Outside, the wind rattled the trees, and the hail smashed against the wooden planks above the windows, making a ping-pong sound.

Then, a bolt of lightning swept across the sky and through the cracks in the planks.


A thunderbolt came from afar. The building was shaken.

In the room, I kept hitting the planks with my hammer and throwing them into the fire.

"Ah cut~"

Zheng Qian suddenly sneezed.

"If your clothes are wet, you won't catch a cold, you wait, I'll get you some quilts~

" "Dao Chief, the house is full of water, and there are dry quilts."

Zheng Yan grabbed me and said.

"Who said that I brought a quilt to cover for you

~" "So what to do with it?"

"Mountain people have their own wonderful use~"

After saying that, I turned around and walked out of the basement.

The basement we are in now is surrounded by walls on three sides, with only one hallway leading to the basement outside by a window.

Although the windows of the basement outside are also nailed, the wind inside is still a little strong because it is an open environment.

When the wind blew, before I knew it, I shivered.

"Ma Dan!" I cursed, and then forcibly gritted my teeth:

"Ma Dan, what is this! Lao Tzu TMD also went

to swim in the Yangtze River in winter!"

"Although, I didn't really go to swim in the Yangtze River in winter, and I was completely lying to myself when I said this."

However, it seems that after my words, my body slowly eased up, and it was not as cold as it was when I first came out just now.

I went up to the living room on the first floor, and shone a flashlight towards the door, but fortunately, the door was not blown open by the wind and was intact.

But the windows on one side were completely destroyed, and rainwater was pouring into them.

I paused for a moment and climbed to our room on the second floor, where the hail had been completely shattered by the window on the other side of the road, and the wind was blowing through the window into the house.

There was no dry place in the whole house.

"Numb, I knew earlier, it was better to strengthen this room first, then there would be a place to sleep!"

Because of our room, I made a few curtains on the window side, but fortunately, these curtains kept me out a lot of rain.

Near the window, my bed with the fat man was completely soaked. But Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian's bed near the inside looked fine, but the quilt on top was wet, and the quilt below was still dry.

But if you are carried down by me, you will be wet nine times out of ten.

Luckily, several of our big hiking bags are waterproof, so the contents of the few hiking bags that are now on the ground should be safe.

But after soaking for a long time, I guess I couldn't hold it, so I took a thin bed sheet, and then carried a few backpacks and walked downstairs.

The purpose of taking this sheet is not to wrap it in Zheng Yan or Zheng Qian, but to hang it in the middle of the basement, and the role is to avoid suspicion.

Because Zheng Qian and Zheng Qian, including me and the fat man, are all soaked, the most important thing now is to take off their clothes and put them on the edge of the fire to dry.

But there is only one room in the basement, we can't just take off our clothes like this~ Otherwise, wouldn't it be a hooligan.

So I thought, when the time comes, I'll go upstairs and get a quilt and get the sheets.

Put it in the middle of the room, and then divide the fire into two piles, one for us men and one for girls.

Then the middle is blocked with a sheet, and then you can take off your clothes separately, dry them, and put them back on, and that's it.

Although we are both old friends and partners (old husband and wife), when I mentioned that I wanted the two girls to undress, Zheng Yan still looked at me with vigilant eyes and said

, "Although it is a bad idea, there seems to be no way now." Zheng Qian, take it off, I'll give you a lookout, if they dare to peek, I'll kill him!"

The fat man also shouted at this time:

"What I said is what I said, it's a big deal, won't we go out!"

After speaking, the fat man just wanted to stand up and turn around and go out.

At this time, Zheng Qian hurriedly stood up and pulled the fat man back:

"Fat brother, don't go, it's okay." You saved my life, how could I not believe you.

Then he said

to Zheng Yan: "Sister Zheng Yan, the fat brother is a good person, and the Taoist chief is also a gentleman, so he won't look at it~ You can rest assured~" "Zheng

Qian~ You can't have the heart to harm people, and you can't have the heart to prevent people." Who knows what these two obscene little perverts are thinking~ It's better to be cautious

~" "Uh-huh~" "Mmmm~"

Numb, I'm roasting the fire on the side, this top hat fell from the sky to my head, it's really...

