While I was still lying on the bridge on the shore like a dead fish, a loud bang came from the water

, "Nima, what's going on?"

and I hurriedly looked over to the surface of the water.

It stands to reason that the third grenade I threw should have exploded a long time ago, how could it be so long-lasting, delayed until now.

More critically, why did the explosion sound so loud.

I threw this third grenade at the whirlpool that had sucked our boat in, and since the whirlpool had already taken two of my grenades, the whirlpool grew larger after I dragged the boat out.

I was under the water, throwing a grenade at that big whirlpool, actually adding a safe.

In case the two grenades thrown down don't have the effect of causing waves, then I will rely on this third grenade to make the big whirlpool over there bigger.

In this way, the small whirlpool that sucked me and Zheng Yan below would be diverted by the big whirlpool, and the suction force that attracted us would be much smaller.

It was the legendary Wei Wei who rescued Zhao!

But it stands to reason that this thing should have exploded a long time ago, so why did it blow up now?

Just as I was wondering if this grenade had deteriorated due to moisture, a violent vibration passed from the surface of the water towards the embankment.


looked at both sides of the embankment, which was about 400 meters long, and we were a little north of the center, about 100 meters away from the nearest shore.

"Zheng Yan, fat Zheng Qian, hurry up! Let's hurry up to the north, I think this dam is about to collapse!" At

this time, Zheng Yan, the fat man and Zheng Yan also felt the vibration from the soles of their feet, and after hearing my shout, they immediately ran towards my position, that is, the north. Zheng Yan was out of breath because she had been under the water for too long just now, and she couldn't run for long, and the fat man immediately whispered a few words in Zheng Yan's ear at this time, and then a princess hugged Zheng Yan and picked her up, and ran quickly towards the north.

"The numb, I did all the hard work, and the fat man picked it up cheaply. . . "

Of course, I also know that the fat man is not determined to take advantage of Zheng Yan now. But this incident still made me envious, jealous and hated for a long time.

"Mourn its misfortune, be angry with it!" "Who made me physically weak now, there is no way to do it."

I also reluctantly cheered up the spirit, used the little strength I had just recovered to get up, and ran towards the north embankment with Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian's fat people.

And at this moment, after Zheng Qian ran to a place in the center, she suddenly stopped, turned around and shouted:

"Oh no, our luggage is

still on the boat!" At this time, everyone also stopped, everyone was busy running away just now, but forgot that all our belongings were still on the boat.

To be honest, although it is said that life is important, this material is not something you can buy if you have money in the apocalypse.

So, in the apocalypse, material things are as important as small lives, and I want to give up mine - AK47 rifles, grenades, RPGs, national maps, individual rations, medical first aid supplies, strong flashlights... I would never agree with that.

I saw that everyone stopped, and the embankment below shook without any sign of stopping, so I hurriedly shouted loudly:

"I'll drag this boat over, you go first!"

"Dao Chief, you

can't drag it alone, do you want me to help you."

Zheng Qian asked with concern, and was about to walk towards me after speaking.

"Don't come, I'll swim. Besides, even if the levee collapses, I'll be able to swim to the boat, and I'll just be able to drive over when the time comes!

I hurriedly stopped Zheng Qian from coming over and said.

Zheng Qian thought for a while

, and then thought about it, so she replied, "Well, Dao Chief, then you are careful~"

After speaking, he turned his head and ran towards the north.

At this time, the fat man also made a quick decision, and immediately hugged Zheng Yan and ran towards the north.

Since the rope of this boat is still tied to the rebar, I must now have to run back and untie the rope so that I can tow this boat.

However, when I walked in front of the steel bar that I tied the boat, I was instantly dumbfounded

, "Nima, who told me to tie the dead knot?"

"Numb, scissors, are there any scissors"

I really can't do anything about holding a rope now, and it's even more annoying that I can't use it if I have the energy, and the most annoying thing is that I'm even more unwilling, so I abandon the ship and run away.

I was so anxious that I circled around this section of steel bar, and there was only one thought in my mind, where there were scissors, where there were scissors!


The author has something to say:

Look, what is the Taoist in a hurry! Readers, do you want to give a gift to the sand grains to appease!Haha~ Thank you for your support!

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