When I arrived at this hall on the first floor, except for the professional beauty who was no longer capable and beautiful, holding a folder, wearing professional clothes, short skirts and white shirts, everything else was as usual, and the fat man and I were now familiar with the road, pushing this bed of gold, and walked out towards the gate.

Just as the two of us were about to get to the main entrance, we suddenly saw a noisy conversation coming from outside.

I hurried a brake and pressed down on our golden bed. said:

"Fat man, there are people here!" The

fat man also stopped alertly at this time, took out the AK rifle from behind, and was about to touch the grenade on the belt with his other hand.

"I'll go check it out first!"

I said and took a few steps outside. Stopped behind a pillar, then crouched down and poked a head out.

I saw that there was also a group of people outside the main entrance, some of whom were wearing white coats and looked like researchers, and some cute working girls in professional attire, who seemed to be administrators or secretaries. There are also those who are dressed in blue overalls and look like engineers or something.

And now outside, there is also a neat row of UBM special operations team members, about 30 people, and in front of them stands a veteran who is almost in his 40s. I'm talking at the front, but I can't hear exactly what I'm talking about because it's a bit far away.

But this veteran old watch should still be my old acquaintance, and his girlfriend should also be my old acquaintance. It's really a narrow road, and we have a meeting here today. But this time, it's the same as in the other side of the village, it's all me in the dark, and he was beaten by me in the light!(This seems to be a bit early~)

There are people outside the fire staircase, which is also within my expectations, but on the other side, that is, at the gate where we entered, there are so many people, and the UBM special combat team seems to be back now, which is very unexpected for me.

It's a little numb, I guess this kid is arranging a search mission, and he's about to get close later. You have to find a way to get out of here.

Now the only advantage I have with the fat man is that although I beat his girlfriend and played them once, these people have not seen my true face until now, but they have only seen me in a stormtrooper suit and fully armed, so if I take a picture later, they may not be able to recognize me.

But we just swaggered out and went out, and it was absolutely impossible because we were fully armed now! The AK rifle in our hands alone was enough to attract the attention of these people.

I glanced at the gold we had worked so hard to get here, and if we didn't want it, it would be easier to go out with a backpack.

However, it is impossible to give up this gold, and there is no reason not to want the gold you can get. It's impossible for me to work with the fat man, and I can't do business, so I can only make a fortune by taking some of these ill-gotten gains.

It seems that the only way to carry out this parody show is to carry it out to the end.

I stepped back, walked to the fat man's side, and said

to the fat man: "Go to that monitoring room to get two white coats, put them on for us, and then the fat man, you lie down on this hospital bed, be a seriously wounded person, cover it with a sheet, and I will push you out." "

The monitoring room is not far from here, but before we got to the monitoring room, we had already picked up two white coats in the corridor, and the fat man and I wore them separately.

Then the fat man put down his backpack and put it on the shelf under the bed, and then he lay down directly on the bed, to be specific, lying on top of the box of gold.

And now I also put the backpack and the fat man together and put it on the stand below.

And when I was almost ready, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and it seemed that these people had already entered.

"Fatty, I'll

see you later!" "Understand!" At

this time, when you see these people coming from the opposite side, the first thing is that you must not be cowardly!

You say, when you get off work every day and see the security guards in the community, do you need to be intimidated? In the final analysis, these special combat personnel invited by the UBM umbrella are still security guards, but they are just high-level security guards.

I took a deep breath, put my AK rifle on the side of the pass, covered it with a sheet, and pushed the fat man outside.

At this time, the security guards of the UBM who had just walked in from outside also stopped the movement inside, and when they saw me, they shouted,


“I'm Jack, a doctor. There's a seriously injured man here. He's going to be sent out for treatment。 (Lao Tzu is the doctor Jack, there is a seriously injured person here, and he needs to be sent out for treatment)

"OK, Come out!" (Okay, come out!)

Hehe, Nima, this is too easy to deceive, right? I couldn't help but feel a burst of joy, and the corners of my mouth were slightly upturned.

The reasons and excuses that I prepared just now were all prepared in vain.

Anyway, when I heard the call for me to go out, I pushed the fat man out quickly

, and after rubbing shoulders with these special combat members, I hummed softly:

"The fish enters the sea, and the dragon rises to heaven." Goodbye, you!"

