(Preview: The Taoist and the fat man have successfully returned to the base in this chapter, and this is the official end of the Mingjin Closing Series chapter, which series will be next?

As the saying goes, it's easy to go up the mountain, but it's hard to go down. The fat man and I are now a little tired when we carry these two bags full of dollars on our backs.

But when I thought about it, when I was carrying all the money, the whole person was full of energy.

So, the two of us, in the dark jungle night of Qingshan Beishan, one after the other, blocked the flashlight with our fingers, and used the light emitted from the fingers to rush towards the mountain.

The green mountains in the early summer night are exceptionally quiet, walking and walking, we are idle and idle, the fat man may feel bored, and then he turned around and asked:

"Dao Chief, after we make a fortune, which city do you say we will go to buy a house in the future?"

"This, the first-tier cities are all restricted, and we can only choose in the second-tier cities."

Housing is not speculation, we buy a house and take it not for speculation, but to provide rental housing to meet the rental market.

Therefore, we must choose a city with a certain industrial foundation, and it is best not to have too high housing prices, so that we can buy a building directly.

In this way, rental management will be more convenient in the future. "

There is an industrial foundation? Which one is that?"

"I look at Hanwu City, the thoroughfare of the nine provinces, is good." "

Haha, yes, yes.

"With this building for rent, our children and grandchildren don't have to worry about food and drink." "

Holy, that sounds great.

"No, we have to manage scientifically, otherwise there will be a loser, and the building will be sold at that time, and our children and grandchildren plan will fail!

It seems that we will have to go to a family trust fund." The property is handed over to the trust fund to take care of, and then the income rights go to our children and grandchildren. That way, you don't have to worry about things going wrong. "



Along the way, discuss with the fat man how to spend the money at that time, and time flies. Also, I don't feel tired anymore.

I have heard that there are many young couples, young couples, who are discussing that if they get rich one day, how to spend the money, there will be disagreements, and even worse, they will quarrel and divorce.

And between me and the fat man, this kind of thing, basically does not happen, the fat man is interested in money, but for spending money, he seems very bold and does not think about planning and research, it is really quite contradictory.

And for taking care of money, the fat man is the least good at it, so in this regard, he still listens to me very much.

And my use of this money at that time is very simple, that is, to buy a house, rent it, and then collect rent.

I just want to be a rent collector quietly.

As for the rent collected, my idea is that if I can't spend it all, it's like a way to spend it. Hehe.

The two of us talked and laughed, and came to the entrance of the sweet potato hole, at this time, a small head poked out of the sweet potato hole, and after seeing me and the fat man coming back, he said:

"Dao Chief, you are back!

Come in!" "Uh-huh~"

After speaking, I bent down and prepared to climb in, but I didn't expect that this mountaineering bag was stuffed with dollar bills, and I couldn't enter this hole at all!"

Dao Chief, what do you have in here?" "

Hmm~~ Today I took a job with the fat man and dismantled UBM's Qingshan Research Center, and inside this backpack is the demolition fee paid by UBM. (You can't tell Zheng Qian's little sister that the money is what we got from the UBM small treasury.)

"Demolition money?"

At this time, Zheng Yan said with a smile:

"What kind of demolition money, less clever name over there." This must be the Taoist who came uninvited, and then took advantage of it. "

At this time, I was already outside, I opened the backpack, and the dollar bills inside, both new and old, I looked at it, and it was not a serial number. There are about 1,000 100 denominations in a stack, which is 100,000 dollars. The thickness is about 12 centimeters.

I opened my backpack, took out one of the stacks

, threw it into the hole, and said, "Two beautiful anchors, take it, I'll release rockets for you!"

After saying that, I threw it into it one by one.

Zheng Qian had never seen US dollars, so she was not very surprised by the banknotes that came in to us.

And Zheng Yan had seen dollars, and he squinted his eyes and laughed when he saw that we had made so many dollars.

When I saw such a heartwarming scene, I was even more energetic, and hurriedly said:

"It's hard to buy a beautiful woman for a smile, and put 10 more rockets!"

I saw that the money was almost lost, so I put the remaining dollar bills in my bag, and in one breath, I got into the hole.

After I went in, Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian had already put all the dollar bills I had thrown in neatly into the hole, and I dug out the wall cabinet.

After seeing me come in, Zheng Yan smiled and asked

, "What about your ten rockets?" "

Don't panic, don't panic, the excitement will come soon, you guys be prepared, don't get excited!"

After speaking, I took out a gold nugget from my backpack, not big or small, with 1000G written on it AU9999, that is, such a small piece of gold, weighing 1 kilogram, according to 1 gram of 300 yuan, such a small piece of gold bar, worth 300,000 yuan!

When I took it out, the two little girls were stunned and speechless for a long time.

What do beautiful women love the most? Gold, of course.

In fact, the stack of 10 centimeters of US bills just now is worth more than 60 tens of thousands of yuan, which is much more valuable than this gold bar, but after the girls saw it, they didn't feel anything. But when I took out this gold bar, it had that effect

!" "Here, touch it, put ten rockets on you!" I

smiled and handed the gold bar to Zheng Yan.

This gold bar looks like a small one, and it is not very thick, but when you hold it in your hand, it weighs 1 kilogram, which is really not light.

When Zheng Yan took it, her hands sank, but she immediately reflected it and played with it in her hands.

At this time, Zheng Qian's eyes followed me, and she seemed to say:

"Guest, where is my rocket? People want it too!"

Haha, the rain and dew are evenly wet, the rain and dew are evenly wet, everyone has a share!

I also no longer play big names, I directly poured out the backpack, I took almost 10 such gold bricks here, and at once this cave was reflected magnificently.

"Dao Chief, are we getting rich?" Zheng

Qian asked softly with the gold bar.


The author has something to say:

Ladies and gentlemen, is there a sand grain to put a rocket?

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