Seeing that they all ran to the hall and the two garages, I was going to follow.

Indeed, the garage is the first room we enter this villa because it is close to us, and we didn't check it properly, and we went to the lobby and garage to check, and it was possible that the basement entrance was over there. So the fat man, Zheng Qian, and Zheng Yan walked towards the hall in unison.

"No! there's another place!"

and that's the dining room

and the kitchen! Although it doesn't seem good to get the basement entrance to the kitchen, because the kitchen has a lot of fumes and water stains, and it is easy to flow down from the kitchen floor, so the whole basement is very sour.

And if the basement is not well maintained, there will be a peculiar smell, if the entrance and exit are in the restaurant kitchen, then in the summer from the sour smell from below, then there is still the mood to eat.

But as the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place. No one would have thought that the entrance to the basement would be located in the dining room.

I smiled, turned and walked towards the restaurant.

I'm not coming in looking for food, so I didn't rummage through the cabinets to find something. Instead, I was looking, and there might be a basement entrance hidden underneath those things.

Usually this kind of hidden basement entrance is installed on the floor, flush with the floor.

On this wooden top cover, there is a pull ring, buckle and pull up, you can open the door of this secret passage, and then there is generally an inclined secret passage below, through which you can reach the basement.

And when you come up, put down this wooden top cover, and you're done. Of course, it is still easy to spot this unusual block on the floor at once.

So, in general, a thick Persian carpet is laid on top of this roof, or a large table is placed on top of this roof. As a cover.

You say, no one is idle and bored to lift someone's carpet or table. If you don't move, you won't find the entrance to this secret.

I looked around the whole kitchen box dining room and found that there are two places that can accommodate this tunnel entrance:

first, under the dining table in

the kitchen and dining room, and second, opposite the sliding door of the kitchen and living room, under the giant refrigerator with double doors facing the living room


Cabinets and gas stove cabinets, although they look large and hidden. But there is a fatal problem, that is, these two things are custom-made at a glance, and I pushed them all and found that they are simply difficult to move, and they are definitely fixed to the wall for safety.

If you can't move, you can't be the entrance to the basement.

And under the dining table, or under this refrigerator, I prefer the refrigerator, why?

Because this entrance is too old-fashioned to shout this operation under the table, and the discerning person will know it at a glance.

And because this refrigerator is very large and has a very low ground clearance, people outside can't check the ground under the refrigerator at all, and they won't suspect this place.

But I walked to the table anyway, not for any reason, just to make it easier to find here. That big refrigerator, I can't push it alone. If I am knocked down, it is a trivial matter whether I lose money or not, because I have an AK rifle in my hand, and the point is that this thing is broken, and the meat, vegetables, and drinks in it are all gone, and what else can I eat!

This table still looks very high-end, it looks like it is made of white oak, and the carvings around it are very fine. Presumably, when the family gathers around this tight table and eats soy milk fritters and tofu brain, it must be very elegant.

Of course, it should be very elegant to overturn this table.

I went up and lifted the side of the table and threw it up, and the whole table was instantly overturned by me to the ground,

"Bang dang~"

The sound was quite loud.

At this time, the fat man Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian also rushed

over and asked, "Dao Chief, what are you doing

?" I turned around and said:

"Find the tunnel

" Seeing that they were all over, I asked

: "Have you found it?"

The fat man was the first to say:

" I found an egg, I put the whole garage upside down, not to mention the tunnel, there are no two valuable things!"

Zheng Qian also returned at this time

: "I also looked for the hall at the gate, except for our two battery cars and some sundries, there is nothing else"

Zheng Yan also followed:

" Look at the ground, it doesn't look like there is a tunnel, the whole ground is tiled, and you can feel that there can be no tunnel below.

"It seems that my guess is not wrong~"

King B appeared.


the fat man asked.

"The tunnel is in this

restaurant" "Where is it?" Zheng

Yan turned her head and asked after looking around the restaurant.

"Not under this dining table, just under that refrigerator in front of you.

With that, I picked up a corner of the Persian rug that had been laid out under the dining table, and dragged it out to the side.

Everyone is watching to see if there will be any tunnels under the carpet.

But there are still patches of tiles here, and there is no wooden roof underneath that I mentioned.

"Is it possible that the material has been replaced with cement tiles?"

I walked over and stepped on it with my foot, solid... Nima, Plan A fails.

"Looks like it's right under that big refrigerator,"

I immediately shifted away from the awkward scene.

"Fatty, let's move this refrigerator together. "

I'm going to come over and move the fridge. At this time, Zheng Qian immediately rushed over and said

, "Eh, don't panic first, I'll unplug the power socket first."

So Zheng Qian looked for the back of the refrigerator, unplugged the socket, and then relieved the two of us to move the refrigerator.

"You're still thoughtful,"

I said as I moved the fridge.

When the fat man and I worked hard to move this refrigerator, there was nothing underneath the refrigerator, and when I stepped on it, it was still solid.

However, it can't be said that there is no gain, at least two places that cannot be the entrance to the tunnel have been ruled out. It also made us discover that the owner of this house is not simple.

"What is this black spot on the wall behind this refrigerator for?"

When our vision was all on the ground to find a tunnel, Zheng Qian looked at the wall behind the refrigerator that was exposed after it was removed. I saw a small black dot at the height of a person.

After Zheng Qian's reminder, I immediately stood up, looked at the black spot

, and touched it with my hand, "Metal mesh, it can't be

a pinhole camera, right?" "Who would install a pinhole camera behind the refrigerator, is that to monitor the refrigerator?"

Zheng Yan smiled after mentioning my guess and scolded me.

He walked to the front, touched it and said

, "This thing, I think it's a listening thing." This black barbed wire, you see, doesn't it look like the kind of barbed wire on the microphone?"

I walked in, and it really looked a little bit like it. If you think about it carefully,

"It's broken! There is definitely more than one TMD in this thing!"


The author has something to say:

Is there a basement in this weird villa? Read "The Strongest Reserve of the Doomsday" and understand life. PS。 Advertisement: Let's be terrified and frightened together, and read my new book "Yuxi Strange Realm", and understand gentleness. Anyway, did anyone give a gift today? If not, I'll come out and ask later.

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