"Eh, Dao Chief, do you have a videotape in this bag?" Zheng

Yan asked when she saw me throwing the hard drive into the bag and saw the boxes of videotapes in your bag.

"Well, I took it out of the safe, I guess there should be important information recorded in it. "

Oh, aren't you going to put it out and take a look?"

"Haha, I want to do that too, but I haven't found a machine that can play this videotape, and this projector is probably hard to find right now."

Zheng Yan smiled, then pointed to the instrument on the side that looked like a DVD and said to me:

"This machine is it, you take it, I will put it for you." "

True or false?"

"Just let it go." Hearing

Zheng Yan say this, I was also overjoyed, and hurriedly took out a videotape and handed it to Zheng Yan. Then he turned around and happily greeted

the fat man, "Fatty, there is a little movie to watch, come on!" At

this time, the fat man was squatting under a cabinet, and half of the people leaned into the cabinet, pouting their butts and rummaging in the cabinet for valuable treasures.

As soon as he heard my shout, he immediately quickly rummaged through the contents of the contents, and then he didn't find anything, so he simply swept the contents inside, threw them out, and complained

, "What the hell are these things in this cabinet!"

Eh~ Dao Chief, wait for me. I haven't gotten in the car yet! I haven't gotten in yet!"

and then he got up and ran towards me, bringing a stool to me on the way, and waiting to see the show.

After the fat man put down the bench and sat down, he said to me on the projector:

"Dao Chief, do you think it will be this Dr. Carey, secretly filming a small movie about her wife and the old Wang next door tryst~haha~"

"Comrade, your thoughts are really dirty! People are so good that they are also doctors, how can they do such obscene things!"

Although I said that, I still looked forward to what would be revealed here.

Zheng Yan took the tape and glanced at what was written on the tape sticker.

Then I pressed the switch of the DVD-like device, and all of a sudden, the plastic bezel on the front of the instrument was lowered, and then Zheng Yan pushed the large videotape I gave him into it.

"Squeak squeak~"

The integrated tape was sucked in.

"Eh, it's a projector!Zheng Yan, what's written on the box of this tape?"

I asked

, "Oh, it's written - work log!" "

Oh!" "Oh!"

It seems that Chubby's hopes are about to be disappointed.

Then, less than 10 seconds later, a bad old man appeared on the monitor next to him, and needless to say, this bad old man was Dr. Carey himself. I saw that when he was shooting, this location was in this secret room, and he was sitting in our current position, smiling at the camera and saying,

"Hello, nice to meet you!" (Hello, nice to meet you!) Next, this old beautiful old man's words, I am afraid that everyone will not understand, I directly translated them into Chinese.)

"I'm Dr. Carey, and if you see this tape, congratulations, you didn't get stung by a hornet I designed. Haha!

" I really want to rush in and beat him up when I see this!

" I saw Dr. Carey laugh for a moment, and then continued to say a little sadly: (Nima, changing face is changing faster than changing the sky.)

At the same time, it also means that I have gone to see God. I don't know what happened to my wife and children. I'm sorry for them ... With

that, he began to sob.

The footage didn't stay here for long, and it was obvious that the video had been post-processed, minus a lot of sensational clips.

As soon as the screen turned, Dr. Carey reappeared in the center of the screen, adjusted his mindset, and continued

, "God, I don't know where to start, if God gave me another choice, I would never study this damn T-virus.

This T virus was originally developed by our research team in order to study the latest anti-cancer biologic drugs that can replace targeted drugs.

However, in the end, the results of the experiment proved that although the virus can inhibit the replication of cancer cells, it can even directly kill cancer cells. But the side effects are too obvious, in addition to killing cancer cells, the virus can also damage human brain cells, causing confusion in patients.

Dr. Carey paused and continued

, "Because this virus has a very obvious killing effect on cancer cells, but the side effects are also very obvious, the people in our group have differences about the research of this T virus, so when we were in the United States, the whole team was divided into three, and they were sent to the three research bases in Little Raccoon City in the Celestial Empire, according to the original T virus virus, each researched and competed.

When I took over this project, I was very motivated every day, and I didn't know that this cancer was about to be solved by our UBM company.

It is often rotated 24 hours a day, constantly improving the DNA structure of the T virus, and constantly conducting experiments on mice. Our boss also attaches great importance to this project and gives us unlimited manpower and financial resources.

However, what was supposed to be a good project that could make a great contribution to humanity turned into a dirty project after the zombie T virus was researched at the Seongdong Research Base.

By injecting RNA retroviruses into the T virus, the Chengdong base resynthesized the improved T virus, which is like a Pandora's box, and once the organism is infected with this virus, it will become very restless, very irritable, and very bloodthirsty. In addition, silent organisms will mutate and evolve various external mutations of the T virus.

The most terrifying thing is that the animal infected by this modified T virus will not really die unless his head is cut off or exploded. And any damage to other parts will not cause this parasite to die. And if you are bitten by this mutant creature, you will turn into a zombie within 3 minutes.

After the company's senior management learned of this incident, they actually ordered the Chengdong base to continue to study the T virus transformation project, and revised the original pharmaceutical plan to the undead warrior plan. Ready to sell to arms dealers.

As the designer of the T-virus, I was also sent from the United States to Little Raccoon City by the company to conduct secret research on the T-virus at the Seongdong base.

I am very indignant that the T-virus I invented for the benefit of mankind was used in war, but the umbrella company not only kidnapped me to the Celestial Empire, but also kidnapped my wife and children here, threatening me with my wife and children, if I obeyed, I would never see my wife and children. "

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