Just now, because I was in a hurry, I also drove to the front with the headlights of this car.

It wasn't until almost 1 minute after I turned it on that I realized that something was definitely going to happen if I kept it on like this, and it was absolutely a death to turn on such a bright light in the dark.

The mountain path twists and turns, and on the side of the road, I haven't found a room to use as a refuge.

However, at every corner, there is a crooked and slanted path, heading towards Mianyang in each ravine.

This kind of road either leads to a family in the mountain, or it leads to the farmland in this ravine, which is used as a transportation channel for farming.

It's impossible to drive out so directly now, and it's still a more dangerous thing.

First, the earth-shattering movement just now, as well as the few grenades I lost, were enough to attract zombies from dozens of kilometers away. Some ordinary zombies are just that, if you attract any mutants, giant zombies or the like, then you really can't eat and walk around.

And now, they may be on their way.

Second, if we go out, if the zombie army chases after us, not to mention that our lives are difficult to protect, Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian, as well as our temporary base of Xiangyun Hotel, will not be able to be saved.

Therefore, the top priority is to hurry up and find a solid and hidden place, hide, develop indecently, spend the night, and wait until the next day, when it is dawn, and then go back. Presumably, there are only a few zombies that can move during the day, and we don't need to turn on the lights during the day, so the goal is much smaller all of a sudden.

I've been on the road for a while now, and I've slowed down so I don't miss every shelter on the side of the road where I can hide, and the engine noise has been quieter.

And at the same time as the engine sound was quieter, the roars and roars of zombies came from not far away.

When the fat man heard this voice one day, his whole body trembled for a moment, and he instantly recovered from his lazy state, and hurriedly picked up the RPG launcher from the floor, rolled down the window, and said:

"Damn, Dao Chief, it seems that there are a lot

of zombies in front!" "Mmmm! Without further ado, here it is!"

Now that we have no way out, we will drive forward again, and if we don't know it, we will have to meet the zombies who have come to support.

Seeing that there was a dirt path at the bend in front of me that sloped up the hill, I turned my car straight up the road.

Fortunately, the chassis of this Tefu pickup truck has high horsepower, otherwise there is a slope of almost 30 degrees to climb this, and there is really no spectrum in my heart.

This dirt road, since there are no people walking, is now overgrown with weeds on both sides and in the middle, leaving only two rut marks, a piece of mud and gravel ground.

The road sloped upwards and zigzagged upwards.

I drove about 300 meters before I reached the col of the mountain.

And this is the end of the dirt road.

Sitting in the car and looking at the nearby scene, on both sides of this col, there is a whole forest. In this col, there are also many trees planted in the drench.

And right in front of our car was the end of the road, and a few steps ahead was over the col.

After thinking about it for a moment, I immediately turned off the engine and got out of the car, and climbed straight to the mouth of this mountain pass.

At this time, the fat man remained in the car, seemingly sorting out his weapons and equipment.

I took out the walkie-talkie pinned to my shoulder, patted the dust, and then pressed the signal transmitter button, hoping that this thing would still work.

However, after I pressed it, the walkie-talkie did not give me any positive reply, and even the indicator light did not turn on.

"Damn! I can't have been crushed just now, right?"

This time there was no reaction.,But I'm just a don't give up and keep pressing this button.,Unexpectedly,3 seconds later, the screen suddenly lit up.,The boot screen also jumped into my eyes.。

After "Dididi~"

rang three times, this walkie-talkie entered the receiving mode.

"Nima, it turned out to be turned off. I

hurriedly pressed the signal transmitter

button and said, "Shake the call hole, shake the call hole, hear the answer, hear the answer~over!"

I released the call button, and the signal was launched from my walkie-talkie.


I waited for about 7,8 seconds, and in the intercom, it wasn't that there was no echo, rustle, this background noise was replied in a timely manner.

I look at the current position, it seems that Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian can't be contacted, so I didn't try again, it's normal that I can't be contacted here, after all, it's just a satellite pot, not a real communication satellite.

I pinned the walkie-talkie back to my shoulder and walked straight to the car.

The fat man was now in the car, his luggage was packed, and he was about to get out of the car and walk towards me. When he saw me coming back, he asked

, "Chief, aren't you going to look for shelter?" "

This is a forest land, not a farmhouse, at most there are a few tents in the forest, and it is better to stay in the car than to stay inside." With

that, I got into the car, then laid my seat flat and lay down.

"I'm tired of Lao Tzu! Lie down for a while! When the zombie is 5 steps away from me, remind me again. Thank you

!" "Hehe~

" (Cao can't move forward, there is no way to get out, shouting: "Who will save me!" In the horse army, a general came out, Nai Dian Wei Ye, holding a double iron halberd, shouting: "Don't worry, the lord!" flew off the horse, inserted the double halberd, took more than a dozen short halberds, held them in his hands, and Gu Congren said: "The thief came ten steps to call me!" Then let go of his footsteps and risked the arrow to move forward. Dozens of cavalry chased after the cloth army. The congregation shouted: "Ten steps!" Wei said: "Five steps is to call me!" Congren said: "Five steps!" Wei Naifei stabbed him, and one person fell from his horse with a halberd, and there was no false hair, killing more than a dozen people immediately. Everyone is running. )

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