"Oh~ It's not impossible to sleep here, it's just that this place smells a little strong, and there is no bed or anything.

"I just found a few pine folding beds next to this shelf

" "Oh~ Then let's discuss it together when the fat Zheng Qian comes down." I don't care where I sleep, this basement is the safest. Zheng

Yan suggested sleeping in the basement, which naturally has her reasons.

That is, this basement is surrounded by walls on all sides, and there is only the entrance to a staircase passage above, as long as this lid is closed, the zombies on it are estimated that they will not be able to find this place.

Even if you find it, it's not easy to open this lid, after all, there is no focus on it, there is only a handle, with the IQ of ordinary zombies, it will definitely not be found.

And we can also use the triangle field expansion screw to fix it directly in Li Amin below, so that it is safer.

The disadvantage is that although this basement is rich in material reserves, the quality of life is worrying, ventilation is not good, and it is relatively small and depressing.

And, as the only barrier in the basement, that wooden lid.

To be honest, if it is discovered by that kind of mutant zombie, it will be directly broken with one blow.

What worries me the most is that we are surrounded by zombies here, unless there is a secret passage underneath this, otherwise we will be desperate to be caught by the zombie urn, and sooner or later we will have to get a box lunch.

Zheng Yan and the fat man walked down from it after a while

, "Fat man, close the lid!"

When the fat man came down, I didn't see him close the entrance to this basement, so I hurriedly reminded him.


Although the fat man was not very willing, he still went up and closed the door. Then he came down and said

, "What is in this room still needs to be closed?" "

I'm not afraid of something outside coming in, but I'm afraid of something inside coming out

?" "What is it?"

the fat man Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian asked in unison.

"I'm afraid that the fragrance of the food made by the two Chef Zheng will waft out, and when these zombies come to cheer, then we won't be busy."


" The fat man laughed and said:

"It's still the Taoist who thinks about walking~ The dog just now probably smelled the fragrance of our cooking."

"Mmmm~Eat, eat, eat~"

I saw that everyone had been busy for so long now, and they hadn't eaten properly, so I beckoned everyone to hurry up and eat. That's the most important thing.

Eating and sleeping, this kind of thing doesn't need me to teach, everyone will. And everyone was already hungry, so they immediately devoured it.

"Zheng Yan, don't be stunned, eat

~" "Mmmm, okay~"

Zheng Yan also picked up her own food and began to eat.

Who knows that Chinese food is hard work.

Now it can be regarded as a return to the primitive society, and there is a meal but a meal. After we have eaten this meal, we don't know where the next meal will be, and it's hard to say if there will be anything to eat.

So, I also let go of my stomach and ate it.

Fat people naturally can't say much, one person is estimated to have eaten almost two people's portions. Zheng Qian, on the other hand, only ate a piece of braised pork and half a bowl of rice.

I saw that Zheng Qian couldn't go on like this, so I removed the braised pork and gave it to her, and said:

"Today is different from the past, now we run every day, consume too much physical energy, exercise too much, will consume the body's nutrients, if not replenished in time, it will quickly make people age, and then crow's feet, age spots will come out." Don't worry, you can't get fat, it's mine!"

Besides, even if Zheng Qian was fed by me in the last days, and finally relied on me, then I would not lose. (Hehe)

A little beauty like Zheng Qian and Zheng Yan is naturally very beautiful, loves her body, and loves her face. Little beauties like Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian are even more so.

When I talked about the theory that the amount of exercise was too much, Zheng Qian immediately ate the braised pork I sandwiched for her. And Zheng Yan also let go of her belly and followed us to grab the dry pot and field chicken.

For this dinner, we probably consumed about 6 bags of individual rations, and everyone was well fed.

A simple spiritual food, happy like a fairy. The fat man gave me a burp after eating, and then asked me for a cigarette.

Just as I was about to take it out, I saw that the cover of our corridor leading to the first floor was now closed, and if we smoked like this, the two beauties in the basement would have to suffer with it, how could we poison the beauties.

I immediately replied

: "Fatty, smoking is prohibited here!Please abide by the law!" The

fat man saw that I was looking at the two beauties now, and immediately understood, and said:

"Hand me a piece of gum~"

Just when I leaned over to get the gum, I found out that when did the TMD fat man shelf become so big.

"Here, here you go, cripple. The

fat man took the gum I had thrown over, tore it open, and chewed it.

I took a piece of gum out of it and ate it. At this time, Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian were tidying up and cleaning our after-meal hygiene.

"Do you think it's better to sleep in the basement, or in the upstairs bedroom and attic?"

the fat man replied first:

"Of course it's the bedroom, it's comfortable! It's too small down there, and the air isn't good."

Then Zheng Qian also returned:

"I can go anywhere, if I can, I still like to sleep in the attic, I have liked to sleep in the attic since I was a child, and that place is safe."

Zheng Yan also felt very embarrassed at this time, and it was not easy to speak.

I hurriedly received:

"Mmmm, I also think it's better to sleep on it." At

this time, Zheng Yan turned around and was ready to tell us what she thought.

I don't want her to argue with us at this time about where to sleep, because I've got a perfect aversion.

I hurriedly picked up the next sentence:

"But we can't all sleep on it." Zheng

Yan originally wanted to explain to us, but when she heard my words, she immediately stopped, waiting to hear my next opinion.

"Hmm~ The basement is relatively safe, and there is surveillance to see.

In the first half of the night today, from 9 o'clock to 2 o'clock, the fat man was on duty here, mainly to observe whether there was any abnormality in these surveillance cameras and whether there was any abnormality on the puppy's side. Wake us up in time if there is a problem.

From 2 a.m. to the next morning, I came on duty. Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian, the two of you will sleep in the attic together, and I will have the master bedroom and study on the second floor of Fat Zishui.

This ensures both comfort and safety. What do you think

?""Dao Chief, you and the fat man have been on duty for a long time, do you want us to share some of it with you?"



the author has something to say:

Will the Dao Chief agree to the help of the beauties? Activity 2: I will thank the readers who participate in the tipping separately and leave your own permanent and unique memories in this book. If you haven't followed me yet, remember to follow me~

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