Just when the Dao Chang Fat Man and his entourage, driving the Wuling God Car, were about to return to the base in a leisurely manner, a mysterious signal was suddenly sent out from the walkie-talkie, and the Dao Chang and the Fat Man exploded in an instant. And this leads to the next story - the chapter of the distress signal series.

- Inscription, Editor's note:

Before the last corner, the RPG was already in place, and the RPG safety was already open, and my fingers were always ready to pull the trigger. If it's not bad, as long as I pull the trigger, then I'm going to die!

I think, now that our little broken car is driving over like this, and the noise is so loud, it is estimated that the people inside will immediately come out to watch and watch, where the hell is the sacred visit.

If they still have a little conscience and don't say hello or call, and give us a shuttle, it will be safe for me and the fat man to drive over like this.

Because I'm going to say that after our car turns the last corner, once we see the UBM people, no matter who they are, no matter how many people there are, without saying a word, they will just be greeted by an RPG.

The first to start is strong, and then to get the box lunch. This kind of time is not the time for greetings or negotiations, either you die or you die, and the first strike is the king.

The fat man naturally understood and said

, "Dao Chief, the last one is bent!" "

Well, drive slowly, if the opposite side fights back, if we don't have time to change ammunition, we will turn around and retreat a wave back." "

Uh-huh, understood!" At

this moment of life and death, the fat man is still very reliable. I won't ask too much why, I will only implement my plan firmly.

Although we are now fighting against UBM, we can't fool around. If you can fight it, you can't fight it, retreat first, and when the opportunity is right, it's not too late to fight.

If I don't take out all the UBM Operators in one RPG, or if there is support, we'll turn around and retreat.

And the people of UBM definitely don't sit in the car all the time, they want to chase after them, they have to climb on the car, start the car, and then turn around to be able to chase them.

At that time, the fat man and I had already slipped away.

Even if our car is slow and can't run, it's fine.

Because I didn't want to run at all, I wanted to buy some time to change my ammo.

What ammo, RPG rockets! By the time these UBM cars catch up, I can just hide in a corner and give them a shot.

Then a carload of people instantly received a boxed lunch together, wouldn't it be cool and crooked.

Moreover, there is another big killer in our car. When time permits, just move it down and put it up. Good heavy machine gun bullets.

Such a shuttle heavy machine gun bullet and a shuttle rifle bullet past, although they are both receiving a boxed lunch, but the effect is completely different.

If a shuttle rifle bullet can send a person to receive a boxed lunch, then a shuttle of heavy machine gun bullets can send a light armored vehicle to receive a boxed lunch. And the people inside naturally received the boxed lunch several times.

The UBM car, which looks majestic, is actually an ordinary off-road vehicle, not a light armored vehicle, let alone a heavy armored vehicle.

Therefore, after this heavy machine gun is assembled at that time, it will definitely be possible to walk sideways in this Qingshan or in this Lin'an!

Just between the electric light and the hot light, the fat man and I drove a small broken car and rushed out of the curve.

However, to our surprise, there were no UBM vehicles in front of our hotel, and the door of the hotel was also locked and not opened.

"Fatty, these people won't go in, will they?"

I said as I bought an RPG rocket outside the car window and carried it.

"Shut the door when you go in?"

said the fat man, driving the car.

"Don't worry about it so much, you park the car, I'll go down and have a look.

I hurriedly leaned back out of the car window and said to the fat man.


The fat car did not stop at the gate, but first turned around, and then stopped in the yard of the house next door to the hotel, so that he was ready to run away at any time.

As soon as the fat man stopped, I jumped out of the car with the RPG on my shoulder, and said

, "Fatty, you bring the grenade launcher!

He opened and examined the grenade inside, then closed it back with a click.


The author has something to say:

Thank you for the gift from the "dellxd" brother! This chapter was written by Sand in Changde, Hunan Province ~ I wish you a happy National Day!

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