In fact, the fat man and I actually threw lime to the east just now, and by mistake, we actually threw it on the head of this corpse emperor.

Although this corpse emperor's ability to take beatings is very strong, it is also some physical damage, which can only show that the physical defense of this corpse emperor zombie is relatively high, and the damage of this lime is chemical damage, or spell damage, the magic defense of this corpse emperor zombie, that is not very good. In an instant, this corpse emperor was also in a daze, and he was in a daze over there.

I, the fat man and Zheng Yan were willing to turn over this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I immediately shouted to the fat man and Zheng Yan:

"3, 2, 1, call me!"

As soon as the words fell, two grenades and a shuttle of AK47 rifle bullets flew towards the zombie.

"Bang bang ~ da da ~ "

After the two explosions, the parasitic zombie was directly blown away more than 5 meters away.

And after we irradiated it with a strong flashlight, we found that this corpse emperor zombie was really TMD Xiaoqiang Xiaoqiang, and was only injured by our lime attack, and the back was even more resistant to our grenade, which actually only hurt a little fur.

At this time, I suddenly remembered a few zombies in the river by the fat man, so I said:

"Fighting these zombies can't solve the problem, you must beat this corpse emperor, but this corpse emperor is too capable of being beaten, and he can't be killed for a while." However, as the saying goes, you can't beat it, you can hide it. We just need to catch this corpse emperor, and then throw it into the river 100 meters away, the river is so turbulent, this zombie will be washed into the Pacific Ocean in seconds, what are you panicking about at that time. "

Because this zombie is too difficult to fight, but the good news now is that this corpse emperor has now been blinded by our lime poison, so if we are fast, this zombie will not be able to detect. But the problem is that this corpse emperor is four blind people, but the zombie horse boy next to him is not blind. Let's rush down, and we have to dispose of these horse boys first to catch this corpse emperor, which is also troublesome enough! Although these horse boys are now blinded by our poison, their combat effectiveness should not be underestimated, because their TMD hearing is also very sensitive!

Zheng Yan was constantly using AK rifles upstairs at this time to eliminate the threatening zombies downstairs. It seems that this little girl is quite enjoying the process. I saw a steady stream

of zombies coming over, and said, "This kind of protracted battle, it's not a way to fight like this!"

Zheng Yan also saw the endless stream of zombies below, and asked

, "Is there any way for the Dao Chief?"

I was about to say,

"Not yet

." At that moment, it suddenly began to rain in the sky, and the raindrops the size of beans fell straight from the sky, and there was no wind, and all the rain was coming from above.

"Bang la

, bla bla, bla bla" We shot the zombies on it, and we didn't have time to clean it up. The pouring rain instantly drenched the top layer of our lime quota. But since we had a mask on the balcony, it was a little better. And the zombies below were very embarrassed by this sudden heavy rain. The main reason is not because of the heavy rain, but because they have already accumulated a thick layer of lime, and now when it rains, it happens to be the combination of rain and lime, which instantly becomes a high temperature of 300 degrees, and has generated a strong alkaline solution - calcium hydroxide.

In an instant, the zombies below were burned into a mess and squeaked. Lost all combat effectiveness in an instant.

Take advantage of his illness and ask for his life. The fat man had already endured it for a long time, and now as soon as he saw that this opportunity to clean up the corpse emperor came, he hurriedly jumped down from the upstairs, and the moment he landed, he stepped on a zombie and instantly took the lives of two zombies.

Then there is a forward roll, which cancels out the impact of jumping from the second floor. rushed directly to the front of the Corpse Emperor.

I didn't expect the fat man to jump directly from this 3-meter-high balcony to face the zombie boss - the corpse emperor!

At this time, the corpse emperor below naturally didn't expect it. Since the Corpse Emperor's horse and the Corpse Emperor were blind, the Corpse Emperor thought that his pony boy had come over and did not take much precautions. Who would have thought that it was his old rival, Wang Fatzi came.

The fat man didn't say more than half a word at this time, and he didn't say anything politely, so he directly shoveled down the head of this corpse emperor.

Usually, this corpse emperor is not afraid of these RPGs and grenades and bullet attacks, that is when he is prepared, but this time the weakness of the corpse emperor, his head, was directly slapped by a sturdy sapper shovel by the fat man, and the parasite was embodied in the head, and he was instantly fainted by the fat man's slap.

The fat man saw that this corpse emperor had fainted, and hurriedly executed Plan B, dragging the corpse emperor's only remaining leg wrapped in a very offensive black metal material, and ran towards the big river at the entrance of Xiaoya Village. (Of course, this plan B was estimated by the fat man himself, I didn't tell him anything about Plan B, but the facts have to admire the fat man's ability to adapt to emergencies)

Everything that happened below, I saw it clearly above, and it was still in the plan at the beginning, but after the fat man held up the thigh of this corpse emperor, I saw that the situation was no longer under my control. Originally, he told the fat man to directly use a grenade launcher to blast this corpse emperor into the river.

After all, this zombie, it's okay if you're not afraid of grenades, but the power of the grenade is still there, and when it explodes, the zombies will still fall back a lot of distance, so I will keep blowing you up with grenades, and sooner or later I will blow you into that river. And I calculated the distance, and it only took 3 to 4 bombs to blow this zombie into the river.

The fat man is below, probably disgusted with this method. Or seeing that these zombies are slowly adapting to the lime, or because the rain is too big to aim, or because these zombies are hit by the rain, the lime on their bodies is about to be washed away, so the fat man temporarily decided to directly hold this zombie with one hand, like throwing garbage, drag it to the river, and just fall into the river.

The fat man dragged the corpse emperor who was slapped by the sapper shovel, and ran towards the small river at the entrance of the village. Since this corpse emperor has been stunned, now the other zombies seem to have lost power, and they stay in place in a daze, without causing any trouble to the fat man.

When the fat man ran to the bridge, he lifted one of the zombie's legs, and came to a 360-degree loop, and directly threw the zombie into the air and fell towards the center of the drink.

"Let's go, you!" As

soon as the fat man let go, he threw the zombie into the middle of the river.

Since it was raining heavily, the river below was very turbulent, and after a while, the zombies that had fallen were washed away.

"Bye-bye, you


The author has something to say:

Fatty: That's it, yes, that's it!"The strongest reserve of the end of the world" This is one of the chapters of my novel, if you are interested in the apocalyptic survival zombie novel, you can click on my name to go to my homepage, and select the serial below!

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