I think there is a high probability that we will not be able to complete the task within the specified time, but this is not a completely impossible thing, after all, we are now in the dark, they are in the light, and everything still has a lot of maneuver.

Thinking of this, I wanted to drive, and I was relieved, and

drove the car "Huhuhu~"

towards the umbrella Qingshan base.

After passing through the provincial road and driving south for about 500 meters, a turn to the east is brought into view, and a circular building with a blue-green glass curtain wall and a height of more than 6 meters comes into view.

"I'm good, it's full of luxury!" said

the fat man, looking at the building.

"Well, I thought it was a makeshift building, but I didn't expect this base to really look good. I haven't heard of it before, UBM umbrella has such a base in Qingshan, which is also full of hidden depth!" "I

have hacked the background management system of UBM umbrella before, which is connected to three small raccoon city super biochemical research bases, and there is also a super artificial intelligence Red Queen system inside.

I've been in this system for a long time, but so far, I haven't seen any information about the Aoyama base in this system.

It shows that this Qingshan base is an independent base, and from the appearance and scale of this building, this base is not improvised, but from a long time ago, the UBM umbrella secretly planned this base, and also laid out this bureau here.

"Hehe, the boss of the umbrella, really thinks about the long term. "

What do you say?"

asked the fat man.

"Look at the terrain around this building, and are there any other companies around this building, buildings or anything?"

"No, this is a mountain col.

"That's right, if I'm not mistaken, the boss of the umbrella has already expected that the Resident Evil will break out sooner or later with the in-depth research of the T virus, and once the Resident Evil breaks out, then it is very likely that a disinfection plan will be adopted, and after the disinfection plan, the entire Little Raccoon City will disappear! And here in the green hills, surrounded by mountains, such a five-storey underground and one-storey building was built to protect the research results of the UBM umbrella, and in the apocalypse, you can continue to engage in research in secret, and there will be no other obstacles! Moreover, I deeply suspect that this is the real headquarters of the UBM umbrella company Little Raccoon City.

"Continue secret research

?" "Damn! If I'm not mistaken, the orderly outbreak of Resident Evil may be part of the UBM Umbrella Company's chain plan, and their ultimate goal is most likely to be in this base!"

"Why are they doing this?"

"Perhaps, after the outbreak of Resident Evil, there will be no regulation here. In the past, in Little Raccoon City, they could only do things secretly underneath, but now they are no longer restrained, and the country's attention is now on building a line of defense, knowing that biochemical mutant creatures have no energy to care about them. They are now completely out of the law.

"Damn! These people have really done all the bad things, does this umbrella boss still want to be Qin Shi Huang?"

"The manufacture of biochemical virus weapons is already beyond the scope of the umbrella company to seek monetary benefits, and there must be a big fish behind this umbrella company." I'll just talk about how this small biochemical company could get these American Army standard equipment. "

And who are we?"

But the strong dragon doesn't suppress the head snake, we can't get them head-on, but a stab in the back, that's still no problem. If you can fight it, you will fight, but if you can't beat it, you will run away!"

"Haha, I like this, the essence of guerrilla warfare is the so-called, the enemy advances and I retreat, the enemy is stationed and disturbs me, the enemy is tired and I fight, and the enemy retreats and I pursue." Haha~"

The fat man and I, hee-hee-ha-ha, there was talk and laughter and drove to the door of this building, only to see that the telescopic door is now closed, and on the rockery on the side of the gate, it is written:

"Future Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd

." 10 gilt characters. In front of the retractable door, there was a bunch of barricades, and our car stopped at the gate, at this time, from the communication room, a ruffian Vietnamese monkey picked his feet, and asked us:

"Quack, Quack~" (Since this Vietnamese monkey speaks monkey language, our Taoist chief didn't understand what he was talking about.

I wanted to have a good time with this monkey Lala, and I didn't want to let us go in, but now this kid is talking monkey language to us!

The Vietnamese monkey, who didn't seem to speak English very well, but his English listening was not bad, and I immediately heard it, and I called him Monkey, and immediately jumped up and down in front of my car, and scolded me in Vietnamese monkey language. (I don't know exactly what he's talking about, so I'll assume he's scolding me for now.)

Just as I was about to take out the AK and scare

the monkey, the fat man opened the car door with a "click~",

got out of the car, and walked towards the monkey.

Since the fat man didn't have any weapons in his hand now, the monkey thought that he was theorizing with him, so he didn't pay much attention to the fat man, but when the fat man walked almost a meter away from him, he raised his rifle alertly and shouted:


and the fat man now took out my seized cigar from his pocket with a smile, took one out, handed it to the monkey, and said,

"Here! "

This monkey probably has only seen American soldiers smoking this kind of high-end Cuban cigar in normal times, and they can't afford to buy these themselves, so when they saw the fat man take out a Cuban cigar, he immediately put down his gun, took the cigarette, and some villains made a gesture of igniting a fire.

"The official is not big, the shelf is not small!" always

said that now you can draw a gun in a second, and then take the monkey's life in a second, but this is too high-profile, and if you do this at the door of this company, it will not be discovered in seconds. So I still endured it, hoping that this monkey would eat soft and not hard, and when the time came, after smoking the cigar, let us in.

When the fat man saw this monkey and lit a cigarette, he was also depressed for a while, but he still pretended to be a traitor and lackey, took out a lighter from his pocket, and lit the fire.

And this monkey is also not polite, just holding a cigar in his mouth and putting his head up.

And at this time, the fat man suddenly became ruthless, and when the monkey squinted his eyes and lit the fire, he raised his right hand high and slapped it towards the monkey's head.


This monkey was instantly fanned to the left by the fat man's palm, turning in the air for 3 and a half weeks, the difficulty coefficient was 3.5, and it flew out almost 2 meters away to the left.

The fat man saw that the monkey had been fanned and flew out, but he still couldn't be careless, and immediately rushed forward, kicked the monkey's rifle aside, and then searched the monkey for a pistol, a few magazines, and some dollars. Of course, all of this was confiscated by him.

The fat man's wonderful performance below, I watched it lightly in the car.

Now this monkey doesn't know if he was stunned by the fat man, or if he was directly fanned to death, I don't know.

After seeing that the fat man had seized the monkey's weapon below, he took off the monkey's leash, and then tied the monkey's hands and feet together, and then took off the monkey's clothes, and stuffed them into the monkey's mouth, and then took the monkey and threw it into the grass behind the communication room.

At this time, I also immediately got out of the car, removed the obstacles in front of the door, and opened the door remotely from the communication room. Drive our car in.

Then we won't close the door. If you close it, you will be suspicious if someone else comes back and no one will open the door. Second, the door is open, which is also conducive to our running away later.

Since it is the end of the world, ordinary people will not enter and exit the gate, after all, there is no one to protect outside this gate. So what we did at the gate just now, no one found out.

When I drove the car in, I took the remote control which controlled the door switch in the communication room. The fat man saw the remote control and asked

, "Dao Chief, why do you want this?"

"Take your fate into your own hands!"

I replied softly.


The author has something to say:

So, learn a foreign language well! Thank you for your support!

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