I haven't seen any formation, but I can't capsize in this gutter, be careful!

Last time, the fat man was also in such a stairwell, and he encountered a lizard zombie mutant, but he was accidentally swept by the tail of this mutant, and the fat man almost fell into a wheelchair for the second half of his life.

If it weren't for the fact that we have relatively complete medical supplies here, and there is a provincial people's nurse here, the fat man would have died a long time ago.

And now, in this ghost hospital, but there is no support, no medicine, if I encounter any mutants here, I will have to rely on myself.

"Zombie uncle, mutant uncle, the youngest one has an 80-year-old mother, and a 3-year-old child below, we have no grievances in the past, no hatred in recent days, and the well water does not violate the river water. Lao Tzu, oh no, the little one passed by your mansion today, and he had no intention of disturbing him, so get out of here immediately, and I hope that all the big men will not come to me, Amen!"

I walked down as I spoke in my mouth. I hope these zombie masters and mutant masters can understand it, if they can't understand it, then it's over.

I can only eat my peanuts (bullets).

After reciting the scriptures, my courage suddenly became bigger, after all, this can be regarded as establishing a relationship or friendship with the zombies and mutants inside, they are all old friends, come to a visit, it's always nothing, it's really not good, and peanuts say hello.

Although I said in my heart that there was nothing wrong, but on my hand, I still honestly held the AK rifle, the rifle has been adjusted to the point fire mode, the continuous fire mode is afraid that I will be excited, and I will finish a shuttle of bullets in a few seconds, and it will be too late to change the magazine when the time comes, which will be embarrassing.

From the current point of view, the weapon in our hands, the AK47 rifle, is more than enough for the average zombie, so there is generally no need to shoot continuously, as long as the zombie hits a shot, you can call it a day. Of course, this does not include zombies that have become too strong such as "undead warriors".

Along the way, my zombie grandfather, the zombie grandmother shouted, until I reached the first floor, I didn't meet a grandparent, I thought, it's better to do things with a sweet mouth, and I still have to call myself Lao Tzu less in the future.

I curled the corners of my mouth and smiled slightly, pushed open the fire door on the first floor, and walked towards the lobby on the first floor.

There were several entrances and exits to the hall on the first floor, and it was the afternoon when the sun was strong, so I could see several open openings outside, so I walked out to the one where I came.

"Dao Chief, Dao Chief?。。。 "

Unexpectedly, the fat man was fast, and before I walked out of the hall on the first floor of this inpatient building, he had already arrived at the door of the hospital, and now he was shouting like a soul over there.

And at this time, the hall on my side seemed to be lively, and there were bursts of roars from all corners.

I secretly cried out in my heart

: "It's a numb ball!"

Seeing where the fat man outside was still yelling, I couldn't care so much here, so I just tore my throat and replied:

"What a numb egg!"

Then I ran out of my legs.

Behind me, needless to say, a horde of zombies is now chasing after me.

And when the fat man outside saw me coming out of the house, he smiled and grinned, but after a while, after seeing a large group of zombies coming out of my body, he immediately felt Nima in his heart.

"Damn, Dao Chief, where are so many

zombies!" "Numb, it wasn't you kid who called it!"

After saying that, I turned around and faced the door of the hospital's inpatient building, and rushed towards the several zombies that rushed out.

And the fat man also raised his AK rifle at this time and shot.

"Numb, hurry up, it's too much movement here, and the zombies from all over the country will probably come over later!"

I shouted at the fat man as I ran towards the outside of the hospital.

After the fat boy finished firing a shuttle of bullets, he immediately ran after me.

To say, fighting zombies, the fat man's skills are not very good. But if you want to talk about running away, it's definitely a bargain.

The fat man came first, and after getting into the car, he immediately put in gear and prepared to leave.

I also immediately broke open the car door and jumped in, but before I could sit down, there was a


sound from the tires, and then I fell to the back seat.

"Son, wait for Lao Tzu to close the door!" I

reluctantly stood up, and then closed the car door.

At this time, the fat man did not respond to my words, and continued to go crazy, slamming on the accelerator in front.

"Numb, the zombies in the hospital can't catch up, what are you panicking about!"

I was about to choke the fat man with a few words such as being timid and afraid of death, not calm and not courageous, but I didn't expect that when I turned around and looked ahead, I found that on the street in front of me, a dense group of zombies were gathering towards us, blocking the entire bridge to the south.

And we can now be said to have ambushes in front of us, and then chase the enemy. It's dangerous.

And the fat man at this time, it can be regarded as a critical moment did not drop the chain, taking advantage of the fact that these zombies have not yet gathered, he hurriedly turned left in the direction, and drove along the sidewalk by the river, that is, the walking path, towards the east of Lin'an at the fastest speed.

And just as we drove on this east-west sidewalk, the zombies on the bridge had already arrived on the sidewalk and continued to chase after us.

I swapped the magazine, then opened the window and fired a burst shot at the back.

"Da Da Da ~ Da

Da ~ Da ~".

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