Although I don't know what exactly is hidden in this secret room, I am certain that what is inside this must be the evidence that can bring down this UBM company.

At first, I thought that the evidence of being able to bring down the UBM was in the umbrella of the Little Raccoon City base.

But with me and the fat man, Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian, it is too risky to go to the umbrella base, which is now the center of Little Raccoon City.

It's not because there's a danger of nuclear radiation there, it's because it's supposed to be a place where all sides are fighting.

Among them were Celestial Investigators, special teams sent by UBM to destroy evidence, and some other civil society.

So the situation over there is very complicated and dangerous right now.

Although we also want to go over and have evidence early to bring down this UBM company, we have limited capabilities, so we still give it to those stronger teams to do this.

But now, it is very likely that this evidence is in front of our eyes, so there is no reason not to take it.

And these evidences have not yet been known by the umbrella company. After we took it, it was really unaware, no one knew that such an important thing would actually be in the hands of my little raccoon's first handsome guy, hahahaha.

When the time comes, when we leave this quarantine area, we walk to the wall or checkpoint, hand over this thing to the state, and then UBM Umbrella will wait to go out of business. After all, the creation of such biological weapons is an act against humanity.

Moreover, I can also vaguely feel that there is a very big connection between this Dr. Carey and this undead warrior. This type of undead warrior zombie is just too terrifying. If there's anything else hidden in Dr. Carey's secret room to deal with these zombies, that's for the best.

After listening to my insights, everyone supported my expedition.

After all, in the past, everything we did was to survive for ourselves, and this goal is not bad, but not great enough, and there is no sense of accomplishment.

And now, our goal has become to bring down the umbrella company and avenge the loss of our compatriots.

This purpose is very righteous and great. When you have a good goal, everyone will be motivated.

Of course, a guy like the fat man who sees money, as long as he has enough money, or if he can make a lot of money from this job, he is also full of energy!

I sorted out my equipment, then found a stool from the pile of debris, and stepped on the stool to climb into this secret passage that was neither big nor low.

"Dao Chief, what will happen later, you just run outside, my grenade is ready

!" "TNND, fat man, you kid be careful for me, the grenade doesn't have eyes, don't TMD go crazy, Lao Tzu was not bitten to death by zombies but was blown up by you!" "Don't

worry, Dao Chief, hold it steady."

After the fat man finished speaking, he took out a grenade from the waistband of his trousers, and prepared to knock it on the wall a few times, indicating that he was safe. I hurriedly stopped:

"Eh, eh, no need to demonstrate. Later, without my orders, you just don't throw grenades into it.

"I know that. "


I was ready to crouch inside and climb in.

"Dao Chief, pay attention to safety!" Zheng

Yan said softly from behind.


I paused, and continued to move inside.

The things I carried with me this time were:

1. A circular tactical offensive bulletproof shield made of stainless steel, which was a pistol bullet like a shield, and a small-caliber rifle bullet, which was like playing on it.

Hide behind and be able to defend against most common thermal weapon attacks. Using this to prevent zombies is simply using anti-aircraft guns to fight mosquitoes and kill chickens with a knife. Absolute safety and security. And this secret passage is very narrow, I put this steel shield in front of it, no matter how powerful the zombies inside are, there is no way to take me.

2. Tactical flashlight. This tactical flashlight is different from a regular flashlight. Tactical flashlights need to be adapted to the requirements of use in a variety of harsh environmental conditions.

Therefore, its performance, such as high and low temperature performance, sealing performance, anti-corrosion performance, durability, illumination, color temperature, etc., is much higher than that of ordinary flashlights. Moreover, the Tactical Flashlight is a lotus-shaped attack head, which has a customized effect when encountering an enemy. In the back is a small round steel ball for a broken window. In the case of concentrated light, this flashlight can illuminate a distance of 4,000 meters, and in the case of the maximum aperture, it can also illuminate objects within a radius of 100 meters.

3. Explosion-proof sticks. This thing is actually an iron rod. I took local materials and turned them out of the debris pile in the basement.

Ask me why I don't carry heavy weapons like AK rifles and howitzers?

First of all, this basement is sealed in Thailand, and I must not be deaf with a bullet or a grenade. Deafness was secondary, and most importantly, I could be accidentally injured by shrapnel and shock waves.

And it's really late at night, there are still so many zombies wandering outside, this time is the time to shoot and fire, this sound reaches the ears of the zombies, then it will really be the six major factions besieging Guangmingding, and we are in calamity below.

I didn't bring anything other than these three things. Travel light, and you can run faster when you can run.

I now look inside this secret passage, which is about 3 meters deep, and has a 90-degree corner to the left in the innermost part.

The more I climbed inside, the more I felt a cool breeze coming out.

Originally, I thought that the air would not be much better, but now, in this closed passage, I felt that the air here was very fresh, so I couldn't help but take two more breaths, and the whole person was much more awake in an instant.

"Could it be that there is an outlet or

a ventilation duct inside?" I think about it, after all, it is a laboratory, if there is no ventilation inside, then viruses and bacteria must not contaminate this laboratory.

I braved the cool breeze, holding my shield in my hand, and continued to move inside.

When I got around the corner, I saw what seemed to be chalk marks on the wall, and I took a rough picture of it with a flashlight, and it was full of calculation formulas and a lot of abbreviations in English.

Since my English was too good to read these things, I didn't look closely and continued to climb inside.

Turning this corner, facing ahead, there is another secret passage, but this secret passage is only more than 1 meter long, and there is a bend in front of it, which extends to the north.

"Turning around this bend, it's supposed to be the basement under the garage. All the best!"

I looked at the design of this secret passage, and figured that a little further past this place should be the secret basement entrance.

And just when I was about to walk forward in this 1-meter-long connecting corridor, suddenly from the bend of this secret passage, a strange cry came out

: "Giggle

~" "I'll copy!


The author has something to say:

The Taoist stumbled by mistake and discovered the secret room designed by Dr. Carey, what secrets are hidden in it? Thank you for the support of the reminder sent by the headline "a good guy like me"! The grains of sand in the Loulan sky carry our apocalyptic memories. Today I added a new chapter.

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