The enemy still has 30 seconds to arrive at the battlefield, please get ready!

I silently prayed to the fat man in my heart, TNND, doesn't this kid look in the rearview mirror? I don't even know if there is a car behind me?

Since I have been resting for about 5 minutes just now, and I have smoked a spiritual food halfway through, my physical strength is now slightly recovered. Seeing that the fat man was about to be overtaken by these unknown people, I also rushed in the direction of the car with all my strength.

But I ran to the corner, and suddenly I heard a burst of gunfire from in front

of me: "Bang Bang Bang~

" and then a man shouted:

"Stop, or I'll shoot!"

In a concave curve, there is a Foha H6 car parked on the side of the road, bright headlights illuminating the road in front, on the road in front of the car, there is a large number of electric cars, one horizontal in the middle of the road. On one side of the road is a large river with rushing water, and on the other side is a slope.

The four unidentified militants were lying on the back of the car in unison, holding guns and flashlights and shouting at the slope of the mountain

: "TNND, rabbit cub! Come down, or shoot

!" Then a little brother's voice said: "Boss, do you want to climb up and catch this kid!"

The boss gave the little brother a brain, and then said:

" Climb your head, the black light is blind, if you climb up and he rolls down a stone and stick or something, won't you suffer

!" Then the little Luo Luo asked again

, "What can I do then?"

Then there was a scolding voice

: "TNND, kill this girl for me!"

and then it was:


Papapa~Papapa~Papapa~".The sound of an AK47 bullet exploding.

I looked carefully from the outside, and I didn't act immediately for the time being. It's not that I'm afraid of them, but I think that although there is a lot of firepower down there, it's just a blind fight. It shouldn't hurt the fat man.

From their flashlights, I realized that these people just didn't find the fat man. It's all about hitting the hillside.

If I pick up the grenade launcher now, aim at the car, and pull the trigger, then all four people here, including the car, will have to go to heaven and stand shoulder to shoulder with Brahmametheus.

But I didn't, because I'm still waiting to catch a big fish.

"It's reluctant that the fat man can't catch a big fish. Fatty, you can hide for me first!"

But think about it carefully

~"Hehehe~ This fat man can also calm down this time... "

Why, because from the back of the fat man riding an electric car into my back just now, this kid is carrying a grenade launcher.

It stands to reason that as long as he discovers that there is a car coming behind him, he only needs to stop the electric car, take out the grenade launcher, aim at the driving car, and shoot into the soul.

There's no need to hide at all. But this time the fat man not only hid, but also did not return fire after a burst of bullets from the opponent. Then there are only two situations:

1. The fat man has been shot indiscriminately and killed.

2. The fat man deliberately did this, keeping his mouth alive.

After shooting a shuttle of bullets, these little Rolls felt that this person had slipped away, and now they couldn't catch up, so they were ready to call it a day and go home.

"Boss, why do you think this person is following me?" replied

another middle-aged man of 35 or 6 years old,

"How do I know that those who come are not good and those who are good do not come." Our base has been exposed, we will go back to sleep later, and we will withdraw to the base camp at 12 noon

!" The other brothers all agreed

: "Mmmm~

" At this time, the middle-aged man scolded:

"Well, you are big! It's not that you kid drank and misbehaved, and was followed, causing us to lose a base! You are not allowed to rest, go back and stand guard for me!".

After speaking, the group got into the car stupidly, turned a corner, and drove back towards Xiaoya Village.

I saw that these people were about to come, and I was also a heel, and I climbed into the ditch by the side of the road and hid.

Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian, I don't know if these militants know these militants, it's a bit hanging! I have to hurry over. "

Not long after the car drove over my head, a fat man climbed up from the ditch in the outer circle of the curve in front of the battery car, and then sneakily looked around.


The author has something to say

: The following content is not included in the number of words charged: Nanyang Daoren: Xiaopang won't die!"The strongest reserve of the end of the world" This is one of the chapters of my novel, if you are interested in the apocalyptic survival zombie novel, you can click on my name to go to my homepage, and select serialization below!

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