Now the curtains in the house are open, during the day, nothing happens, anyway, we don't need to turn on the lights, so the curtains are not a big problem here.

It was already approaching evening, and the sky outside was gradually darkening.

Naturally, the inside of the room slowly darkened.

Now the coals burning inside the brazier, the beating warm dark yellow light, baked the whole room warmly.

In the last days, lying in bed is also boring, staring at the TV hanging on the wall across the bed in a daze.

Originally, I was able to watch TV in the hospital when I was sick, but now, although we have a generator here, I am afraid that there is no signal, and watching TV is not good.

Just as I turned my head and was about to lie down on my side, I suddenly saw a walkie-talkie on the table.

"Ah, there it is!"

I shouted as I glanced at the fat man who was now sitting around the brazier

, "Fatty, plug in the TV, turn on the satellite receiver, and turn on the TV."

"What are you doing

here?" "Watch TV!"

"Is there a signal here?"

After saying that, the fat man turned on the TV, but there was no signal, a snowflake.

"Dao Chief, I'll just say that there is no signal here!"

"You forgot, there is a satellite TV receiver on the roof of this building. Oh, the satellite decoder looks like it's on a table in the lobby on the first floor, you just plug in that DVD-like machine. "

All right!" said

the fat man got up and prepared to go downstairs. I hurriedly answered:

"Eh, while it's still dark, you go get a car repair shop and add some gasoline." It's been burning for two days, and the gasoline generator is estimated to be running out of gas. Don't wait until we watch a hot show, the battery runs out!"

Originally, the fat man wanted to find all kinds of reasons to excuse himself, but as soon as I mentioned any hot show, I immediately went downstairs to work.

This small hotel, also in order to save some TV costs, so directly installed a satellite TV. It's also a great way for us to get to know what's going on out there and what's going on.

At this point, I remembered that we actually had radios, and quite a few batteries. It's also possible to take out the radio and listen to the medium- and long-wave radio radio signals to learn about the current development of Resident Evil.

Fortunately, the materials in reserve were sufficient, otherwise they would have been passive now.

At the beginning, I actually not only stocked up on a lot of survival materials, but I also stockpiled a lot of spiritual food.

The spiritual food here does not refer to tobacco and alcohol, but the real spiritual food, for example, the doomsday survival novel updated to the latest chapter - "The Strongest Reserve of the Doomsday", and all kinds of online novels.

It's all downloaded to my phone.

There are also all kinds of movies, and I originally wanted to go to the Aoyama base to show movies at a boring night for everyone's pastime.

But that base is gone, and now here, although you can't show a movie, but you can watch a TV, and it's okay, and it's very good.

After the fat man left, I turned on my phone and read a few chapters of "The Strongest Reserve of the Doomsday", and looked at the twists and turns of the protagonist's experience, which is similar to my current situation. Immediately, there was a feeling of pity.

Just as I was reading with relish, Zheng Yan pushed open the door of the room, wiped her hair with the long white towel in the hotel, walked in, and said:

"Wow~ It's so warm in here~

" "Haha, raise a little charcoal." What time is it now, it's still so cold~"

I returned casually.

"Ah, it's a brazier, put it in this room, aren't you afraid of carbon monoxide poisoning?"

"It's okay, just now there was a crack in the window, and there was a gap under the door, forming convection, which is not a big problem." "


Zheng Yan agreed, and then walked to the bathroom and changed her clothes.

I saw that she didn't know where to get a pajamas, sat in front of the dresser, and asked softly while wiping skin care products:

"Xun Yu, why are you turning on this TV?" (Xun Yu, is my original name, only when Zheng Yan and I are alone, will they call me that.) No one can guess, this is our code~)

After speaking, he reached out to turn off the TV.

"Eh, there will be

a program later!" "What kind of program, there is no signal now!" "

The signal is coming from the sky! Have you forgotten about satellite TV?"

Zheng Yan thought for a while, and then laughed with a sneer:

"Haha! I really haven't remembered it yet." It's been boring these few nights, and if you really have a TV to watch, it will be cool!"

"There will be a signal later, and now the fat man has gone to pick up the satellite decoder." Indeed

, in the apocalypse, in addition to the harsh living environment, another great enemy is boredom.

Or rather, there is no goal of survival.

If it goes on for such a long time, although there is food and drink, sooner or later, people will also be destroyed.

Or become the walking dead, or directly develop a misanthropic mood.

One of the solutions to this solution is to do things for early pastime, for example, in the evening to watch TV, read novels, play cards, etc.

Of course, there is a more advanced solution, which is to do the noble thing early and set a goal for yourself.

In this way, if you have a goal, you will have a pursuit, so you will not be confused.

And my goal now is very clear, that is, when my body recovers, I will build a vehicle here - the Doomsday RV.

Then I drove the car all the way west, to the back of the Resident Evil Line, and handed over the information about the Resident Evil virus to the state that I had about Dr. Carey and Dr. Charlie.

In this way, our country can defeat the virus as soon as possible and end this crisis as soon as possible.

This is a very righteous matter for both the country and the people. With this goal, I won't be lost.

But there is still occasional boredom.

Lying in bed, watching TV by the way, learning about the market outside, gossip and gossip is also good. This doesn't conflict with the big picture.

Who said that saving the country and saving the people must be sad and symbiotic, I am comfortable, and I will save the country and the people! ("Let the Bullets Fly": I just stand, and I have to earn money!)

After a while, the door was pushed open, I thought it was the fat man who came back, but I didn't expect it to be Zheng Qian.

It is estimated that Zheng Qian has just washed the dishes and chopsticks, and is still wearing a white lace apron.

"Dao Chief, are you better? "

Mmmm, much better. Thank you!"

"Then you rest for a few more days, I'll make you something to eat~

" "I'm afraid it's not okay to rest more, just now the fat man told me that there are more and more zombies here now, right, and there are zombies coming out during the day?"

I asked by the way.

Zheng Qian unbuttoned the apron in the kitchen and returned to me:

"Well, since you came back that day, during the day the next day, there were 2 or 3 female zombies in white on the road one after another.

When Zheng Yan heard Zheng Qian say this, she snorted and laughed.

I hurriedly explained

: "Don't listen to his nonsense, is there anything else?"

Zheng Qian smiled and continued:

"Also, at night, there are more zombies wandering on the road here, and most of the zombies are running towards the east, that is, Qingshan. Hordes.


, it's almost evening anyway, so you can't see it yourself."

"Oh oh... Now it seems to be a bit dangerous here ... "

Now that the density of zombies outside seems to be increasing, how to put it, the situation we are in now is not comparable to what it used to be. I suddenly remembered that our current base didn't seem to have strengthened protection, so I hurriedly asked

, "Did the fat man reinforce our base?"

Zheng Qian replied:

"Well, the fat brother got a few beds and blocked the gate of the yard, and the gate on the first floor, the fat brother also moved a few beds to block it." "

Okay~ It seems that this fat man, why did he think of the bed first... The

author has something to say:

In the end of the world, a longer time is actually the daily routine with our two little fairies. I hope that we can go on like this forever, but often reality does not allow you to live so quietly. And this daily life has also become a beautiful memory in our apocalyptic survival stories in the future.

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