It's not dark yet, but it's very dark inside. In this environment, the first time I saw a line of blood writing on the wall, it was really terrifying.

I was so close to the wall that I could only see part of the blood. I took a few steps back and turned the aperture of the flashlight to the maximum.

In an instant, the front wall on the south side was illuminated by my flashlight.

In fact, there are not many blood words on the wall, but just now because the room is relatively dark, I only saw one corner, so I thought that the front wall was painted all over the front, but it was actually a short line of English. It's just that there are a lot of exclamation points at the back.

"Midnight, big zombie, run!!!!!!"

I took a flashlight and read it out as I read it out in blood.

The fat man also followed at this time, pretending to be very cultured and muttering

: "Rice, pigs, wheels!"

and then then asked:

"Dao Chief, what is written on this?"

"Hehe, it says - midnight, big zombie, run!".

After the word run, there are exactly 6 exclamation points, and from the position where this person fell, it seems that this person fell under the sixth exclamation point. I wonder if this man still has the strength, I'm afraid the exclamation point will continue to write like this.

"This trip is not in vain, at least I know that there are big zombies here at night. I

raised my hand and looked at my watch, it was already past 4 o'clock, not far from the sunset. I picked up the soldier's walkie-talkie that was rolling down on the ground, put it in my backpack, and then searched around the room, and when I found nothing, I walked out of the door and said to the fat man:

"Fatty, there are no other clues here, the sun is about to set, and we have to go home." "

Uh-huh, okay!" The

fat man is here, just now while I was inspecting this substation, he searched the body of this little soldier again, and looked for clues.

Now that I was almost looking for it, I immediately walked out, put my left hand in my pocket, held a crowbar in my right hand, and said as I walked:

"Dao Chief, you said that the big zombie that this kid said, could it be the undead warrior we met?"

When the fat man asked me a question, I had already put my equipment on the car, closed the car door and looked west from the glass, and when the fat man asked me, he immediately came back to his senses, turned around and said to the fat man:

"When the time comes, let's take a look at it at night."

At this time, the fat man also walked to the side of the car and said with a smile:

"Dao Chief, don't be joking.

"Haha, who

said that people must come?" "What do you think of that?" "Mountain

people have their own tricks!"

After saying that, I took my AK rifle, jumped out of the car again, carried my backpack on my back, and said to the fat man

, "Fatty, take your crowbar and buy some goods!"

With that, I walked over to a toy store south of the substation.

The fat man was puzzled at first, but when he saw the remote-controlled plane in the street-facing window of this toy store, he immediately understood. Then he trotted after him and said

, "Damn, Dao Chief, this is a good thing." With

that, he picked up a crowbar and smashed the glass window.


I cursed softly. When the fat man heard this, he immediately stopped and asked

, "Dao Chief, what's wrong?" "

Oh, it's nothing, don't smash

that window, smash the things inside, smash this!" I looked at the front door of this storefront is the kind of steel sliding door, if you want to destroy or unlock it, it is estimated that it will take a while, so it may be faster to smash the window directly.

So he asked the fat man to smash the window next to the counter.

This kind of glass is ordinary tempered glass, and the fat man is still very talented for this kind of sabotage, so he aimed at the lower left corner of this glass, picked up a crowbar, and poked it directly with a sharp end.


the front glass was shattered, the sound was not very loud, and the glass was not broken as I imagined.

On the contrary, it is still a whole connected together, but it is just broken.

After the fat man smashed the glass with one blow, he used a crowbar to push the glass inside, and made a large hole in the lower left corner that could be entered by a person, and then climbed into it by himself.

I wanted to go out and observe now, but the fat man was already in the first place. And this kind of shop is obviously closed before the end of the world, so there should be no zombies in this, and it is still very safe.

I followed the fat man directly and climbed in through this window.

The storefront of this toy store is not very large, only about 2 or 30 square meters, and when you climb inside, you can see the contents at a glance.

Most of them are building blocks, toy models, dolls, and the like. These things are children's angels, but for old children like me, they are not very attractive.

