As soon as he said it, the fat man opened the fuse of the grenade in the blink of an eye, and threw it towards the center of the whirlpool with the countdown of 3, 2, 1 in his hand.

"Everyone, hurry to the side of the boat!" the

fat man shouted.


When the grenade explodes in the air, it will make a piercing roar, but when it explodes in the water, the sound is very low, a bit like a child beating a gong and drum.

After the child struck the gong and drum twice, the boat in which the fat man and his party were riding was also blown up with these two silent explosions.

"Pull the ropes!" I

shouted hurriedly from the shore.

The shock wave generated by the explosion did not last long, and within five seconds, the whirlpool that had been disrupted would immediately re-form, so there was actually not much time left for the fat man and a boatload of people to run away!

As soon as the fat man heard my shout, he did not dare to slack off, so he hurriedly got up, picked up the rope, and dragged it hard.

"Squeak squeak~

" With the fat man's violent pull, now the rope I wrapped around the steel bar rubbed against the steel bar, making a "squeak" sound.

"Damn, Rope Brother, hold on a little longer!"

the fat man pulled the boat back from the center of the whirlpool. Within 5 seconds, when I looked back, the whirlpool over there had regenerated, and the newly formed whirlpool was bigger than the original one, and the current was stronger.

The fat man was also frightened, if he didn't pull out of the whirlpool in time, if he delayed a little, he would encounter such a big whirlpool, and it was estimated that today's life would be explained here.

In fact, next to the whirlpool, the flow rate and suction power are not very large, only the center of the whirlpool, the suction power is very large.

So after the fat man and the boatman pulled the boat out of the center of the whirlpool, and then pulled it towards the shore, it was much easier.

In order to prevent long nights and dreams, the fat man divided the boat by two, and pulled the boat to the shore. As soon as I saw that I was almost done, I tied the rope in a dead knot in the rebar and walked towards the boat.

At this time, although the ship had already reached the shore, after all, this was not a pier, and there was no place to dock, so the ship was not very stable in front of the embankment.

If you want to jump directly from the boat, it is not impossible, but I am afraid that when the boat will not stand steadily, it will fall into the embankment below, the water depth of the embankment here is almost 5 stories deep, and there is a whirlpool turbulence, this fall, is not a joke.

I went into the water just now, and that was what I had to do when I had to. If I hadn't been forced to, I wouldn't have gone into the water, so the problem I am facing now is how to take Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian, two beauties, off the boat.

I don't have to worry about the fat man, this kid just stands on the bow of the boat and jumps hard towards the opposite side.

After thinking about

it, it is better to borrow the rope that pulled the boat just now, "Fatty, you tie the center of the rope that pulls the boat to your body, and then jump towards the shore, if you fall into the water, just pull the rope up!"

"Small!" replied

the fat man, then he picked up the center of the rope and tied it to his waist, and when the boat was relatively close to the shore, he jumped up hard

, "poof~",

and fell smoothly under the dam that was 5 stories deep,


The fat man instantly blistered at the surface of the water from under the water.

"Damn, fatty, hurry up and pull the rope!" I

hurriedly ran towards the place where the fat man fell into the water, only to see that now the fat man had sunk to a depth of about 3 meters under the water, and now he is still sinking downward.

At this time, the fat man was in a hurry, groping for something under the water. Then I suddenly found that the rope around me was tight, and when I looked under the water, the fat man flew up as fast as he could.

"I'm leaning on ~poof~"

The fat man surfaced, first put a few swear words, then spat a few mouthfuls of water, and

staggered up from under the water.

"Dao Chief, your idea is really a bit of a pitfall! Lao Tzu drank several sips of water!" After

the fat man climbed ashore, he lay on his back on the collapsed bridge deck on the embankment, gasping for breath.

Since this is a levee, I don't want to have a normal beach, a river beach, with a gentle slope on the side. The dam doesn't have a gentle slope at all, just one step forward is the embankment, and one step back is a small reservoir up to five stories deep. There is simply no buffer.

I untied the rope from the fat man and threw it back to the boat.

"Zheng Yan Zheng Qian, when you come over later, remember to tie the rope around your waist, and hold the rope in your hand, otherwise you will have to be like a fat man, feeling under the water to find this rope

" "Mmmm"

Zheng Qian also Zheng Yan agreed.

"Zheng Qian, you go first!"

Zheng Yan said to Zheng Qian, and then helped Zheng Qian, tied the rope, and after Zheng Qian also took the rope in her hand, Zheng Qian walked to the bow of the boat, ready to jump up when the current pushed the boat closer to the shore.

I saw that the rope bound to the steel bar was a little loose, and if Zheng Qian fell into the water to pull the rope, there might be a gap period.

I immediately shouted

, "Wait a minute!"

and then I walked to the water's edge, picked up the rope, and after pulling it tight, beckoned Zheng Qian to jump over this way. In this way, even if Zheng Qian falls into the water, panicking underwater and not knowing how to pull the rope, then it will be fine, I can directly pull the rope over to me and forcibly pull Zheng Qian up from under the water.

As for why the fat man didn't enjoy this kind of treatment just now? That's because this trick was also thought of after I leaned on the embarrassment of the fat man's guinea pig, and I would like to thank the fat man's repeated experience.

Zheng Qian was at the bow of the boat

, "3,2,1"

she counted by herself, and then jumped up, forming a very beautiful parabola in the air, showing Zheng Qian's vivid and moving posture.


" "Puff~"

Because there is now a layer of moss on the rock cement near the embankment, when Zheng Qian jumped over, she just stepped on a piece of moss, and when she didn't stand firmly, she turned her buttocks backwards, her face was ahead, and her chest was super sky, and she fell down to the bottom of the embankment!

There was a very loud sound of falling water, and the splash was even bigger than that of the fat man.

Head-on overboard, you still have time to prepare, and your balance can be maintained. But if you fall into the water on your back, you can't adjust yourself, and even, the moment you fall into the water, most people must have a blank brain, and the water will choke in your nostrils, which is easy to drown.

Moreover, Zheng Qian is a landlubber again, and she has never learned to swim again, so she fell backwards into this five-story deep reservoir, and the situation can be said to be extremely urgent, and there is no life!

As soon as I saw that the situation was very bad, I hurriedly pulled the rope and dragged Zheng Qian towards the shore.

"Numb, Zheng Qian, hold on, just hold on for 10 seconds!" I

shouted in my heart. In reality, I didn't shout, not because I didn't want to, but because the situation was extremely critical at the time, and I didn't have time to ramble too much, so it was important to save people in a hurry.

When I pulled Zheng Qian ashore, Zheng Qian was already motionless, I hurriedly picked

up Zheng Qian from the edge of the embankment, lay flat and put it to the side, turned her head to the side, and pressed her chest hard, "Mm~mm~Mm~

" Zheng Qian spit two mouthfuls of water to the side

, "There is help!"

I hurriedly went up, preparing to do a few artificial respirations for her, and consolidate the first aid results



The author has something to say:

Thank you for the two reminders sent by the old brother of "the master of Beijing Sijiu City"!

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