After the fat man finished taking the medicine, he lay down.

I looked at the fat man and the way I look now, and I guess it's not going to get better for four days and half a month.

"Zheng Yan, how long will it take for this to be good? Isn't it better than ten days and half a month?"

"This, it will take effect in 15 minutes at the earliest." You've been taking the medicine for 10 minutes, and it's estimated that in another 5 minutes, you'll be able to get your swelling down. "


"You'll find out for yourself in a moment." "

I didn't expect that science and technology are so developed now, and it seems to be swollen here.

If I travel back to ancient times and open a pharmacy to treat diseases and save people, wouldn't it be to become Hua Tuo's No. 2?

Five minutes later, I really had my swelling gone, and although I still felt a little tired, I was indeed much more comfortable.

The fat man was more serious than me, but he also took more medicine than me, so after about half an hour, he was almost recovered.

So I decided to open a can of beer and use it to quench my thirst and refresh myself.

"Eh, don't drink, the medicine you just took.

"Isn't it better?"

"It's just that there are no symptoms, but the antigenic allergen is still in your body, and you must take it for two consecutive days, and wait until the metabolism metabolizes the allergen before you can stop the treatment of this anti-allergy drug."

Now, if you drink alcohol, it will interfere with the effect of the medicine, and it will be difficult to re-swell up when the time comes. "

Oh~ long knowledge. Haha~"

After speaking, I took out a bottle of pure water on the shelf and drank it.

It's a good thing that Dr. Carey has built such a doomsday warehouse in the basement, otherwise, we wouldn't be able to be a shrunken turtle.

Now there are plenty of supplies here, and if there is no external threat, we can survive here for a long time.

But the problem is that now we have an external threat.

After I drank the water, I took a bottle of water for the fat man and Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian.

The fat man took the water and drank it with a clatter.

"Fat man, what's in there, why did you stab the hornet's nest?"

Just now, I couldn't tell the fat man's swollen facial features, so I didn't ask the fat man why he encountered such a thing.

Now that the fat man has almost recovered, and he has gotten up to drink water, I asked this question, and Zheng Yan was also very curious, and came over to listen to the fat man's explanation together.

"Dao Chief, you are a cheat father!"

I didn't expect that I waited for a long time, and the fat man's first sentence was to scold me, well, in order to find out what was going on inside, I endured it!

The fat man scolded me, and then continued:

"Dao Chief, you told me that it was a safe, and after I opened it, I found that it was not a safe at all. Behind that is a room.

"As I expected. Then I shouted you outside, told you not to open it, and you didn't hear me?"

"You called me? I've never heard anyone outside shouting me. "

Oh, it doesn't matter, there's something in this secret room, and how did you provoke the hornets?"

the fat man thought for a moment, took a sip of water, and said

, "There's nothing of value in here, it's all bottles and jars from the laboratory, and there are a few rats in the box." "

And where did that hornet come from?"

"I saw that there was nothing good on the table and on the wall, and I thought I'd go back and tell you.

But I ended up rummaging through the cabinets and checking the cabinets (are you sure they were inspecting?), and I found them inside, and there was a safe in one of the cabinets, and the door of the safe was locked.

I don't think the two safes use the same key. I went out, unkeyed the door of the outer safe, and went inside.

I didn't expect to be able to open the door of this safe.

But as soon as I opened it, it was full of wasps and bit me in the face.

I rushed out of it in a hurry, no, I ran into you in the hallway, and you know what happened next. "

There are hornets in the safe, and the same key for both safes. Hehe, it seems that this Dr. Carey wants to trap the secret thief directly under this underground.

"Not everyone carries allergy medication, and if we didn't have chlorpheniramine, we would probably have to be reimbursed here. Older zombies still have a chance to run away, but this hornet, it can be said that it is impossible to prevent, and no one would have expected that there is a hornet in this.

Zheng Yan analyzed.

"Isn't it? Dr. Carey, but he's so lacking in virtue!" replied

the fat man.

I already knew that there were definitely classified documents in there, and it was in the cabinet inside and in the safe. As for why these hornets haven't died for so many days, this is another question

: "Hehe, I guess he wants to keep the secret, there must be desperate documents hidden in that safe, so Dr. Carey took such a painstaking effort to design such a game within a game, and it was a game within a game that would kill people

!" "Dao Chief, what should we do?"

"It's over!"

At this time, Zheng Qian, who was watching the surveillance on the side, turned around and said:

"Dao Chief, when you go in again, remember to bring a few bottles of insecticide. I was cleaning the shelves in the afternoon when I found a couple of bottles of insecticide in them.

"Haha~haha~haha~ God help me!" I

laughed a few words at the sky. At this time, Zheng Yan looked at me with a disdainful look, and the fat man also laughed.

"It's over!"


The author has something to say

: Dr. Carey has returned to Huangquan, but the trap he designed continues to play a role, what secret does Dr. Carey want to hide? The grains of sand in the Loulan sky, in the next chapter, will reveal the secrets for you one by one: The earth-shattering conspiracy behind Dr. Carey! The comrades who chased the more have worked hard, and they can save for a while to fatten up and then look at it

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