Unexpectedly, when I took a detour, the parasitic zombies here directly invaded the host's brain, and the girl also received a boxed lunch unconsciously, and then completely became a zombie.

Now this parasite has invaded this girl's brain, which means that this parasite is no longer in the girl's stomach.

And all this, the fat man can see clearly when he stands 50 meters away, but I don't know at all!

"That's it, call it a day!"

I inserted a needle into the girl's stomach, and I guess it should have been inserted into the parasite in the girl's stomach. Then he pushed the syringe hard and pushed a full tube of veterinary strong anesthetic into it.

Just as I was about to go around to the front of the girl to peel off the anesthetized parasite with a knife, the girl suddenly grabbed my arm firmly with her hand, and a cold feeling penetrated from my arm to my heart.

"Oh, it's so cold! This girl can't catch a cold!" Actually,

I didn't know at the time, but this TMD is not a cute girl's hand at all, but a dead man's hand! Or a dead man's hand controlled by zombies.

When this girl grabbed my hand, she wanted to bow her head and "kiss" my hand.

Although I am easily tempted by beauty, but now is the end of the world, but Resident Evil. I'm still a little sober. As soon as I saw that this girl seemed to be about to lower her head and bite me, I immediately withdrew my hand.

This girl missed the blow, and immediately screamed, and an incredible voice came out of her throat

: "Wow~Wow~Wow~

" And at this time, the fat man couldn't care too much, and just shouted at me loudly:

"Dao Chief, be careful, this girl has become a zombie!".

I'm behind this girl.,I heard the fat man tell me at this time.,This girl is already a zombie.,I'm TMD.。。。

Before I could curse the fat man, this petite, very good girl zombie suddenly turned around and pounced on me.

"I'll lose you mother!"

I happened to be squatting at this time, and I just injected this zombie. So this zombie pounced, and I didn't have time to run, so I just leaned back, and then supported my body back with both hands, and then stretched out my right leg to the blood basin that this zombie came over, and the big mouth was a Foshan shadowless foot!

"Ma Dan, let's learn cat meow together, meow together? Just

as I was about to go up and see what was going on, the zombie immediately stood up again.

I saw that the appearance of this zombie was still the same as I saw earlier, very delicate, and its skin was snow-white. But there was no trace of life in the eyes, it was completely a black hole. And in this hole, I can even see that inside, a parasite is inhabiting, constantly gnawing at the brain of this hapless girl.

And when I kicked this girl, this girl's hands had completed the initial mutation, and when she stood up, a layer of black keratin had grown on the outside of her snow-white skin, and the five fingers were completely merged into one, forming a whole, and the front was getting sharper and sharper.

"How is it a bit like the big sword that pierced the security door of Zheng Qian's rented house?"

And this girl turned around and continued to roar at me, and then something unexpected happened, this girl suddenly fell down, supported by her mutated hands and mutated feet, like a spider.

"Mack, it's not good, this TMD is

a corpse emperor!" I screamed that my life was bitter, Lao Tzu came to save you in a good way, why did you TMD turn around and become a corpse emperor, and it was a corpse emperor with four legs.

You know, when I killed the corpse emperor with only one leg, I was already exhausted and couldn't handle it. And now, when I just got rid of the former Corpse Emperor, this one will soon have a new Corpse Emperor, and it will officially be a hard life.


took advantage of his illness to kill him. I didn't have time to say hello to the newly registered Corpse Emperor now, so I just threw away the syringe and walked towards this Corpse Emperor is bullet.


A shuttle of my bullets went over and smashed this girl's body. I knocked the whole piece of flesh off my body, blood gushing out of the bullet holes. This is the body of a cute girl, if it weren't for the parasitism of this one, I really wouldn't be able to do it.

The newly-born parasitic corpse emperor had obviously not fully adapted to this petite torso, and had little combat experience, and was immediately pierced by my AK rifle through several large holes in his body, and was knocked to the ground unable to move.

"Nani, did it so quickly?"

and at this time, the fat man also rushed over with a grenade launcher.

However, this corpse emperor can not be killed by you with an AK rifle.

