As soon as we entered the door, rows of army-green iron shelves were displayed in front of our eyes, and they were neatly placed inside, all kinds of rescue equipment!

The fat man took a flashlight and shone it around, and then said to me:

"Damn, where are the guns!" This

iron shelf has four layers, from top to bottom, in turn. Iron picks, leather boots, camouflage uniforms, explosion-proof shields, and a row of fire extinguishers on the side...

"Dao Chief, I said that we are in the wrong place

, this seems to be a fire brigade?" It seems that there is indeed a fire brigade on the stack of things here, so I casually said to the fat man:

"There are no guns and no cannons, let's ask the devil for it!"

"Hehe." Dao Chief, you are teasing me, ask the ghost?"

"Haha, you don't know this.

The Ministry of People's Armed Forces is not only responsible for national defense mobilization, but also in wartime for organizing and mobilizing the militia to join the army and participate in the war, supporting the front line, defending the rear, and assisting in organizing the evacuation of the population.

It is also necessary to organize and lead the militia to accomplish such tasks as combat readiness and duty, flood control, emergency rescue, and disaster relief, and cooperate with the public security departments in maintaining public order.

So it's normal to have so many firefighting supplies and disaster relief materials in there. Of course, there are definitely weapons on the side. "

Since I didn't have a flashlight, I had to follow the fat man around the house, but to my surprise, there didn't seem to be any weapons here.

"Dao Chief, after walking around, this room seems to be full of firefighting materials, and there are no weapons. "

Uh-huh. That's weird. Look again and show me if there are any other rooms.

"I'm almost going through all of this, and all four sides are solid walls, and there won't be any other rooms at all. "

It's true that this space is not big, about a dozen square meters, just now I and the fat man were walking around, except for the door we came into, there was no other entrance.

Now I'm a little skeptical that we're really mistaken.

But this room gives me a very quirky feeling.

What is it like? I can't say right now.

"Damn, there's not even a stool in this little room. After saying that,

the fat man sat down on the ground.

"What are you doing?"

"Take a break, take a break. Come, Dao Chief, the flashlight will be given to you, and you will look for it carefully. I'll smoke a cigarette here first. "

Numb, lazy donkey grinds feces and urine. I

took the fat man's flashlight and searched the room again. There was no entrance or exit to the whole room, except for a door on the north side that led to the outside.

In the room, there are four rows of shelves side by side, each row of shelves is about four or five floors, and it is full of various relief materials.

I was the only one who didn't have all the weapons and ammunition we needed. At this time, I was also a little tired, so I followed to the fat man's side.

He pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and sat down.

"Dao Chief, have you made any new discoveries?"

"Found a hammer, there is nothing else here except for a lot of useless materials. "

Nima, what kind of armed forces is this, this TMD is a warehouse. Do you need such a thick iron gate to protect it? Just find a warehouse and put it. I'm afraid that someone will come and steal these things. "

We came for nothing this time, I'm okay, the main thing is that the fat man still bothered to open these two doors, but I didn't expect that there was nothing inside, and the fat man was a little lost and complained.

After the fat man's words, I finally understand now what is strange about coming.

Strange is strange

, one, this room has no windows.

Second, these disaster relief materials are placed inside, and there is no need for two large iron doors.

And these two points can only show one thing, and that is that the materials stored here are very important, and I think these things are definitely not these relief materials, but weapons and ammunition.

Although I know that there will be weapons and ammunition here, we have searched this room again and again, and we still can't find where these things are placed.

At this moment, the fat man took a puff of cigarette and said,

"Dao Chief, do you think there will be a secret door here?"

Generally, there will be open and dark sentry posts at the gate of the army

, that is, there will be a person standing guard in the bright place and a person standing guard in the dark place.

There will be a room in the place where this critical material is stored, and there is probably a room in secret. "

Oh, that's right, then let my fat man check it out." With

that, the fat man stood up. He took a pickaxe from the shelf on one side and walked towards the wall in his hand.

Then he picked up the pickaxe and smashed it against the wall.

With a sound of "bang~",

he smashed down to the wall.

"I said, fatty, you be quiet.

"It's okay, the house defense here is so good, zombies will definitely not be able to enter."

"Don't you be afraid, when the time comes, they will come to besiege the Guangming Peak, although they can't get in, but we can't get out." "

Mm-hmm, I'm going to make small moves. Then

the fat man took the pickaxe, and the fat man smashed all four walls, and after about 15 minutes, he still did not find anything strange.

And these four walls are also determined by the fat man to be completely solid walls.

It doesn't look like there's a secret door at all.

"Numb, Dao Chief, I'm afraid we've come for nothing this time. With

that, he turned his pickaxe towards the middle of the room.

"Bang dang~",

the iron pickaxe thrown by the fat man seemed to hit the top of some metal and made a crisp sound.

Then it was bounced high and almost hit my foot.

"Damn, fatty, be careful. I almost hit Lao Tzu's foot!"

"Haha, I didn't know this thing could jump so high. Michichi, there seems to be something underneath this ground. "

At this time, I also reacted, this iron pickaxe is not a rubber ball, it can bounce up when it falls, since the iron pickaxe is not a rubber ball, then it means that the things on the ground are elastic.

Judging from the crisp sound just now, he should have laid a steel plate on the ground. And I'm sure I know that there is definitely a space underneath the steel plate, which is why I give the iron such a big elastic force.

"Looking for him in the crowd, thousands of times, looking back at dusk. The man was in the lamplight. Come on, come on, the fat man starts working. "

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