Judging from the current cooking effect, my stove is still very successful.

Now only the aroma of the steak emanates from the pot above the stove, but the smoke from the stove and the smell of the fried steak do not waft in, but go up the specially dug flue and lead to the outside.

And the flickering red light emitted by the beating fire in the stove also gave another glimmer of light and warmth to the whole sweet potato hole.

I thought that if it was winter, this would be a good choice to live in the sweet potato cave.

As long as the fire in this stove is not extinguished, then the entire sweet potato hole is estimated to be steaming. And since I have a ventilated design underneath, I don't have to worry about not having enough oxygen and running out of oxygen.

Zheng Qian used a knife to divide the beef into 4 parts, this steak is still quite large, and after dividing it into four pieces, it is actually not much different from the size of the steak sold in high-end hotels.

Since we don't have knives and forks now, we can't eat so delicately, and after taking the steak handed over by Zheng Qian, the fat man and I picked up the steak with chopsticks and put it in our mouths and nibbled it.

Often high-end ingredients, just use simple cooking methods.

Zheng Qian's steak fried in the charcoal fire, except for salt, did not put any seasoning, but when it tasted, it was extremely rich in taste buds.

Chewing on this small steak, I was reluctant to eat it in one bite. But with such a large piece, it seems that you can't eat it all in one bite. I took a small bite, chewed twice, then took another sip of beer and ate it with peanuts.

After a tiring day, enjoying such a meal, especially when you think that you are still in such an environment as not having a meal in the last days, is simply refreshing.


At this time, the second steak was cooked.

"Beep beep ~ "

The butter inside the steak was fried by the high-temperature charcoal fire, making a beep sound.

The sky outside, this is also very interesting, at this time, there are one or two thunders,

"boom ~ boom ~ boom ~ boom ~ "

The wind continued to sweep the torrential rain and poured on the land of Qingshan. With

the sound of "Hoohoo~Whoa~Huhu~Whoa~",

we hid in the hole, enjoying the steak that Zheng Qian had just made, with the white light of the flashlight hanging overhead, and the flickering dark red light reflected in the stove.

"Zheng Qian, you can eat it too, the steak will be cold later~"

I see that Zheng Qian is patronizing us to make a small steak now, and her own steak is in the bowl on the side, so I didn't eat it, so I said so.

"Uh-huh, I'll taste something too.

After speaking, Zheng Qian took out a pair of chopsticks, picked them up with the bowl, and took a small bite. Then he immediately went to the stove and turned over the crackling steak in the pot.

At this time, the fat man had already finished his share early, and was drinking beer with peanuts.

While eating, the fat man looked outside, suddenly raised his head and froze, and said

, "Damn, it's broken, Dao Chief, now that it's raining so heavily outside, our gold won't be washed away, right?"

And there are four big oil drums in the back. Have you ever seen a stone under the water washed away by water?"

"Oh, that's good~

" "However, the night is long, and we have a lot of dreams, so we'll move here when we get up tomorrow."

"Mmmm, okay~"

Today the fat man and I are both busy as dogs, and we can be regarded as escaping death, and now after sitting down, I am sore and don't want to move at all.

If usually, when I was working as a programmer on a wedding platform in Little Raccoon City, it was raining heavily at night, and you told me that in a small ditch on the mountain 3 kilometers away, there were hundreds of kilograms of gold placed over there.

That's gold! A small piece of value is worth my salary for several years of work! I also have three woolen shifts, and I have a woolen card.

But now it's different, maybe I'm too tired, maybe it's that we have such a big bag of dollars now, and it's already worth a lot of money.

If it weren't for the temptation of steak delicacies, I'm afraid the two of us would have fallen to bed early.

"Zheng Yan, are you feeling better?"

"Well, it's much better, now I have a fever and a fever, and I guess I'm getting better."

"Well, pay attention to keeping warm, it's still a little cold in the morning and evening

~" "Okay~"

Now that we have a few coats brought by the fat man as cushions, pads on the ground, when we sleep, we don't have to have direct intimate contact with the earth.

When we camp in the wild, the most important thing we need to pay attention to is the thermal insulation of the ground, because after we lie down, more than 80% of the heat is lost through the ground.

Therefore, when we set up a tent, whether the quilt is thick or not is secondary, and the heat insulation pad and moisture-proof mat below are essential. It is best to use the kind of thermal insulation mat with aluminum foil, which can not only be used to insulate the heat, but also reflect the infrared rays emitted by the body, reducing the loss of body heat.

But this kind of thing is not easy to find now, and you have to go to the shop that sells field equipment to find it.

It seems that we used to find things and just find a random grocery store and go in to find them, but in fact, in the apocalypse, some of the best equipment is all available in that kind of specialized field supply store, and both the quality and the completeness of the equipment are much better and more complete than those in any grocery store.

It seems that next time I will have to focus on finding this kind of store.

This kind of shop is still relatively niche, and it is generally not available in places of this level in towns and villages, at least in places like county seats.

And Qingshan, a developed town, can actually no longer be called a town, so a place like Qingshan also has this kind of outdoor goods store.

However, in the area of Aoyama to collect materials, although we have now dealt a heavy blow to the UBM Aoyama Research Center, the power of UBM still exists and is not dead.

Therefore, it is still a very dangerous thing to rush to Qingshan City to look for substances.

Danger is danger, but that doesn't mean we don't dare to go.

To tell the truth, now the fat man and I really don't want to be so afraid of the UBM's special operations forces as before, and we still have a small upper hand in a few confrontations.

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