Although the fat man said so, this one has to be in close contact with the zombies, untie the zombies' wide clothes, and take the keys to the wide clothes, which is still a little scary.

After all, it's hard to say whether this thing is dead or not, and whether it will deceive the corpse.

Just now the fat man was mistaken for thinking that this zombie was a normal person, and he was too close, so he was tragically poisoned by this zombie, if it weren't for going out in the morning, the fat man and I were wearing body armor, and almost immediately became a fat zombie.

As the saying goes, eat a trench, grow a wisdom. At this time, the fat man didn't dare to underestimate the enemy:

I saw the fat man turn around from the counter inside, turn out, and walk to the middle aisle, and then find a chair, horizontally, and poke under the body of the zombie with the foot of the chair, and then warped it up and turned the zombie over.

I saw that this zombie is now unrecognizable, and even his mother can't recognize it. It is estimated that at that time, my shot hit the head of this zombie, which was directly a headshot, and it took the life of this zombie.

The fat man saw that this zombie was already dead, so he relieved himself.

However, it may be that he was bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of the well rope, at this time the fat man still did not completely let down his vigilance, but it was very damaged, and put the whole chair on the head of this zombie, if this zombie will be deceived when the corpse riots, there is also a stool to block it, so that it will not bite the fat man.

When the fat man finished this, he was very satisfied with his results. He began to untie the zombie's wide clothes.

The white coat that this zombie wears outside the hospital, this is a large dress, which is very convenient to wear, but if this one is lying here and someone else takes it off for you, it will be a little difficult.

The fat man finally took off the white coat on the outside of the zombie with great effort, and at this time, the black suit pants worn by the zombie were revealed, and the suit pants were indeed tied with a belt. But on this belt, it seems that no key chain has been found.

"Numb, where are you hiding!" The

fat man thought that if this was pressed on his back by this zombie, he repeated the trick, and used the foot of the chair to turn over the zombie, and then went to his waist to find it.

"Hey, I found

it!" But this key, to be honest, is only a fat man who can take it down.

It may be that the fat man's shot just now hit the waist of this zombie, and at this time, the waist of this zombie is bubbling with black thick body fluids. And the key, this one, is wrapped in this black, disgusting liquid.

The fat man was also very bold, and he directly pressed the lock from the belt on the waist of this zombie with his hand, and took this off.

The fat man thought:

This thing is directly given to the Taoist, and the Taoist will be disgusted if he doesn't do it well, so he took the white coat that the zombie wore on the outside from the side, used it as a big rag, and wiped it.

I saw this fat man next to me so conscientious, serious and capable, I didn't say anything.

The fat man wiped the button, and felt almost there, so he stood up and handed it to me. With an indescribable smell.

If you are asked by your neighbor before the apocalypse, he may ask you:

"Is your kid TMD stewed at home?"

I'm actually more worried about whether these black thick corpse fluids are contagious, and whether there will be any harm or benefit to me if they come into contact with them.

Because,Before the outbreak of Doomsday Resident Evil,I also read some doomsday zombie novels,And some doomsday wilderness survival novels,These zombie novels,All of them are repeating a routine.,That is, there will be something in the zombies of different levels.,You can evolve superpowers or something after eating.。。。

Naturally, I don't believe this point of view, if it can really evolve, then why don't zombies eat it by themselves, and it's your turn to eat.

But if there is something in this corpse that can be aphrodisiac if eaten, this still has a certain degree of credibility. But I'm not Shennong, tell me to taste herbs, I don't have the guts.

As for tasting zombies, I don't have that appetite. So I don't expect any benefits here, I just hope that the black body fluids of this zombie don't give me any diseases.


The author has something to say

: The following content is not included in the number of words charged: Dao Chang: If the latest research finds that eating zombies will be aphrodisiac, then will the zombies be extinct!"The strongest reserve of the end of the world" This is one of the chapters of my novel, if you are interested in the apocalyptic survival zombie novel, you can click on my name to go to my homepage, and select serialization below!

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