Zheng Yan walked out of the garage, carrying a bag of radishes in her right hand and pressing the butt of an AK47 rifle with her left hand.

From entering this garage to coming out of this garage, it took about 15 minutes in between, but the 15 minutes before and after were completely different in this alley.

When I came in, I was unknown and afraid. And when you go out, it's relaxed and confident.

But Zheng Yan seems to have forgotten one thing, the zombies on this building, you don't seem to have killed them. Zheng Yan and I have confirmed many times that you must hit zombies in the head, otherwise it will be ineffective.

This time, when the fat man and I came back at night, when I went to the back to get the medicine bag, Zheng Yan seemed to have forgotten or sulked with me, and didn't tell me that there were zombies on this building.

I still look at Xiao Nizi, I forgot, after all, but I was also in a hurry to rush over to get the medicine, and I didn't have time to say hello to me, which is normal.

But if you are arrogant with me, it is not impossible, after all, there is a condom in the medicine bag brought by the fat man~ and emergency contraceptive Liu Ting.

Zheng Yan saw that these two drugs misunderstood me and the fat man, and then didn't tell me that there were zombies behind me, which is understandable.

However, I prefer the previous explanation, that is, Zheng Yan didn't have time or forgot to tell me about it.

The rest of the story is what Zheng Qian told me.

At that time, after Zheng Yan came back from the back of the house with a big bag of radishes, she immediately said to Zheng Qian:

"I have a little stinky body, I'll go take a shower and wash my clothes first." After

saying that, he went into the bathroom and began to wash clothes and take a bath with mineral water.

At this time, Zheng Qian washed the radish that Zheng Yan brought back, washed it with mineral water, and then used the paring knife brought from the supermarket to peel and cut it into pieces.

The beef jerky in the pot had been boiled and turned into beef, Zheng Qian fished out the beef inside, and then poured the water from the first time into a bucket.

This bucket is specially used to collect domestic wastewater, because when I left Xiaoya Village, I told Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian that I should try to keep the appearance of no one living here, and don't give people clues that there are people living here.

So Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian got a big bucket in the supermarket, and threw all the garbage of domestic wastewater, leftovers, and other garbage into the bucket of 3, and finally when this was full, they went to the river at the head of the village and dumped it into the river. (It is a last resort under the special circumstances of the end of the world, under normal circumstances, I still hope that everyone can classify garbage, turn waste into treasure, and must not be thrown or poured into the river, which will pollute the environment.)

Because the river is very fast, the garbage that falls down is all at once, and it saves us a lot of trouble.

After the water, the beef jerky had already been soaked, so Zheng Qian took a bag of hot pot base with dried mushrooms and white radish, and stewed them together.

After that, after Zheng Yan changed her clothes, she sat down at the front of the table and began to write her notes on "The Doomsday Trio".

And Zheng Qian poured 2 catties of rice from the rice bag into the pot when the radish beef stew was about to be cooked, and then lit another alcohol stove, poured in alcohol, and started cooking.

But fortunately, when the two little Nizi were burning in the two alcohol stoves, they disliked the smell of alcohol, so they didn't close the door, but left it ajar.

Fortunately they do, otherwise carbon monoxide poisoning, seconds by second. When the time comes, instead of being bitten to death by zombies in the apocalypse, he died while he was injured, wouldn't it be very cost-effective.

Fortunately, when the fat man and I came back, we didn't see the tragedy of the loss of the fragrance and jade.

After listening to Zheng Qian's story during the day, almost 15 minutes had passed, and now it was still silent outside, and there was not even a sound of cicadas chirping and birds chirping.

"It is estimated that this corpse emperor has not come yet, and there is still some distance!" Because

it was uncomfortable to sit on the bench, I also sat cross-legged on the edge of the bed, and moved inside.

Zheng Yan looked at me with contempt...


The author has something to say

: Dao Chang: Don't be so particular about the end of the world, why not sleep in the same bed together?haha~ "The Strongest Reserve of the Doomsday" This is one of the chapters of my novel, if you are interested in the apocalyptic survival zombie novel, you can click on my name to my homepage, and select the serial below!

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