At the critical moment, I was too lazy to worry about the little women, so I stood up, picked up the sheets, and said,

"Don't catch a cold, I'll close the curtain." With

that, I nailed one end of the sheet to the wall, and the other to the other.

In this way, the room is divided into two parts.

Then I took two pieces of burning firewood, went to the other side, and re-lit a fire.

Then the fat man and I arrived here, and I shouted:

"Zheng Qian, Zheng Yan, you can take off your clothes and dry

them~" "Okay, in the middle, don't act rashly, otherwise Miss Ben's fist will not be covered!"

"I know, my aunt~ I know how powerful you are!".

Although, Zheng Yan said that she wanted to supervise us, in fact, listening to the voice, she herself seemed to be cold, and she probably took off the fire over there.

I was smiling on the other side and not talking.

"What are you laughing at?

" "Nothing

~" "Hmph~ hooligans!

""... "

Fat man, why don't we take it off and roast it too?" The

fat man was about to answer, but he didn't expect Zheng Yan to speak first:

"I'm a hooligan, my eyes are going to have needle eyes."

"Hemp egg, have you seen it, how do you have a needle's eye... "


I'm at a loss for words now, anyway, hooligans are solid.

But Zheng Qian returned:

"It's okay~ Dao Chief, you should also take off the roasting fire." It's warm.

"Forget it, I didn't wear a few pieces anyway, so I did it right away

~" This rascal can't sit down, and he still needs this face!

"Oh oh~"

Now the work of adding firewood to the fat man is handed over to the fat man, so I'm also bored now, so I opened the backpack I carried and rummaged in it.

"Eh~ There is also self-heating food for soldiers!" "

It's not okay to cook now, so I just got two, heated them, and handed them to Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian from the screen in the middle.

Zheng Yan stretched out a pair of snow-white arms, maybe it was because it was too cold, maybe it was because Zheng Yan's arms were so white.

Now there is a thin veil between us.

But now our friendship of sharing weal and woe is very pure, and in the face of Zheng Yan's snow-white arms, there is no other thought.


This storm lasted until the evening. And at night, it kept falling, but the wind was a little lighter.

The river outside the door rattled.

Our Buddha screen lasted for 2 hours.

"Tonight, it looks like I'm going to sleep in the basement~ Zheng Yan Zheng Qian, are your clothes dry, and you're running out of firewood, I'm going out. "

It's done~"

Hearing this, I opened the screen, and now Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian are sitting together in the corner.

"There are still some newspapers in this corner, take them over to pad your buttocks, and sit on the ground to be careful of catching a cold~"

I pointed to the place where the fat man was sitting and said to Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian.


After speaking, I went over, took a few knives of newspaper, and handed it over.

Zheng Yan took it and divided it into two parts, put it on the ground, and prepared to sit on it.

"Eh, eh~Don't be like this, it's not warm~

" When Zheng Yan heard my words, she instantly stopped and asked

, "Then how do you put it?"

"You watch, I'll demonstrate it." First take a piece of newspaper and crumple it into a ball, then put it on the ground, then take a piece and crumple it into a ball, keep kneading the paper ball, and then put these paper balls in a place, and then make a newspaper spread out and cover it, and then the person sits on this newspaper again, so as to keep warm~"

Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian followed my example and began to make paper balls. By the time I picked up the firewood and returned to the room, Zheng Qian had already made her own small cushion, and said with a smile:

"Dao Chang is so smart, sitting up like this is like sitting on a sofa." "


I smiled bitterly.

I wish I didn't know this little trick. Because this skill was learned by me sleeping in the bridge cave...

We slept in the basement tonight, and since the quilts were all wet, we had to get some newspapers to use as quilts and mattresses.

Crumple it up, put it on the ground, and then cover it with an open newspaper, and then the person lies down and covers it with several layers of newspaper.

However, it is okay to keep warm in this way, but be careful of the fire, otherwise it will be... Cremated on the spot...

This bad weather caused us heavy losses.

There was no place to sleep at night, the quilts, sheets and mattresses were all wet.

And our food reserves are also blistered.

This storm also destroyed a lot of doomsday materials.

In the future, if you want to find better food, I am afraid it will be more difficult.

But other cities may not be as windy, and maybe it will be better there.


The author has something to say:

Regarding updates, I usually update more on weekends and holidays. Comrades who follow it every day, I suggest you keep it for a week and then watch it~

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