charged: Nanyang Daoren: Go away! "The Strongest Reserve of the Doomsday" This is one of the chapters of my novel, if you are interested in the apocalyptic survival zombie novel, you can click on my name to go to my homepage, and select the serial below!

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