I shouted

, "Fatty, you should hurry!"

and rushed towards the living room.

At this time, the hall was empty, and needless to say, the two little girls had already gone to the ground.

As for the dust and the like down there, I couldn't care so much, so I just rushed down to the basement.

Since the little girls don't dislike it, and I'm still above my mother-in-law, how can I show my heroism!

After a period of precipitation, although there is still dust floating in the air below, this amount has disappeared a lot.

At this time, Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian were looking at the shelves where the fat man had just removed the felt cloth.

When I walked in, Zheng Yan glanced at me vigilantly, and then continued to rummage through these iron boxes...

I didn't expect this little girl to be quite vigilant.

When I walked down, I saw that this little girl also brought an AK rifle down, and put it on this shelf

. Usually this is not what boys do, how can any girl shoot a gun!"

"Zheng Yan Zheng Qian, did you find anything?"

"At this time, I hummed, while opening the lids of each iron box, rummaging, and said to me:

"The iron cans in front of me are full of vacuum-packed rice and wheat flour, and these cans contain a lot of soybeans and rapeseed oil.

The top tin cans haven't been checked yet, and the bottom row of cans is estimated to be filled with diesel or gasoline, so you don't have to open it to ask about the smell coming from inside.

Zheng Yan was rummaging, while Zheng Qian in the back was helping to reinstall the things that Zheng Yan took out, and then change the lid. The cooperation is very tacit.

At this time, I was attracted to a router next to me.

I saw that there are almost 50 network cables connected to this router, to say the least. You know, an ordinary family, where does it need so many network cables, where do so many computers need to pull 50 network cables? This is clearly -


I laughed very arrogantly again.

But in this basement, because of the good deeds that the fat man had just done, there was dust everywhere, and I was afraid that if I laughed for too long, I would inhale a lot of dust into my mouth, so I laughed three more times and then stopped.

It's a small laugh than the outside, and it's already very low-key.


" A very small, but very unpleasant voice reached my ears, and I was not very easy to have a seizure at this time, so I laughed awkwardly

and said: "It seems that this monitor has been found by me!"

Zheng Qian also smiled at me at this time and said a little helplessly:

"Dao Chief, don't follow me, what clues have you found." Earlier, you said the same thing about the monitoring in the basement, but you didn't

know where the basement was at that time!"Hehe, Nima, it's a coincidence!

You said no, I don't know where to put this monitoring host this time, it's also a clue."

"Well, this time it's pretty much the same

! You see, this router has so many network cables on it, this is not a decoration, and it can all pass data! With so many installations, they must all be useful, and a family will definitely not need much, so what can they do with it? Of course, it will be used to install monitoring and recording equipment!"

Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian sat on the tin cans on the shelves on the side, and nodded when they heard me speak.

But girl, you know, with their routers, network cables, they basically don't understand what this thing is. Of course, it is the same effect with the fat man, and he doesn't understand it.

There is a network cable, but I still can't find this monitoring host!

I followed the vine, looking for a network cable, looking for the front, and sure enough, I found the monitoring disk array in a cabinet embedded in the wall.

But this thing is only a record of data, the real need to see the data, but also to the computer host, these are all matching, without one can not be opened.

I followed the network cable and looked forward, on a table covered with felt cloth, and finally I found the host.

With the fat man's mistake, I also carefully removed the felt cloth covering it here and slowly put it on the ground.

A 60-inch curved OLED LCD display jumps in front of you.

"TMD is really rich"

At this time, a fat head suddenly poked out of the back of my head.

"I'll copy

it, fat man, scared to death!" "Dao Chief, which monitoring host is this

?" "Mmmm~" "

Do you want the fat master to turn on the phone for you?"

The fat man asked me to turn on the computer and see what small movies were saved in it, he was so pastime to study and study.

I'm so busy with this now, how can I have time to do this for you.

said that the fat man pressed the button of the host himself.

"Squeak squeak~"

The fan let out a very loud roar.

"Nima, is this the Ferrari in the computer, so loud when you turn on the machine. "

Generally, there will be two situations for a computer host with a loud startup sound.

One of them is that

this broken computer is dying. The fan is already stuck. Or the control circuit of the fan has been hung up, and the speed of the fan cannot be adjusted.

The other is a

computer with explosive performance. The kind with CPUs of 32 cores and 64 threads. This kind of computer can reach a maximum energy consumption of 250W with a single CPU, a proper heater. If you don't have a powerful fan, you can't suppress it. So the fan of the computer with explosive performance is also so loud.

I think this is a villa, and I won't buy such a bad computer, so this is very likely to be a computer with explosive performance.

But this kind of explosive computer is generally used as a workstation or server, and few people install it in their homes, for the simple reason that it is too noisy when working at full load.

In the big night, the girl who sleeps next to it will be woken up, so don't think about sleeping in bed.


The author has something to say:

Newspaper ~~~ Good news of your lord Nanyang Daoren "The Strongest Reserve of the Doomsday" high school last week ranked 15th on the Great God List, 35th on the best-selling list, and 18th on the new high school book list of the new book "Yuxi Strange Realm". . . Beijing Daily even published Huangjia 9981 days !!Big guy, do you want to release a rocket to the Taoist chief to celebrate~ Haha, thank you for your support!

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