The book was picked up, and I asked the fat man to hurry back to get the flashlight, mainly because I wanted to really lose my fingers in this garage behind me

, instead of risking my blindness in it, it was better to turn on the flashlight directly and solve the battle quickly.

Anyway, now the zombies seem to have died. I don't have any worries.

I rushed towards Zheng Qian's residence with the fat man. Of course, having a flashlight alone is not enough, and now no one knows whether this will touch the corpse emperor at the corner when it goes outside. I'll meet later, how embarrassing are you not saying that you don't offer some good RPGs!"

Zheng Yan, help open the door. We're back. The

fat man shouted in a low voice outside the door.

"It's coming~" "


the door was opened, and the fat man also asked Zheng Yan directly for a flashlight, while I turned around, walked into the house, and took a grenade launcher from my backpack.

Zheng Yan saw that the two of us were going to fight, and asked puzzledly

, "What are you going to do in the middle of the night?"

The fat man replied casually,

"The Taoist chief said that he was going to carry a few bags of lime."

Zheng Yan was also puzzled for a while:

"Dao Chief, what are you doing here, you won't come to paint the wall, right?"

"The mountain people have their own wonderful uses, time is running out, there is no time to explain." I'll tell you later, let's go, fat man!" I

look at this matter, it's a little too late to explain it now, I'm afraid that this corpse emperor will be resurrected if it doesn't work well.

I picked up the grenade launcher

, and with a "click~"

sound, I broke the magazine, checked the 6 grenades inside, and hurriedly closed it again, and walked towards the back, the fat man's garage.

The fat man took a flashlight and followed. After a while, we were in the alley behind the house, and now it was so dark that we couldn't see anything.

"Fatty, turn on the lights! "


the fat man snapped, turned on the bright flashlight, hehe, it was bright all of a sudden.

I didn't dare to delay, so I hurriedly walked towards the back of the house, and the fat man followed closely.

The alley behind the house is about 1.2 meters wide, and is flanked by 2 or 30 meters high walls, interspersed with various paths leading to each household's home.

We walked towards the south at the first intersection

, "Fatty, when we came back just now, I found a zombie on the second floor of your garage, but I don't know if it's still there, you will give me a little brighter later." "


The fat man replied calmly.

But think about it, this fat man, but dare to follow the militants in the dark in this kind of zombie-filled alley, and he is ruthless, and rushes directly into the zombie cave, seven in and seven out. In the face of this kind of lonely little zombie, a junior zombie, naturally there is nothing to be afraid of. And although we don't carry a lot of weapons now, our self-defense equipment is not left behind -- body armor, bulletproof helmets, cut-proof gloves, and stainless steel shields!

With these defensive equipment, even if we can't beat them, it will definitely be enough for the two of us to run away.

On the first floor of the back building, I found a lot of lime under the stairs on the first floor during the day. I was impressed.

But when the fat man's flashlight shone into this stairwell, fortunately, the lime was still there, and of course, the fat man's electric car was still there. Since there was a zombie upstairs, the fat man and I hadn't been talking since we entered the room, but had been communicating in a gesturing way.

When I entered the house, I took a strong flashlight from the fat man's hand, and made a "two" gesture to the fat man who turned around, which means that as long as he carries two packs back, I will give him a flashlight outside.

The fat man saw that I gestured to him, thought for a while, smiled and gestured to me with a scissor hand to take a picture. I couldn't help but whisper

: "Numb, Lao Tzu told you to move two bags of lime, what can you show me! Hurry up and work!"

The fat man said:

"I'll copy! Can you be professional, I also said how did you give me a gesture of gesturing... Then

he carried the RPG diagonally on his back, and then carried a bag in his left hand and a bag in his right hand, and walked out with it.

But when we walked into the alley, the fat man couldn't help but ask

, "Dao Chief, the goods have arrived!" What is this thing for?"

I laughed softly and said,

"Weapons of mass destruction!"

The following content is not included in the number of paid words:Dao Chief:Anyway, it's not used to paint the wall!"The strongest reserve of the end of the world" This is one of the chapters of my novel,If you are interested in the apocalyptic survival zombie novel,You can click on my name to go to my homepage,Select serialization below!

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