It's not a family, it's not a door.

I suddenly found that Lao Tzu and these senior researchers of UBM are quite fateful.

Could it be that Lao Tzu is the big man among the legendary bosses?

But how much power there is, how much responsibility there is, and how much risk it means.

If this is just an ordinary house, then the fat man and I are nested in it, and no one will come to care about us.

But now, this is the old mansion of a senior expert from UBM, and I didn't say hello to the fat man, so I just pried the door in, and when the time came, I was caught, which was very bad.

"Fatty, this house is for senior researchers at UBM. Be careful later, someone will come. "

Who else will come?"

"Who else, UBM." "

So what are we going

to do?" "What to do?" The enemy is coming and has a shotgun, so when the time comes, we will give them an RPG as a tribute.

"Haha, that's how it should be. "

Uh-huh, by the way, give me the flashlight, and I'll see if there are any clues in this house." "

When we came, it was about 7 o'clock, and I didn't know if the UBM experimental center still had to go to work, and whether it was 9 to 5 and whether it would work overtime.

If you don't work overtime, this big guy will be back soon.

But then I thought about it, in the apocalypse, it is still very dangerous to travel such a long distance to and from work. Then it's already abandoned.

This is where the experts live before the apocalypse, and this explanation is more plausible.

But that doesn't explain why there's no dust on the door lock and no weeds in the small yard.

There are all kinds of indications that this place should have been inhabited not long ago.

I took the fat man's flashlight and turned it on, so that the light would not be too eye-catching, I covered the shade of the flashlight with my fingers, leaving only a little space for the light to shine through.

At this point, I have time to take a good look at the room.

The decoration of the room is very luxurious, the desk is here, there are three picture frames on the table plus a bronze lamp, and a monitor.

It can be seen from here that the people here either did not leave, or were taken away in a hurry. Why?

Because there are so many important wedding photos and family photos that I didn't take with me.

There was only a monitor, but the desktop computer that was connected to it was missing from below. As can be seen from the messy thread, the computer that was originally placed underneath should have been removed.

When I opened the drawer of the desk, it was empty except for some pens, pencils, knives and other stationery.

There is a pen but no paper, which is a very interesting thing. Generally speaking, pen and paper are housed together.

There is no paper here, which means that the paper or draft has been taken away.

Pushing open the large wardrobe on the side, there are some winter fur coats, leather pants, padded jackets, etc.

The same is true in the other wardrobe.

And the fact that there is not a pair of shoes under the bed also confirms my suspicion from the side. That is, there are no people living here, and the original owner of this place has been detained, and as for the items related to research secrets here, the staff sent by UBM came to move them.

"Dao Chief, have you found anything?"

"The wild area has been brushed by people, what other good things can there be." Well, there are a few good fur coats in this big wardrobe, which can be taken away when the time comes. "

Then you have to take it away! Old and beautiful things, don't take them for nothing!" Fat

people, who are better than those who are in the city and crawl in a low place, where do they wear such old and beautiful imported high-end clothes, and when they hear the fur coat, their eyes immediately glow.

"Eh, stand up for me first, and then I'll go somewhere else. "

Although there is a high probability that this house has been swept by UBM people, it seems from the few photos left on the desk that these people forgot the things on the desk in a hurry when they came to sweep it. So, if you can't get me to knock down any treasures, you can't say.

The second floor is very simple, it is a larger bedroom home plus a bathroom, and after looking around, I went back to the first floor.

The living room on the first floor is a room, but it actually occupies two bays, except for a large sofa around the fireplace on one side, and a dining table on the other side, under which is a carpet.

"Could it be that this big guy also learned from Dr. Carey, dug a basement in his house, and then used the dining table carpet as a cover to enter the basement entrance?"

I walked over and stomped on my foot, and the ground echoed very lowly. It seems that this one is solid underneath.

"I said you're a big guy, don't you have some secret space at home?"

walked from this living room to the east, through a door, and came to the kitchen of this house, just as I walked through the kitchen door, inside the kitchen,


sounded. I almost jumped in fright, and hurriedly retreated backwards.

Then the sound of

"buzz, buzz~"


This is a sound that I am very familiar with, and that is the sound of the compressor starting in the refrigerator.

Refrigerators don't run all the time, they only run when the temperature inside the refrigerator exceeds a certain number of degrees.

So in the middle of the night, will it be such a sudden?

"Damn it, there's still electricity in this room?" After

making sure it was the sound of the refrigerator, I dared to go to the kitchen.

The furnishings in this kitchen are relatively simple, there is a kitchen counter about 2 meters long, a gas stove, a sink for washing vegetables on the side, and a dishwasher, sterilizer, microwave oven, and oven below.

Inside this kitchen is an overall solution for electrical appliances, water, and gas. From the point of view of this decoration design style, it is completely American.

Across the street from the gas stove was a double-door refrigerator, now humming.

There are all kinds of fresh vegetables and fruits inside, and on the other side of the freezer there are all kinds of frozen meat and fish.

There are also a lot of beer, cola, champagne and other drinks in the cold room.

This is definitely a luxurious configuration in the last days.

Everything here is fully filled, as if someone comes to replenish it regularly.

People in our country, especially those in the south, should build houses, and no one should have such a fireplace in the living room of their home.

That is to say, this house should be tailor-made by UBM for her high-level specialists.

Building a house doesn't happen overnight, note that they have been planning and researching here a long time ago.

But why did he leave so suddenly, what happened in the middle, and what is the relationship with the group of young ladies and zombies in white T-shirts we met.

All of this seems to be answered here, but in the dark, there is no clue left for me here, only a photo,

do you want me to go to the Dr. Carey who has returned to the West to ask for clarification?

It's a bit complicated about what is happening here, my head is a little dizzy now, and looking at the soft white light shining from the refrigerator, I unconsciously put my hand in and took out a can of Webbec.

Just as I was about to look for peanuts, I noticed that something seemed to be sticking to the bottom of the beer, and I almost took it out when I took it out just now.

I hurriedly put my head into the refrigerator and carefully checked the position I had just taken.

"I ,,, a chicken feather letter?" I

pulled out an A4-sized piece of paper from under the compartment of the refrigerated cabinet, like the kind of manuscript paper for writing credit, and it seemed that a few words were written in English.

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