In addition to these open display toys, there is also a row, which is a separate array of shelves at the back of the counter, which is inaccessible to customers from the outside and can only be reached by the sales staff. The

fat man also locked on to that position at the first glance, flipped in from the counter, took the largest single-propeller toy helicopter

and said, "Dao Chief, how is this?"

I glanced at it and said without looking back:

"Okay, it's good, but this thing doesn't have a camera, look for those that have cameras." "

The helicopter that the fat man took is quite big, but there is no camera, it is completely a toy, and it can't be used.

I was in the counter here, looking over one by one, and I found one drone with a camera, which was a quad propeller, a lithium-ion polymer battery, and transmitted signals through mobile phone Bluetooth or wifi. The controller can be connected to a mobile phone to directly play the video obtained by the camera in real time.

This thing is good, but it's too small, and when the four rotors are folded, it's just the size of a palm.

Usually this thing is very good, easy to carry, but now this thing, if we use it for reconnaissance, is too small, I think it is so small, the endurance must be very short!

I estimate in my heart, such a small helicopter, I think it can fly for 5 to 10 minutes at most, it is good.

However, as the saying goes, you can take it when you see it, and it is not impossible to fly for 5 minutes and 10 minutes, such a small thing, it is very convenient to go out when the time comes.

So, I threw the machine on display in my backpack along with the controller, and then in the cabinet below, I made 2 or 3 identical drones that had not been unpacked.

Then I continued to search, but unexpectedly, I searched for a long time with the fat man, and I couldn't find a better drone than this. The fat man and I had no choice but to give up.

There was no better, so I simply packed up all the drones with cameras in the cabinet here.

The fat man quietly took back the two largest helicopters that did not have cameras.

Anyway, it doesn't hurt to bring it back, so I didn't stop this old boy, after all, you can't do anything or anything, you have to think about practicality, and if you don't make people, you just like to play.

Since the plane is brought, the remote control car is naturally indispensable, on this counter is placed all kinds of remote control cars, but they are all without a camera, it is understandable, whose children's remote control toy car with a camera.

I didn't take these, but the fat man was very interested in these things, and took several toy cars, types, and several of the larger ones were all in his pocket.

The remote control of this drone is powered by 4 No. 5 batteries, and the remote-controlled toy car on the fat man's side also uses 5 good batteries, and there are still a lot of such No. 5 batteries in our base, but who still dislikes their own money, and can get a little bit here. After all, I need these batteries for my airplane remote control and toy walkie-talkie.

And I think the most important thing in this toy store is the battery.

In the end, the fat man and I carried two large bags of toys and batteries, and climbed out of the broken window next to the counter.

Because there were too many things in this backpack, I couldn't get out on my back, so I threw the backpack out first, and then crawled out of it.

After carrying all this equipment to the car, almost half an hour had passed, and when I lifted my watch, it was exactly 5 o'clock.

Just as I turned my head in the direction of the fat man, and was about to urge the fat man to run away early, I saw the open door of the substation behind me through the window of the cab next to the fat man, and suddenly a very bad premonition came to my heart:

"Fat man, you said, did you close the door when you came out of the substation just now?"

The fat man was busy turning around and shouting the luggage to the back of the car at this time, and when he heard me ask, he returned:

"How do you remember?"

I didn't care what the fat man had to say, because I just remembered that the fat man came out of the substation and took the gate with him! A strong curiosity drove me to open the car door directly, took an AK rifle, jumped out of the car, and rushed directly to the substation with an arrow, kicking the door open.

Now the light in the substation is even dimmer than before, perhaps because the sun has set more than half of it just now.

But now, after all, the sun has not set, and the things in this one, although it is relatively dark, and it is not clear to see, but there is still a clear distinction

! And now in this, TMD actually didn't see the body of the UBM player!

This picture is too weird, although, I have now basically confirmed that there is no zombie corpse in this room, but I still took out my flashlight, lit it, and carefully searched inside.

Or not.

At this time, the fat man also ran over with a crowbar and asked

, "Dao Chief, what's wrong?" "

Hell, TMD has come back from the dead!"


The author has something to say:

Ladies and gentlemen, have a great weekend! Thank you for your support!

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