"Are they all alive?Dao Chief, don't joke with me~

" "The life I'm talking about is not the life of becoming a living person, but the life of becoming a zombie." Judging from the blood stains on the wall and on the ground, there must have been a tragic massacre, but in the end, all the people here disappeared, indicating that all these people had turned into zombies.

"But Dao Chief, I don't see any zombies in this Electric City!" the

fat man said to me as he shone a few small shops inside with a miner's lamp.

"Also, where are these zombies gone, if these zombies are not controlled, then they must be random movements, this electric city is so big, there must be a lot of zombie activities. But now we really haven't found a single zombie, which means that the zombies here are organized. In other words, they are either controlled or attracted to something. But I'm more inclined to the former!

" "Why? Is it the Corpse Emperor?"

"Because according to the theory of probability, even if you are attracted to something, then there will be some zombies who can't see these attractions or can't hear them, and can't act accordingly. In this way, there must be zombies in this electric city. But now there doesn't seem to be one here, so I guess that the zombies in here may all be controlled. "

Numb, Dao Chief, which boss is behind this? Is it the Corpse Emperor?"

"I don't know. Anyway, the one who comes is not good, so we are careful. With

that, I walked towards a small shop that sold agricultural machinery.

The shop is equipped with a variety of farm equipment, including a weeder that burns gasoline, a high-pressure sprayer for pesticides, a pump for pumping water, a variety of water pipes, and a variety of threshers.

"Dao Chief, isn't this a generator!" the

fat man seemed to have noticed something on the side, and hurriedly called out to me.

"I'll take a look~"

I saw the fat man take down the generator placed on the shelf, the store was relatively dim, and the fat man moved it directly to the aisle of the electric city.

I walked in and saw that it was indeed a generator. Looking at the nameplate, this is a gasoline generator, surrounded by iron pipes, and one person on the left and right can directly carry the iron pipe outside.

Inside is a gasoline generator with a power of 3KW. Brought a 9-liter fuel tank.


"Michichi, this thing is

a generator, right?" "Uh-huh, it's a 3KW gasoline generator. "

Then can we go home?"

"Don't keep thinking about running away, you have to get a car, go to the armed forces, and go back when everything is done." "

Well, what I just meant was to get a car, to get weapons, haha~

" "But there is one more thing to do here, this generator burns oil, works for 50 hours, you have to change the oil, since this store sells this generator, then there will be organic oil, go, let's go in early, get a few more oil!"

"Oh oh ~ okay ~ "

After speaking, the fat man and I re-entered this shop. The oil is easy to find in the next place of the generator.

The fat man casually took a whole box down, looked at it, and it was still fully synthetic.

"Dao Chief, do you want two generators?" said

the fat man, looking at the other generator on the shelf.

"Well, it's good to get another one, anyway, this thing weighs 45KG, in case this one is broken, it will be a cheat! "

Dao Chief, don't carry it~"

The fat man said with a smile, and then withdrew a small cart from the side.

"Damn, there's such a good thing! Don't say it soon!" After

saying that, the fat man and I quickly bundled two generators and a box of engine oil together and piled them on the small cart.

Then the two of us pushed the cart to the place where the angle grinder was just placed, and put a box of angle grinders on the cart as well. By the way, I also went to the hardware store and made two 10-meter-long plug-in boards. This is also due to the convenience of electricity.

Then he pushed the cart and slid down the slide on the side of the corridor.

Here on the first floor of the east side, as I expected, there were a lot of Wuling Shenguang. Seeing that the fat man came down, I hurriedly said:

"Fat man, hurry up and get a ,,,, I think this car is good, the tires are all new, the interior is also new, this one is good." "

Haha, it's coming

~" I saw the fat man take out two steel wires from his belt, stuff them into the keyhole, and then turn it a few times,


and the lock inside fell.

The fat man opened the door and went to the cab, and I immediately pushed the back door open at this time, and loaded two generators, a box of angle grinders and some equipment into it.

My luggage here has not been moved, and the fat man over there has successfully cracked the start switch, and

with a sound of "squeak ~ squeak ~

squeak~", he started the car.

"Chief, where are you going?" I

closed the door again, then climbed to the co-pilot, and returned:

"Go and dismantle the heavy machine gun first

!" "Haha~ This thing is wanted! This thing is wanted!" After

saying that, the fat man kicked the accelerator and smashed the front fender with a bang.

"Nima, be careful when

driving!" "Who knew there was a step here, this is too bad!" After

speaking, the fat man hung up a reverse gear and carefully reversed out, the car seemed to be the front fender was broken, and there was no problem with driving.

Then we drove the little broken car I had carefully selected, circled around the outside of the Electric City, and drove towards the north of the city.

The fortification was in the middle of the road from the north of the city to the electric city, so less than 100 meters after the car drove out, we saw the heavy machine guns quietly stacked over there.

At this time, the fat man saw that his beloved machine gun was in front of him, but he did not hurry up, and he did not drive it very quickly.

However, the distance was only 4,500 meters, and we were driving by car, so no matter how slow it was, in less than 1 minute, we were also at the edge of the fortification.

"Let's go, go down and move the goods, don't turn off the car, it'll be over if you can't catch fire when you come back."

"I understand that. With

that, we got out of the car and walked towards the fortifications.


The author has something to say: Ladies

and gentlemen, tomorrow will be a day and a half away, and we will have a holiday! Happy National Day!

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