As the saying goes, his treasure, my mustard. The smell

of rot in the kitchen on the first floor, which I hated so much, has now become an umbrella to protect us. So now it smells less stink

!haha!"Fatty, unload


The generator and angle grinder are placed on it, and the rest are removed." After

saying that, the two of us unloaded the contents of the van one by one, and the generator and angle grinder were used to dismantle the ammunition depot at that time, and if we went again, we didn't need to load the truck again.

The fat man and I carried all the heavy machine gun bullets off the car and piled them up in the corners.

As for the heavy machine gun and the base, I put it aside, wondering if I should install it here as a defensive weapon for this base.

After all, this is not a temporary place for us to take shelter from the rain, but now, it is our base for building an apocalyptic RV.

As a base, you have to have some defensive weapons, otherwise, if it is discovered by the UBM people, or by other doom hunters, it will be doomed.

And now, we have a super powerful defensive weapon in our hands - a heavy machine gun.

And there are three, and when the time comes, you can also engage in crossfire. It's simply a must-have medicine for family travel and zombie extermination in the apocalypse.

"Fatty, are there any sandbags or anything like that?"

"Oh, just when I went to drive, I saw the house next door, and there was a big pile of sand in front of the door. But the sack, I didn't see. "

The sack is easy to do

~" "Dao Chief, what do you want a sandbag

?" "Weigh the base of the machine gun, otherwise what should I do with such a strong recoil?"

"Oh oh~"

After explaining to the fat man, I walked towards the guest room on the second floor, walked to the room where Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian took a bath, ripped off the sheets, quilt covers, and pillows, and threw them from the window into the courtyard downstairs.

"Fatty, take out the core of the pillow and take the pillow to the sandbag.

I poked my head out of the window and shouted down.

"Numb, Dao Chief, you are really a talent, you can think of this way. So what are you doing with this sheet?"

"Since you have asked sincerely, I will answer you with great mercy!

Before I finished my lines, I was suddenly slapped on the back by a small hand:

"Who is in order to relegate? Dao Chief, fat brother, you have lunch first~ I burned it ~ I have the strength to protect it after eating

~" "Haha~ This is reasonable!" Before

I could answer, the fat man downstairs first struck and replied loudly, and then took the pillow quilt covers and sheets I threw down to the living room on the first floor, and then climbed up quickly.

"It's really, no profit doesn't get up early!" I

complained softly, then turned around and

said to Zheng Qian: "Well, it's important to eat, thank you Zheng Qian, little girl, when you say it, I'm really a little hungry, what do you cook at noon?"

"Sauce beef fried rice~"

I haven't said anything yet, the fat man rushed up in one breath, and as soon as he entered the door, he seemed to hear the conversation between me and Zheng Qian, and immediately picked up the conversation and returned:

"Heckled, it's delicious when you hear

it!" "I'm stuck, you

fat man is the most active in eating at this time!" I saw the fat man smile all over his face, and he replied with a very reasonable look

: "Haha~ If you are not active in eating, then what else do you do to be positive! The ancients had a cloud: the people take food as the sky

!" "Hehe!" "

Come here, it will be cold later~".

I was too lazy to play with the fat man, so I followed Zheng Qian out and came to our bedroom.

This is a standard room, but it has been transformed by the fat man, and it is said to be a transformation, but in fact, it is just a bed next door to tie it over, so it has become three beds.

It can sleep 4 people, one for me and the fat man, and Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian sleep in the same bed.

The curtains were also processed by me and transformed into a curtain with a first-class shading effect.

Behind the door, there are a lot of sofas, tables and chairs to resist the door. Everything else, it's all original, and we're not touching anything.

But now during the day, I am not so nervous, and I did not resist the gate. So Zheng Qian and I pushed the door and walked in.

I saw Zheng Yan squatting on the ground at this time, sharing the sauce beef fried rice that Zheng Qian had roasted.

As soon as I entered the house, I smelled a strong aroma of beef, soy sauce, soy sauce to be precise, and a smell of onion and garlic.

But because I'm more reserved, I didn't show much interest.

However, my actions immediately exposed my inner activities.

As soon as I entered the door, I didn't say hello, and immediately stretched out my hand, ready to strike first, take a bowl and prepare to feast.

I didn't expect Zheng Yan to see such an uninvited arrival, so she immediately stretched out her hand and gave me a precise blow to the back of my hand!


I hurriedly retracted

, "Go wash your hands first, see if you're dirty!" "

Haha~ Obey, obey!".

At this time, the fat man also walked in from the outside, and after asking about this aroma, he immediately rubbed his hands, and was ready to strike first, at this time, I was, immediately acted, Doomsday Discipline Committee, and hurriedly shouted:

"Eh, eh, wash your hands first! Don't stain the food!"

"Okay, good~

". The fat man saw that I had washed my hands here, and naturally I had estimated that I had failed to make the first move here, so I had to walk in and wash my hands with soap.

"Now that I've washed it clean, Miss Zheng Yan, can I enjoy the food?"

"Mmmm, huh~"

After speaking, he handed me a bowl full of sauced beef fried rice. Zheng Yan is the kind of girl who is cold on the outside, but warm and fiery on the inside.

It's a bit similar to a knife-mouthed tofu heart. On the surface, there are no good things to say about us, but in the heart, in action, they are warm to us.

Afraid that we wouldn't have enough to eat, he first filled a full bowl for me and the fat man, and only gave myself a small bowl.

I also can't see through it, after all, I'm also relatively thin-skinned, and if it's too numb, I can't say it.

This is still fat, and it is more enjoyable. Fat people dare to act, dare to love and hate, dare to say and dare to do, and are very straightforward.

After Zheng Yan handed over a pair of chopsticks, I said

, "Thank you~ Don't look at it, you can eat it too~


The author has something to say:

Thank you for the gift from the head of the "miracle famine"!

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