The door of this house is open to the alley, and it is through this gate that I and the fat man's electric car is usually driven in. It's been a dark day, but it's still better during the day than in the evening, after all, you can still see a little.

Zheng Yan stayed at the door for a while, poked her head out, and looked inside.

It is a three-bay room with two rooms in depth. The three rooms near the front door were opened up to form a very large hall where the fat man and I usually parked our electric cars.

The back three rooms and the front three rooms are separated by a wall, and in the back three rooms near the north is a kitchen, and in the middle is a stairwell, and the stairwell is in the middle, and there is a lot of lime piled up under the stairwell, and I don't know what the room near the south does.

In this room, Zheng Yan walked in, and saw that there were still traces of me and the fat man's activities in this room, and her courage gradually grew.

In the hall, it is now empty at a glance, Zheng Yan also walked quickly from the hall to the middle door, and then went inside, the kitchen on the left, and a stairwell on the right.

Zheng Yan held the butt of the gun in his left hand, the muzzle of the gun was facing the ground, and walked through the corridor to the kitchen in a relatively relaxed posture, just like a leisurely stroll.

Suddenly, seeing a shadow shaking on the wall, Zheng Yan immediately picked up the muzzle of the gun and walked slowly inside.

It turned out that an exhaust fan was installed on the window near the east side of the kitchen, and it was still rotating, Zheng Yan walked over and took a look, "It turned out

that the wind was blowing~"

Of course, it was not because there was electricity or anything here, but the exhaust fan was blown by the wind blowing in from outside.

Zheng Yan looked around, this kitchen now has nothing else that will move except for this exhaust fan moving.

"Where do you

put the vegetables?" "In the countryside, after buying vegetables, they are usually put directly in the basket or on the ground.

Zheng Yan rummaged on the kitchen floor, and there were a lot of plastic bags piled up in the corner of the wall, so Zheng Yan walked over and rummaged through them. But inside, nine times out of ten, it's all empty bags. There are bags of things that are also full of trivial household garbage.

"This family doesn't have a rent, why do you want

such a big kitchen?" Zheng Yan rummaged on the ground for a while, found nothing, and felt a little frustrated

, "What kind of family is this, it stands to reason that such a big family must have some vegetable reserves, and you don't have to go to the vegetable market every day to buy vegetables."

As soon as Zheng Yan looked up, she saw a huge double-door refrigerator coming into view

, "It is estimated that there will be some good things

in the refrigerator~" But when Zheng Yan opened the door of the freezer of this refrigerator, from the crack in the door

of the refrigerator, there was a sudden sound of "poof~",

and a foul smell came from the freezer, almost smoking Zheng Yan outside,


Zheng Yan retched, took a step back, and immediately closed the freezer.

"I'm afraid the contents of this refrigerator can't be eaten"

But Zheng Yan is not very sure, after all, it has been several days, and the contents of this refrigerator are likely to stink, especially some meat, and the moths in it are already very large.

Zheng Yan sniffed on her body

, "I didn't open this refrigerator if I knew it, and now the whole person smells bad." "

Girls are girls, in fact, these white and chubby baby moths are much more nutritious than any frozen meat, the protein content is high, and they are still fresh, if I were to take them out, I would definitely take them out and eat them." Fried or something.

"I guess the cold room will be better, and if there are any vegetables, they can still be preserved in this environment. "

Although I was attacked by this stinky chemical attack just now, our Zheng Yan was still not knocked down, but fought bravely.

Once raw and twice cooked, this time Zheng Yan stood at the hinge of the refrigerator door, so that if she opened the refrigerator room and the smell rushed out, she would not come to her body.


Sure enough, after Zheng Yan opened the refrigerator, the same gas gushed out, but this time the smell was not as strong as below.

Zheng Yan didn't feel very serious, so she opened the refrigerator completely and walked over with the mentality of nausea and death.

I saw that it was full of stuff, but the most was last night, or the night before the apocalypse, that is, the leftovers from the night a week ago


Zheng Yan saw that this was an overnight dish that was now an elder's long cyan fungus, and she didn't hold back in one breath, and spit out all the self-heating hot pot she ate last night.

Stimulated by this taste, Zheng Yan vomited 3 times (girls should be careful when they vomit themselves, if they have any activities with their boyfriends and husbands recently, they may be happy.)

But in addition to these disgusting overnight dishes, there are also some vegetables, some greens, but they are already shriveled and can be used to make dehydrated vegetable instant noodles. So it's basically useless.

There are also several large radishes with white flowers.

White radishes are more resistant to storage, and if you bury them in dry soil in the basement cellar, they can be stored for three months and will not be returned. In less than a week, it is no problem to put it in this refrigerator.

After vomiting for a while, Zheng Yan got up again after getting used to the smell in the kitchen, opened the drawer of radishes in the refrigerator, and took out two radishes from it.

There are about 5

radishes in this now, "Take one in one hand, you can only take two~"

Zheng Yan saw that she was only able to take two radishes back, taking such a risk, enduring such a smell, and actually just taking two radishes, which was obviously not cost-effective.

"Find a bag and take it all with you.

At this time, Zheng Yan also played the fine tradition of the end of the world, and found the largest bag from the plastic bag he had rummaged through on the ground just now, took it, and put the radishes in the refrigerator in one go.

"Go back and make beef stew with turnip~"

Just when Zheng Yan closed the door of the refrigerator and was about to lift the radish and slap her ass and leave, in the hall outside the door, there was a sound of rustling walking, a bit like the sound of grinding the ground in slippers.

Zheng Yan didn't even think about it, he thought that the Dao Chief and the fat man were back, so he didn't raise his head, so he shouted into the living room

: "Dao Chief, are you coming back so soon?"


The author has something to say:

Chaos is not divided into heaven and earth, and no one can see it. Since Pangu broke Hongmeng, it has opened up from Ziqing to distinguish turbidity. The food chapter of "The Strongest Reserve in the Doomsday", a scoop and a drink, a rice and a millet, must be thought about is not easy to come by! Our young lady Zheng Yan took such a big risk to find food, do the Taoist and the fat man know?

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