6000 rpm, the first gear cut to the second gear, then 6000 rpm and then shifted, all the way to the maximum horsepower, at the maximum speed allowed by safety, galloping, through the urban area of Qingshan.


The engine roared in Qingshan City, and I estimate that a radius of 5 kilometers will be heard, and the huge engine roar of our car will be heard. Anyway, the target has already been exposed, and whoever runs fast will win!

This should be the most arrogant driving since the end of the world.

I almost stepped on the accelerator into the fuel tank, and the engine also made a very loud noise to the outside

, "Boom Boom ~ Boom Boom ~ Boom Boom ~"

Anyway, it's already on the face, and I won't sneak around, Lao Tzu just went out of the city in such a fair way!

The distance from the east to the west of the city is about 3 kilometers, so it takes me less than 2 minutes to pass through the middle of the city at a speed of more than 100 kilometers.

Fast and furious all the way, turning the last bend in the suburbs of Qingshan, we drove out of the urban area of Qingshan.

In front of us, on the left side of the road is a very wide river, and on the other side of the road, there is a high mountain. This is also the northern mountain of Aoyama, but it is close to the west side.

After leaving the city, we drove into the green mountains and green waters, the road in the north, two-way four lanes, looks much wider than the road to Xiaoya Village.

The winding mountain road from Xiaoya Village to Lin'an is more like a rural road, and this one, if I don't miscalculate, you should be pulling it to be 18 provincial highways.

From here to Lin'an City, the straight-line distance is only 30 kilometers. It is estimated that it will not be long before we can drive to Lin'an.

After passing through the deserted streets of the densely populated urban area, everyone felt a sense of relaxation and joy walking among the green hills and green waters.

On the other side of the green mountain, there are ruins of the city everywhere, and on this side, on both sides of the provincial road, there is the vitality of nature in early summer. And now I'm driving a car, and I'm slowing down.

"Dao Chief, do you think they will catch up. Zheng

Yan, who was sitting in the back and holding Zheng Qian, looked at the river outside the window and asked me.

"The fish enters the sea, and the dragon rises to heaven. Now that we're out of Castle Peak Town, it's going to be very difficult to catch up! Unless they use helicopters. "

Now the speed of the car has slowed down, so the engine is much quieter.

And just as I finished saying the word helicopter, I suddenly heard the sound of a helicopter propeller in the distance.

"Damn, it's not really coming!" I

glanced behind me in the rearview mirror, and found that there was no helicopter behind me, in the visible range.

"Zheng Yan, Zheng Qian, fat man, we have to hide!" Now

in front of us, there is a village, and there is a dirt road at the entrance of the village, which connects the provincial road.

After saying that, I turned the car in the direction and drove into the village on the side.

"Is there a helicopter in the back?" the

fat man asked, and immediately bent down to find the RPG launcher.

"Uh-huh, I heard the sound of a helicopter propeller just now, and I can't be wrong. "

Numb, I haven't settled my account last time!" I will hit him again this time!" The

fat man said angrily about the fireball that burned his face after the explosion with an RPG overhead bombardment helicopter last time.

"Don't panic, hide first! "

Fortunately, this time I have a clairvoyance and can anticipate the enemy. So it was also before our car exposed the target that the helicopter sent by the UBM behind was discovered.

As for the reason why the village chose to hide in the mirror, the helicopter is at a high altitude and has a particularly wide field of vision, and if you look down, it is particularly easy to observe and track the target of that kind of movement.

If we had continued along such an open provincial road towards the west, it would have been very easy to spot the moving target in a helicopter.

Why? Because if you look at the roads and the trees and the houses below you are still from above, and you are still galloping down there, then you are moving from above.

Then you won't be a little red from it, it's obviously looking for a fight.

Driving less than 100 meters into the village, I drove in the direction of the village along the perpendicular village road, and then drove to the inside of a house's yard.

In order to be more hidden, I tried to park the car under the eaves of this house.

"Fatty, Zheng Yan Zheng Qian, hurry up and get out

of the car and go to the house!" I'm afraid that this person on the helicopter will also have clairvoyance and ears, and will find the car we are hiding here, and a shuttle bullet will come down, and we will still be in the car, then it will be over.

So it's better to get off in time for now.

The fat man pulled out 3 rockets under the co-pilot's seat, and then climbed down with the RPG launcher and rockets in his arms.

Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian in the back seat also slowly climbed down from behind.

I had already gotten out of the car and grabbed an AK rifle. I came to the first floor of this house.

The houses in the countryside are different from those in the city. The windows on the first and second floors of the city must be installed with anti-theft nets. And the windows on the first and second floors in the countryside, if there are yards, many people do not install anti-theft windows.

I walked to the window and was going to smash the butt of my rifle down, but when I was about to smash it, I noticed that the window seemed to open a gap.

I tried to put my hand in and push it to the side. I pushed the whole window open.

"Fatty, Zheng Qian, Zheng Yan, come here, let's go in from here. With

that, I was the first to climb through the window.

Inside the end of the world, there is no electricity, so the whole house is still relatively dim, but it is almost noon, and the sun outside is already hanging high, so although the inside of the house is dim now, it can be seen clearly.

This room is very large, about 10 meters by 3 meters, and there is a three-wheeled tractor in the room, and there is a battery car next to it.

On the ground on the other side, there is a table of eight immortals, as well as some tables and chairs. This should be a living room.

After I walked around this living room, Zheng Qian, the fat man and Zheng Yan also came in from the outside.

"Dao Chief,This place

is good!" "Poisoned milk,Don't talk!" "

Numb,What I'm most afraid of is what the fat man says is good.,What is good or something.,Poison me to death in seconds!


The author has something to say:

This chapter is a plus chapter,Thanks to the headline Zile Zi fried chicken boss,Haojie o_O the big guy for his friendly sponsorship,Haha~

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