The fat man kicked the zombie hard, and directly kicked the zombie out, which was a bad breath.

"Fatty, are you alright?"

I saw that the fat man's current state had changed a bit big, so I couldn't help but ask again.

After the fat man turned around and saw me, he immediately smiled at me

, and replied: "Don't worry, don't worry! Dao Chief, think about it:

when the bullet hits, this bulletproof helmet can withstand

it, and the head of this zombie, is it hard to have bullets? Is there a bullet that is fast?"


I also have nothing to say, at this time I should have comforted the fat man and asked if there was anything wrong, but now it has become the fat man to explain to me and comfort me.

I suddenly felt a little ashamed of what I had just done. The fat man is now giggling and generous, and he doesn't care about me. Changing the subject made me happy, and I really felt a warm feeling in my heart.

Fatty, next time I won't leave you kid and run away, we live in the world as brothers, and when I go to the underworld to see Lord Yama, I have to stand shoulder

to shoulder! But I'm introverted by nature, so I just secretly made a decision and said it in my heart. On the surface, I can't say it.

If you say it, the fat man will have to suspect that I am going to do it. . .

I leaned down toward the zombie corpse lying on the ground and rummaged through Dr. Carey's trouser pockets and coat pockets to see if there were any clues inside.

"Dao Chief, do you have any treasures?" The

fat man saw me touching the pocket of the zombie here, so he spent the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, thinking that I was following other people's things, so he asked.

"Heckling, dogs can't change their! I'm looking for clues as to why Dr. Carey came back, to see if there's anything on him, evidence or something. I

saw that this Dr. Carey was wearing nylon overalls, and the whole thing was a simple set of technician's overalls.

There is also a red badge hanging on the chest, and there is a green magnetic card inside. I removed the card and threw it aside.

I pulled out a box of reagents in a glass metal box with a string of English written on it, I didn't look closely, and it contained a small syringe and a few small blue-green vials. I guess it's a virus or an antidote, an antibiotic or something, so I'll take it out first, put it on the shelf, and study it when I have time.

There was a holster on the belt, presumably to put the pistol, but the pistol was gone.

There was a bunch of keys in my pants pocket, and I didn't know what I was doing with them, so I just untied them and threw them to the side.

"Dao Chief, this key is not the key to open the safe!"

As soon as I threw this key to the side, the fat man immediately rushed over and picked it up as if he had found a treasure. Talk to me as you watch.

I also shook my head and smiled bitterly, teasing the fat man, and said,

"When the time comes, open the treasure chest, remember to share half of me!"

It's all brothers, it's easy to talk~"

After speaking, he wiped the key and pinned it to his trouser belt...

However, brothers return to brothers, and when they work, they still have to work.

"Fatty, let's carry this zombie out and put it here, in case there is another corpse, my little heart can't afford

it" As soon as the fat man heard that he had just come back from a turn in the ghost gate, he asked him to work, so he reluctantly asked:

"Let me rest first~ I'm tired of Lao Tzu!"

After the zombie dies, it seems that it will release a gas, which will attract other zombies to come, hurry up, throw this zombie away, otherwise, the zombie army will come soon!" (Ten years later, I admit that this sentence at that time, the flag set up is really...

Actually, how to release gas, this kind of thing is all made up by me. Ha ha.

But when a zombie dies, it does emit a foul-smelling gas. And I don't want our house to smell of garbage and zombies. So I made up a reason.

The fat man thought back to our previous experience, nodded and said

, "Eh~ Dao Chief, I have to say, it's really like this." Every time after fighting a zombie, the zombie always feels more and more fighting. Come on, let's carry it out together. After

saying that, the fat man and I raised our hands and feet, and carried the zombie outside the house. One, two, three, swinging,


directly to the outside of the courtyard wall in the south of the community.

There was a tumbling sound from outside, followed by the sound of falling water. I guess it's been washed up in the Pacific Ocean.

The fat man and I finished the day, and the moon has risen very high now. Looking at the table below, before I knew it, it was already 8 o'clock in the evening.

"The enemy army still has 3 hours to arrive at the battlefield, please get ready!"


On the way back, I whispered what was in my heart, and the fat man asked very clearly.

"Hehe, it's nothing, if there are really terrible mutant zombies on Qingshan No. 1, and those zombies run in our direction and find us, then according to my calculations, it is estimated that there will be 3 hours, and it will be there!"

"Damn, Dao Chief, do you want me to go out and move some trash cans?"



The author has something to say:

Didn't Dr. Carey be picked up by UBM? I don't have any income from the book coupons I received, if I think it looks good, I hope my brother can charge a few dollars and give me a gift. Thank you, with your support and companionship, I will continue to work hard to create more and better content and works, and leave a permanent mark on you. Thank you

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