And at this time, I made a mistake, that is, children know that to fight zombies, you must hit the head and brain stem, otherwise you can't kill this zombie.

Just when I was screaming proudly, the zombie immediately

screamed "Wow~"

and immediately stood up. But they didn't continue to attack me.

And now TMD finds that the sub has just finished fighting, and is now busy changing the magazine!

Fortunately, this zombie is not coming now, but continues to

call "wow ~ wow ~ wow ~ wow~".



loaded the magazine, and immediately aimed at the zombie lying in the corner, and fired a shuttle of bullets.

And this zombie has now learned to block bullets with her blackened four legs.

"Butt snap~

" All the bullets, nine times out of ten, were blocked by the four mutated

thighs of this zombie, "See you for a long time, this TMD girl's thighs are bulletproof!" Just

when I was thinking about what to do next, the fat man had already rushed over, pulled me away and said:

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, it's my turn to play!".

When the fat man saw that this zombie was now trembling in the corner, he couldn't help but have murderous intentions, and his kindness to the enemy was cruelty to his own people. The fat man was ruthless, aimed directly at this girl zombie, pulled the trigger

, and "touch~" A grenade sprayed out from the muzzle

, "Bang Dang~"

Because it was too close, and the space in this small alley was too small, my TMD ears were almost deafened. Luckily, I got down in time and wasn't injured by shrapnel.

After 30 seconds, I woke up a little and looked into the corner in front of me, only to see that

the parasitic zombie was still there! But it looked like it was about the same, because now the two thighs of the parasitic zombie had been blown up, and one of the remaining two hands had been blown in half, and the other was also injured.

The fat man laughed obscenely, and then pulled the bolt

, "Go forward, don't look back, it's on

the road!" After speaking, he was about to pull the trigger, and send this parasitic zombie baby on the road.

But it was too late, and before the fat man could press the trigger, a group of zombies suddenly rushed out of the alley and pounced on me and the fat man.

At the critical moment, it is important to save your life first, kill the parasitic zombies, and don't worry about it later.

So the fat man immediately turned the muzzle of the gun

, and the zombies rushing towards another small alley were a grenade, "touch~" "bang~"

This grenade is particularly powerful in this narrow alley, and as soon as it passed, more than a dozen zombies fell down one after another, and immediately received a box lunch.

But what the fat man and I didn't expect was that these zombies actually learned to save Zhao from Wei Wei, and when the fat man and I were dealing with the zombies that rushed out of other alleys, the parasitic zombie was actually carried away by other zombies...

By the time the fat man and I reacted, all that was left in the corner of TMD was a pool of bright red blood, as well as two thighs and half an arm that had not yet been completely blackened.

"Do you want to chase?" the

fat man asked.

Now that the enemy is dark and I am clear, it is no good to catch up.

I replied.

"I said fatty, you told me earlier that this girl had become a zombie, and she was still gesturing with me over there, and I almost fell in love with this zombie.

"Aren't I worried that I will shout out to attract the attention of this zombie?"

"Then you won't attract attention when you gesture

?" "It seems to be too" "It's also your head!" The

fat man touched his head and smiled embarrassedly:

"But this corpse emperor doesn't seem to be very powerful, when his four legs are complete, he was beaten down by us"

I thought for a while and replied

"I guess I took a powerful veterinary anesthetic injection, plus this zombie has just been parasitized, so I'm not familiar with combat, and I haven't evolved completely. But there is one thing, it is still very dangerous, this corpse emperor can also control the corpse!" ""

I said just now-what are you calling for a wow, wow, wow, wow, what are you doing, it turned out to be a rescuer~

" "Oh"

I replied casually.

I have a lot of questions about this parasite.

First of all, this girl is indeed a living person, so where did she come from? What are she doing here in the middle of the night

? second, where does the parasite come from? Why do you run?

If you think the poor road is well written, please help give the group some oil, people still have to eat oil, I haven't eaten meat for a few days now, dizzy, with gold stars in my eyes, ask for help)


The author has something to say:

Thank you for the gift from the headline number dellxd, I like your simple and rough support, thank you!

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