But now there is really no smell of boiled instant noodles in this room

, "Strange, why doesn't this instant noodles smell out?"

"Haha~ Dao Chief, this is boiled water, and the noodles haven't gone down yet." Eh, the water is boiling, I'll go get the noodles

~" After speaking, Zheng Qian took out a few bags of instant noodles from the backpack behind her, and asked me:

"Dao Chief, there are Laotan sauerkraut, braised beef, and scallion pork ribs, which one does Dao Chang like?"

"Braised beef is good, this classic, I love to eat it

~" "Okay, I'll put this noodle down for you to eat

~" "Uh-huh~." I'm not embarrassed to eat this first~ Or you give Zheng Yan to eat first, I'm not hungry.

"Haha~ We all had lunch, so we slept until night, this instant noodle is specially prepared for you. "

Haha, I see, it's better to be respectful than to obey your fate, then cook it for me first." "


After speaking, Zheng Qian poured a certain brand of braised beef noodles into the steel pot, I was going to ask how many packs to go down, but I didn't expect that Zheng Qian had already untied two big bags for me first.

"This kind of instant noodles can't be eaten in one pack, and you can't eat two packs. Haha~

" "Uh-huh, Dao Chief, two packs are enough?"

"Enough, haha~"

This small steel pot has a small alcohol stove underneath, and a few spoonfuls of solid alcohol are placed in the alcohol stove.

The steel pot is small, and the fire in the alcohol stove below is not big, which is far from the stove I hit in the sweet potato hole. So here, you can only boil instant noodles, and if you want to stir-fry, I don't know how long it will take.

When I was cooking the noodles, I didn't feel anything, but after a while, when Zheng Qian poured all the seasoning packets into the pot and took them, in an instant, a very strong beef aroma floated out of the pot.

After smelling it, my stomach screamed unconsciously.

After Zheng Qian stirred a few more times

, she said to me: "Dao Chief, it's cooked, I'll serve it to you

~" "Oh, no need, I'll eat it directly by the pot~"

After saying that, I hurriedly ran over and put the steel pot on the table in the hotel, and then Zheng Qian handed me the chopsticks and leaned against the edge of the table.


After I ate a few bites, it was really sour and incomparable, and in this apocalypse, there were instant noodles to eat.

"Dao Chief, I also brought some snacks like pickled pepper and phoenix feet here. Do you want to eat it underneath?"

"No, let's keep these for now." It's better to eat porridge

~" "Oh oh~"

Although I also really want to take a bite of instant noodles and a mouthful of pickled pepper and phoenix feet, but now in the last days, materials are quite scarce, and it is better for us to take it leisurely in what we do. Second, it is also because the braised beef noodles with pickled pepper and phoenix feet in it don't seem to taste very good, if it is in the Laotan sauerkraut beef noodles, put pickled pepper and phoenix feet, it is about the same.

Just as I was ten minutes after the third mouthful of noodles, the fat man who was asleep in the back woke up in a daze, and without opening his eyes, he got up and asked,

"It's time to eat?"

"Fat brother, don't you eat noodles?"

"Mmmm, bring me one too~"


" "How many

packs?" "3 packs." "


Ears don't hear anything outside the window, Lao Tzu only eats his own braised beef noodles. I shook my head and continued eating.


After a meal of noodles, although I feel a little far from being very full, I am also very satisfied.

I walked to the windowsill and looked outside, and now it was completely dark, and inside our room, there was a faint light.

The thickness of this curtain looks okay, and it is double-layered, and it is estimated that it is difficult to find the light inside the house outside. But to be on the safe side, I'm still prepared and will do the next processing. I

carefully observed the curtain structure of this room, which is an ordinary double-row curtain, of which the outer layer is a thin screen window, and the inner layer is a thick blackout curtain.

If you want to let in the wind and light, but you want privacy to protect the outside people can't see inside, and you don't want mosquitoes to get in, then just close the curtains of the outermost screen window.

And if you want to completely enclose the light, then close this thick curtain inside, or two together.

Now the outside of the screen window for us, not much, I am going to tear this off directly, and then go to the next room, the next room of the curtain inside the layer of blackout curtains tear off, and then transfer the flowers, for us to install, then there are two layers of blackout curtains here, the effect, but I don't know how many times better than the effect of a single layer.

As soon as I said that, I grabbed a flashlight and walked out to the door.

"I'll go to that curtain and come and cover the window. "

Oh, be careful.


I see that behind the door of our room, it has been blocked by a sofa, and it seems that everyone's safety awareness is much better now.

When I got to the door, I also remembered that I was now bare-handed, so I hurriedly went back, grabbed a crowbar, and walked out of our room.

In this kind of closed and small space, if you fight zombies, the pistol rifle is honestly not as good as this 10-pound crowbar.

For one, there isn't a lot of room to maneuver around, and the biggest advantage of guns is that they can be attacked from a distance. This close-range shirtlessness is not a strong point of firearms.

Second, in such a small space, once you run out of bullets, you simply don't have time to extinguish and have room to change bullets.

Removed the couch behind the door, revealing a crack in the door, I shone my flashlight outside, nothing suspicious, and I got out of the gap.

Inside the corridor, it is still the same as when we came, the cleaning is very clean, but it is also very desolate.

This house is not very big, so I have an unobstructed view of the corridor here, I walked towards the room on the left, the door on this side is open, the door of the bathroom inside is also open, I turned on the flashlight and walked in with the flashlight, after shining a circle with the flashlight, I found that there was no problem, and closed the door.

(Doomsday Code – Always protect your back.) If you're the only one in a room, when you go in, check the security of the room and keep the door closed to prevent anyone from behind you.

After closing the door, I put the flashlight on the floor, then found a stool, climbed on it, and removed the whole curtain.

"It doesn't matter if it's a screen or a blackout curtain, I'll put it all on, and I'll have it!"

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