When I was still closing the door, the fat boy had already run to the car.

Closing the door is not only a good habit in normal times, but also a very good habit in the end times.

This can help you hide your whereabouts, and hiding your whereabouts can be described as the only way to survive in the apocalypse.

When I walked out on the road, the fat man was squatting like a hedgehog with 10 rockets on his back, at the bend in the north of the col.

I also ran to the side of the car, grabbed two flashbangs again, and pinned them to my waist, this kind of thing, in this kind of night, the attack effect is very good.

After packing up my gear, I trotted in the direction of the fat man.

Now it's relatively quiet outside this mountain forest, I don't dare to run too fast, for fear that the sound is too loud and will attract the attention of the zombies at that time, which will not be good.

At this time, the fat man squatted there, as if he had changed a person, unusually quiet, like a cat hunting.

I walked over and patted

the fat man on the shoulder, and said, "Have you lost it

?" The fat man turned his head to the back and said,

"Isn't it just ahead?"

I looked up and looked ahead, and this front was in the col of the opposite mountain, and the moonlight was shining from the north, so it was the shaded side, and I couldn't see anything.

"I copied it, ran into it, it's hard to find.

I said softly, and in my heart I had actually silently retreated.

Tell me to go to such a wilderness in the middle of the night, in the middle of the night, to track a group of zombie young ladies in the shade where the moonlight can't shine, just because there may be a way to restrain the T virus and G virus.

I don't really want to do that. Because it's hard to say whether this has a spectrum or not, it's better to take such a big risk.

"Isn't it right there?" said

the fat man, pointing to a small house halfway up the hill not far away.

This small house is very sparse and ordinary, but the fat man's hand...

"Fatty, I said when I got home, I went get some high-end clothes from Dr. Charlie from the United States, when did you kid put them on?"

"This hellish place, it's quite cold at night, so I took one casually." "


Now this part of the mountain, not to mention, the temperature is really a little low, I don't know if it's because there's a river on the side, or because of my psychological effect.

"Fatty, all the zombies you said ran to that house?"

"Then there is a fake, queue to enter the house." See it with your own eyes!"

"It's really fake, that house looks like it's only one bay, and it's only one floor, how can it fit so many young ladies, unless those young ladies are layered on top of each other, they can be installed." "


, I know!" "If you come, you will be safe, you can still shine to the moonlight here, let's

go, let's go up!" "Damn, Dao Chief, really go up?" "

It's not good that there is Dr. Charlie's research results on this, when the time comes, we will get the two keys, and then hand it over to the state, saying that if we are small, the two of us will become an example to imitate, and then the news channel will definitely compete to report the heroic deeds of the two of us

,." If you don't know it, it will be adapted into a novel and published. In this way, the two of us are big celebrities and big heroes. When the time comes, you can also have a signing party, fans, oh no, it's mainly female fans who are vying to give them a hug, hahahaha~"

I originally wanted to do the ideological work of being a fat man, but I didn't expect that I was daydreaming, and even I laughed smugly.

"Damn! And such a good thing? What about the big one?"

I calmed down and returned:

"Big up, the two of us are the saviors! In the future, we will not be able to find out if the United Nations will award us a lifetime honorary award or something, and then our heroic deeds will be widely disseminated to the world.

When the time comes, fans from all over the world, especially female fans, will not quickly throw themselves into their arms, hahahahaha~" "

What are you waiting for, Dao Chief, go, him, if I can't get this Dr. Charlie's research results today, I won't leave as a fat man!".

After I did this, I drew a big cake that a girl threw into her arms, and the fat man was immediately full of energy, shouting that he would immediately go up and intercept the fruits of Dr. Charlie's research.

"Mm-hmm, but we have to be careful now. Be bold and careful, be bold and careful. Let's go, let's go up. "

The fat man was now ahead of me, and his newfound leather coat, black and shiny in the moonlight, looked like a grizzly bear from a distance, and was climbing up the hill.

But on the back of this grizzly bear, the hedgehog-like burning stick, which is not covered, comes to the first shot, and it is absolutely sour and sour.

While walking in the back, I sighed, this Dr. Charlie's leather coat, to say the least, is worth tens of thousands of yuan, and it is really a bit of a waste to be used by a fat man to carry an RPG so directly.

A good leather coat.,If you don't do it, you're going to be ruined by the fat man.,Eh.。。。

I was supposed to be dressed to be handsome, so it was the right way to open it.

I thought about it, and I crawled towards it. After about 5 minutes, the fat man and I were already halfway up the mountain.

The fat man suddenly stopped in front, so much so that I almost hit the RPG behind the fat man, and it blew up when the time came, but there was really nowhere to shout.

"Why did I stop?" I

asked softly, standing up straight.

"The Tao has arrived, and this is it. "

Because the fat man was a tiger's back, he blocked the front cleanly, and I couldn't see anything, so I pushed the fat man away and walked around the side.

I saw that this house was in front of us, about 10 meters away.

We look like a house below, but in reality, it's not a house.

Because, when I look here, here, there seems to be no door.

I took a few more steps ahead, and saw that there was a black rumbling inside, as if it was going very deep, and from time to time a cold wind was blowing outside.

"Could it be that here's a... "

I have a deep suspicion that there seems to be a cave in front of this, and the house outside is not a house at all, but a tent set up at the entrance of the cave, except that this tent is made of bricks and cement to prevent rainwater from backing up.

Since I'm almost at the entrance of the cave now, it's only 4,5 meters away from this hole, and now I have to keep absolutely quiet, otherwise the young ladies inside will hear the movement and won't drag me in

I'm okay, I'm afraid that the fat kid will be very aggressive, and when the time comes, it's not big or small, the little sister and the little sister shouted, and I have to wipe his buttocks, so I hurriedly turned around now and made a silent gesture to the fat man, afraid that the kid didn't understand, so I did it again.

And just as I was making the silence gesture for the second time, the walkie-talkie pinned to my chest suddenly

sounded "rustle~rustle~rustle~rustle~

". This means that the walkie-talkie is turned on to receive, which means that next, it is about to receive a signal. Sure enough, in less than 3 seconds, a familiar voice came from the walkie-talkie:

"Dao Chief, Fat Man, please answer when you hear it! Dao Chief, Fat Man, please answer when you hear it." And

at this time, there was a scream from inside the hole:


Then he immediately ended the call on the walkie-talkie, pushed it 4 or 5 meters behind him, found the back of a small tree, raised the AK rifle, and aimed it at the hole.

And the fat boy, who ran away was really the first in the world, only to see that he had now climbed to the top of a small dirt slope on the side, condescendingly, and placed the 10 rockets he brought with him on the top of the ridge.

Looking at these heavy weapons, my mind was a little relieved.

These rockets, blowing up this hole, is not a matter of seconds.

Now what came from the cave was no longer a ghost whistling, but a dense sound of running, indicating that these young ladies had already taken action.

Before the fat man could fire the cannon, I hurriedly shouted

to the fat man: "Fat man, don't blow up that hole later, wait for the zombies to come out and fight again, the hole will blow up, and we won't be able to enter." It's still in there

!" "I'm copying!"

"Numb, the happiness of the second half of life, and whether we humans can be rescued, it's up to you, don't fight RPG rockets later!" "

I know, I know!" "I'm

talking about calling the fat man to don't fight the rocket, but the fat man seems to have understood it.,Don't hit the rocket...

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