I just looked at the watch, and the time is just after 7 o'clock, and according to the routine of the UBM special operations team, the people in the large army are still lying in bed. So now we have to wait here for at least 1 hour.

Anyway, we still have time now, so I took a closer look at the interior floor plan of the Aoyama base.

This base has a total of 6 floors, and the top floor says Reception Hall. But now it's the end of the world, you TMD to make such a big reception hall, who to receive! In

the middle of this reception hall, there is a super large elevator, and the side is scribbled on:


This elevator room is equivalent to the size of two rooms, just like five floors underground, such a large elevator, the configuration is really quite good.

On the basement floor, there are all kinds of miscellaneous offices, and there are some words in them, which I don't recognize. There was also an office, traced with a red pen and a dollar sign. I guess that's where the wages are paid, and that's the financial room we're going to visit on this trip!

The next three basement floors and four basement floors, all of which are all kinds of laboratories, and this map only marks the rooms and sizes of the labs, and the specific laboratories are not carefully written here.

It seems that these UBM places are engaged in scientific research, and these security rooms cannot be easily entered, so there is no need to write the name of the laboratory inside on this, but it is just a general A1, A2 such a mark.

The lowest floor is the equipment room, which has a large room labeled Central Computer Room. There was another large room next to it, marked with a lightning bolt sign that said Electricity Generation Room. There are also some small rooms, such as hot water room, boiler room, kitchen, water purification room, etc.

While I was carefully studying the indoor map and planning the action, the fat man was not idle, but I saw that he slipped out of the car while I was not paying attention, and was now sneakily tinkering with the door lock at the door of the shampoo room.

"Fatty, what are you doing?"

"Go in and get some shampoo, wash your hair."

"Move smaller!" "

I don't see any grocery stores and supermarkets near here, and in the grocery store and supermarket, there are still people who are stationed by the UBM special combat team, so it's still a bit dangerous to enter.

But in the shampoo room in this kind of alley, then no one usually comes here. Looking for supplies in this area, although compared to the supermarket, it is much scarce. But fortunately, it's safe, no one comes to disturb us, I see that it's still early, so I told the fat man to be quiet, anyway, it's idle to be idle, it's better to let him go in and get some goods.

"Fatty, look for any cups or blankets underneath, and I'll take them back later. "


With a


he picked the lock of the door of the shampoo room. Immediately after

the sound of "squeak~",

the fat man pushed open the door of this shampoo room and got in.

At this time, I also took advantage of this rare leisure opportunity to put down the seat and lie flat in the car.

After thinking about it carefully, our next plan of action:

my plan of operation this time is different from the way the base is invaded in other movies.

When the most cinematic power invades this kind of advanced research base, it is all through the ventilation duct wiring and sewer wiring of the entire building in advance, and then entering through the ventilation duct and sewer.

At this time, there may be a computer master, who generates our three-dimensional location map in real time through the GPS positioning on our body outside, and then gives us a command in a safe car outside.

This time we are completely different from the routine in the movie. Climbing in through the ventilation duct, I was afraid that the fat man would be stuck. Second, it is not feasible to enter this from the sewer, here I estimate that the sewer of this UBM base has been specially treated, because there are a lot of biochemical viruses to be treated, so there may not be a sewer, and there is no bone water in it.

Our operation, I don't call it an invasion of the biochemical base, but a new employee to report, let's walk in

from the main gate in a bright way, OK? First, we drove directly from the main gate through the first gate with the security handle of the special combat team. Just make up a reason, and say that the superior Tom has an order to come immediately. Anyway, just pull it casually, after all, the one who handles this gate is a small soldier, and he knows a yarn.

If he was more serious, he would have taken out a gun and put it on her head, saying, "If you compare it again, Lao Tzu will shoot you with one shot!"

Anyway, at this time, you must speak in a tough tone, and you must not let him think that you are afraid of him, and this kind of thing is absolutely unacceptable. Bullying the weak and fearing the hard, this kind of thing is the same no matter what country it is.

Second, after passing the outside checkpoint, we came to this park, at this time we can park the car at the gate in an inconspicuous position, one is to let others know, we will drive someone else's car will come, and the other is also convenient for us to run away.

3. In this glove box, I also found 3 or 4 UBM badges, I think it should be these security guards. So when we entered the building, we used these badges to swipe open all kinds of doors inside.

Fourth, it is important to make a fortune, but without everyone, where can we have a small family, our main goal this time is the scientific research results of this scientific research center. How to destroy these scientific research results is the right thing!

Modern scientific research and pharmaceutical is different from the usual, and now a lot of data and formula operation processes have been digitized. And all the data of this scientific research base, I estimate that it is completely stored in the central computer room on the lowest floor, and we will go down later, we will first find a way to destroy this computer room, then the scientific research achievements of UBM Qingshan Center will have to lose at least half of the country, and even if it can be restored, it will take a very long time. Knocking out her central computer room is equivalent to knocking out the infrastructure of the Qingshan base.

After destroying the computer room, we climbed from the fifth basement floor to the basement one, and then went to the financial room, and just withdrew the money. Moreover, once the central computer room is hung up, this side will definitely be disrupted, and the fat man and I can hang out in this place in the name of stable order, and others will not suspect it!

Fifth, after the destruction of the computer room and the money are in hand, we can immediately drive home. When the time comes, remember to go around the outside of the green mountain, and then come back by another way.

From the time we destroyed the machine room, to the time we got the money and ran away, I did the math, and to be on the safe side, we only had 15 minutes in total. Because after the upper floor here discovers that there is a problem in the base, if they immediately notify the special combat team that is still looking for me outside, it is estimated that they can return to the base in 15 minutes.

If we were here and created a natural disaster, and the upper echelons didn't call the special forces outside, it would naturally be the best situation.

But we didn't know if he had called!

So we were ready to do it in 15 minutes and run away.


The author has something to say:

everything goes well?no~no~no~ hehe

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