When I was about to go back to open a bottle of champagne to celebrate, I didn't expect a UBM Qingshan special combat team security captain to suddenly appear in front, this kid has a lot of pomp and circumstance, and the shelves are very large.

And I believe I heard the conversation with these special operators, this veteran in the green hat, so when we met him, this person just looked at us and didn't do anything else.

"More is better than less. "

Seeing this big guy, I'd better run away.

I picked up the pace of the cart and pushed it out the door.

And just when I passed by this big guy, thinking that I had achieved fame, hidden from the world, and the gold and dollars were successfully in my hands, suddenly

, there was a very crisp "bang~" sound from under my car, and the heavy metal (gold) hit the ground

with a "bang~",

damn it!

Just now, because the gold I put on this car is in bulk, and it is not like other gold is box by box, and it is not very stable. In addition, I was in a hurry just now, so I accelerated sharply and dropped this gold upside down.

At the same time as this voice sounded, the cuckold veteran who had just passed us and the other minions inside all looked at us.

"Fatty, fuck it!"

I didn't care about it at this time, I just shouted, and then pulled out the AK rifle I had placed in it from the hospital bed, pulled the bolt and headed it forward.

And this fat man also immediately got up from the hospital bed, picked up the AK rifle and fired in front

of him, "Da ~ Da ~ Da

The special operators of the UBM in front of us were knocked to the ground by us before they had time to open the safety of their guns, while some others immediately fell to the front.

After a shuttle of bullets, I hurriedly unhooked a flashbang from my belt, opened the safety with one hand, pressed the detonation button, and threw it forward.

And shouted loudly:

"Fat man close his eyes!" The

flashbang, from the time the detonation button was pressed, to the explosion, it was only 5 seconds. Here is also bullying these foreign mercenaries who don't know Chinese, so it's okay for me to shout directly, but I can understand what they say. As

soon as the people over there saw that the first shuttle bullet had been fired, they each took out their guns, pulled the bolt and prepared to us, but just as their eyes widened and they were about to look for us, the flashbang exploded.


I have closed my eyes now, but the huge light from the explosion of the flashbang still irritates my eyes.

And now, on the opposite side of us, these 30 or so special combat personnel have either been hit by us in the first round of strafing, and they are calling out from there. And some of the other fighters who were ready to fight back were blinded by our flashbangs, and they were crying over there and calling for their mothers.

I think their eyes are scrapped.

"Da Da Da ~"

Just when I was about to withdraw the troops from Mingjin, I didn't expect that these special combat soldiers were now zombies and were blind, and they were crazy with a rifle and shooting around.

Of course, these strafing shots didn't hit me, but they themselves did hurt a lot. I whispered, "Fatty, let's go."


" I saw that the fat man just threw a grenade-like thing into it

, so he asked: "What did you throw

just now?" "Coax~"

When I squatted under the bed and asked the fat man, the grenade thrown by the fat man just now exploded, and the killing diameter of this defensive grenade is as high as 30 meters, plus the hall here on the first floor is very empty, and there is no obstruction, so the power is even greater.

The fat man went down with a grenade, if it weren't for this bed to block the shrapnel for us, it is estimated that I would also be affected by the pond fish.

However, the fat man's grenade is not without any benefits, first, this grenade goes down, but it liberates a group of blind mercenaries inside. Second, now the room was quiet in an instant, and there were no all kinds of sounds just now.

"Stop! I konw where you are!" Just

when the fat man and I thought everything was done and it was time to call it a day, suddenly a rough voice came from behind us, needless to say, it must have been the cuckold captain.

“Yo ho, you're not dead yet?If you ask me to stop, I'll stop. I'm not very shameless?"

I was talking to the veteran at the back of the bed, stalling for time, and gesturing to the fat man, telling him to go around to the back and kill the squad leader.

I don't believe it, the flashbang just now didn't blow you up, and now he can vaguely remember our location at most, or listen to the sound to identify the position. So I caught his attention here, told the fat man to go around his back, and taught him a good lesson.

As soon as the fat man saw my gesture, he immediately understood, and slowly moved outside.

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