I blew on the steak that was still bubbling outside, and at the same time talked about the next plan to Zheng Yan and the fat man Zheng Qian.

However, the plan only determines the direction of the future, and as for the specific actions of each step in the future, it will have to wait until then.

This night, we ate all the 8 slices of freshly cut frozen steak that we brought with us. Zheng Qian was also tired all night for this.

When he had finished eating, the fat man fell down and fell asleep.

And I was leaning against the wall, thinking about the next plan, Zheng Qian was busy, after we finished eating the steak, she got some water, washed the pots and bowls, and then cleaned up the things in the hole, laid out the bed, and then got together with Zheng Yanmao.

"Dao Chief, you should rest early.

Zheng Yan said.

"Uh-huh, okay~ You're tired too, go to bed early

~" "Well, then I'll turn off the lights

" "Uh-huh~"

After speaking, Zheng Yan took down the strong flashlight hanging above our heads, and then pressed it out. In an instant, the whole cave went dark.

However, it was not completely dark, because on the right side of the cave entrance, Zheng Qian's fried steak had just been burned with firewood, and it had not yet been burned, and a dark red light continued to flicker from inside.

"Dao Chief, do you want me to extinguish

the stove fire?" Zheng Qian also noticed at this time, there was still a beating fire in the cave, and the stove fire was still burning, so she asked.

"Oh, no, this little light doesn't get in the way, but it feels very comfortable.

I replied. I see that Zheng Qian has been squatting on the edge of the stove for a while tonight, frying 8 steaks, but it is not a matter of a while, and I also want her to get up again to extinguish the fire or something. Besides, this stove is shining, and I think it's pretty good.

It's true that I'm not used to sleeping in complete darkness. With such a bonfire reflected, I slept more soundly.

Because the fire in this stove has a relatively low color temperature of the light, it is not dazzling at all, but very comfortable to look at.

I also slowly closed my eyes under the light of such fire.

I took my backpack, stuffed a few plates of dollars, wrapped it in a ball, put it on the floor as a pillow, and fell asleep.

Ben also wanted to take the opportunity to study the next action, but he didn't expect that after just one trip, he couldn't move at all, and immediately went to play chess with Zhou Gong.


When I woke up the next day, I looked at my watch, and it was now half past seven in the morning, and it was already three o'clock in the morning. I turned around and turned my head sideways.

found that the fat man was already gone at this time, and Zheng Yan was leaning against the wall with this flashlight and holding a notebook, writing his doomsday notes over there, which seemed to be called "Doomsday Survival" or something.

Zheng Qian was squatting on the edge of the stove, where the pot above the stove was boiling and bubbling outward, as if it was burning breakfast.

I said to Zheng Qian: "Zheng Qian, where did the fat man go?"

Zheng Qian turned around, and when he saw that I was awake

, he said:

"Oh, the fat brother said that he went there first to transport some gold, for fear that he would be picked up by others if he went late."

"Damn! This kid is really unprofitable

and can't afford to be early!" "This fat man, I don't feel right when I get up in the morning and don't see this person, Nima, how can there be a time when a fat man gets up earlier than me!

Money can make ghosts grind, this money, especially the temptation of gold, can really make a big lazy worm like a fat man get up early, hehe."

"Did he go out with any gear?" I


"I didn't pay attention to this, it looked like I was carrying a backpack. "

Damn! This kid doesn't pay attention when he goes out!"

I was afraid that something would happen to the fat man, so I hurriedly turned over and got up.

Since I slept after eating the steak last night, I didn't take off my clothes or anything, so now it's very trouble-free, and I can just get up and set off.

I checked the equipment in one of the caves and found that a hiking bag was missing, and an AK47 rifle was missing.

It seems that the fat man still brought some weapons with him, and he has not been carried away by the money.

I muttered to myself.

In order to prevent this kid from causing any trouble for me outside, so that we are too passive, so I am still prepared and immediately go to find the fat man.

From the sweet potato hole to the ditch where we buried the gold, the distance in a straight line is less than 3 kilometers, and it is estimated that it will take half an hour to walk through it during the day.

I packed my bags and got ready to go.

"Dao Chief, do you want to finish the porridge before leaving?" Zheng

Qian asked me when she saw that I was packing up my equipment.

"Mmmm, is it done?"

"Okay!" "Bring me a bowl!" "


a 3-kilometer journey from here, and it's not far, it's not close, and I have to move things here."

After sleeping for one night, I was already hungry when I woke up in the morning, and it was indeed a little uncomfortable to rush like this. At this time, there is porridge to drink, so why not drink it, haha.

Today, Zheng Qian made us wild vegetable and seafood porridge.

I see that there are dried shrimps, shredded squid, kelp and a little wild vegetables and water well vegetables.

After I took the bowl full of porridge, I poured some peanuts into the bowl from the bag of peanuts on the side, and took a pair of chopsticks and ate it inside.

"Mmmm, yes, yes, it tastes great, it's delicious in the world!Zheng Yan, can you have a bowl too?"

I saw that Zheng Yan was still busy recording something, so I hurriedly asked Zheng Yan to come and taste it too.

"Well, you can eat first, I have to write something. "

Okay~ Zheng Qian, where did you get

the kelp?" "Oh, this, we took some dried kelp from the supermarket last time, soaked in water, and then used it to cook porridge and eat it." "

Mmmm, yes, yes, it tastes great. You haven't eaten it yet, you can eat it too, come, I'll pour you some more peanuts. "

To be honest, peanuts are a really versatile goodie, you can use them as snacks, you can use them as snacks, you can also use them as porridge to drink, not to mention how delicious they are.

After drinking this slow bowl of porridge, I was already sweating profusely, wondering if I should have another bowl.

But looking back, in case Xiaopang is surrounded by enemies now, I am still here to have another bowl, I'm afraid it won't be so authentic.

So I decided to put a bowl in it and let it dry here, and then I'm going straight to get some gold and drink it!

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