"Is this a military base?" Zheng

Yan said, following me.

I looked around and the place was a valley surrounded by mountains on all sides. Set up a military base in this place, it is still very hidden. I went back

, "Uh-huh, it should be up front." But looking at it this way, there should be no one here now. The

fat man leaned against the car door, and with a cigarette in his mouth, he said to the valley,

"I don't know if there's anything good in there." "

I guess there's nothing, look at the desolate appearance now~" I

replied casually.

At this time, Zheng Qian also ran over from the car, glanced at the sign prohibiting entry, and said timidly:

"Dao Chief, are we idle people, this place is not easy to enter, right?"

But now we're all fighting a united front of zombies.

We also fight zombies, so we are also warriors, so we are not idlers.

No problem getting in. But the question is, is there any need for us to go in.

This kind of abandoned military base, there is usually nothing good in it, and I have no interest in it. It's better to hurry up. "

Mmmm, okay, I'm not interested in it either~"

Zheng Qian said with a smile.

After speaking, I said to the fat man at the three-way intersection:

"Fat man, the road over there is the road to Hui Province." This one here is not, let's continue to hurry~

" "Why don't you go in and have a look?" "

Look at your hammer, is there a yellow flower girl in it that looks good." It is estimated that there are some scrap copper and rotten iron inside, and if you go in and walk around, you don't get any benefits, but you get into a commotion. The

fat man thought about it, and it was estimated that it was just like what I said, there was nothing good and unprofitable, so he immediately opened the car door and jumped into the car.

At this time, Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian and I also retreated from this fork in the road and returned to our Wuling car.

Here just now, because the fat man ran into a three-way intersection, he didn't have a map to navigate, so he didn't know which way.

So just park your car and wait here for my door.

Next, after we have figured out the direction, we are ready to set off and continue north.

This comes and goes, and here it is also a delay in the work of a cigarette.

That is, the kung fu of this cigarette, the sky that was about to turn sunny just now, suddenly became cloudy again.

The wind in the mountains was also whistling and strong.

The trees on both sides of the road crackled.

The next road in front of us was a winding road that sloped towards the top of the mountain, and the road here was not as good as the road in front of the fork in the road at the military base.

After passing the fork in the road at the military base, the road ahead to continue northward was no longer a concrete road, but a yellow mud road.

The dirt road, plus I haven't driven for a long time, so the road here is full of weeds.

We also used the drainage ditches on both sides of the road to barely distinguish where the roadbed was and where the ditch was.

We drove up the grass road to the next mountain.

I saw in the rearview mirror that Zheng Qian poked her head out of the window and looked out.

I hurriedly stopped:

"Eh, Zheng Qian, don't stick your head out of the window when driving." It's dangerous. "


Zheng Qian replied, and then sat down again.

Then he said

, "Dao Chief, it will rain heavily in a while. This road is estimated to be difficult to walk later.

"It's not that it's hard to leave later, it's not good to leave now." "

Just as I finished speaking, our car suddenly tilted towards the side of the ravine.


I wanted to say crow's mouth, but when I thought that there were still indecent words in front of my sister, I swallowed it stiffly.

I cursed, and immediately turned the steering wheel in the opposite direction.

Shift the gear into first gear, lightly press the throttle, and try to control the van that is about to get out of control.

After a fierce operation

, with a "bang~",

our van smoothly slid into the ditch on the edge of the roadbed, unable to move.

I immediately got out of the passenger car to check the condition of the car.

At this time, Zheng Yan immediately picked up the walkie-talkie, called the fat man, and told him to turn around and come back to support immediately.

"Dao Chief, what's wrong with our car.

At this time, Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian both climbed out of the car.

The storm is coming, and now it is dark again.

Now it was dark and I couldn't see under the car, so I took a flashlight and

there was nothing wrong with the car, there was a rear tire hanging in the gutter.

This car, in its current condition, can't be driven

. I stood up and said

, "This car is not scrapped, but it just can't be driven, and we have to find a way to get it." "

Wuling Shenche is not very heavy, only a little more than 1 ton.

The fat man and I lifted it up directly, and there should be no problem.

But the key thing is

, one, we don't have the tools. To lift it up, you need at least a sturdy rope and a few sticks.

Second, now I can't see what is going on in the ditch, and I don't know what is going on in the vicinity, and it is estimated that it will take some time to get this car up.

We waited here for about 3 or 5 minutes, and then the fat man turned around and came back.


after parking the car, he glanced at the van stuck in the ditch, and said:

"Dao Chief, your skills are not good~ Isn't this road very easy to drive."

"Don't look at how wide the tires of your car are. How much horsepower the car has. You come to drive this Wuling car, I guess it's still a question mark whether this mountain can come up~

" At this time, the fat man didn't talk to me too much, came over directly, turned on the flashlight, looked at it, touched his cheeks with his hand and said:

"It is estimated that no one can stand in this ditch." You'll have to get a winch and a few logs to pull it up. Or call a crane. "

When I heard the crane, I was also thundered by the fat man. He smiled and said

, "Crane, we won't be able to get it until after Resident Evil." Now I think we won't be able to do it for a while, so we'd better run away. Leave this car alone. We quickly moved our things off and went to the pickup truck. "

But when we were moving our things, we opened the door of the pickup truck and found that the back seat had been removed and there was a pile of ammunition inside.

Even the co-pilot's position was placed with an oil drum.

So the three of us couldn't get in at all, let alone any luggage.

But fortunately, this pickup truck has a body, and the luggage of a few of us can still be stuffed into the pocket.

Just as we were moving our things, getting ready, and moving some things into the back pocket, so that the back seat of the pickup truck could be vacated so that the three of us could squeeze

in, a lightning bolt lit up the entire valley, and it was this lightning that illuminated the entire valley, allowing me to vaguely see the gray cement buildings in the valley.

Before I could see what was going on,

a thunderclap exploded from the valley.


" "Damn, it's not good! It's going to rain heavily!" As

soon as my voice fell, the raindrops the size of beans fell from the sky.

"Hurry up and get in the car, all in the pocket. "

I asked the fat man to pull a hole in the tarpaulin behind the body so we could climb in.

Because the wheels of this pickup truck are relatively large and the chassis is relatively high, it is a little difficult for Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian to climb up.

At this time, I was in a hurry, and I didn't have time to be polite, so I said:

"Two girls, offended~"

and then picked up Zheng Qian and Zheng Yan, a princess, and hugged them in turn into the car pocket.

Then, I climbed in from the position of the tire.

Before catching up with the canvas and tying the canvas ropes, I said

to the fat man, "Fat man, I'll drive directly to the abandoned military base below."

It's too dangerous to go up the mountain now.

Let's go to that place for a while, I really wanted to see several buildings down there.

It is estimated that it is from this military base. At

this time, the fat man didn't even think about it, so he agreed:


Since the fat man turned around and came back this time, he drove back now, without turning around, and drove directly down the mountain.

This dirt road, I drove with the fat man.

However, it was halfway up the mountain, and once it rained, it was definitely slippery.

And now, it's going to rain heavily, and we have to continue going up the mountain, which is a bit risky.

It's better to hide in the abandoned base below now, and wait until the weather improves before leaving.

Moreover, this abandoned base is also in a valley, and if you want to get in, you have to climb the mountain outside.

When we came in, it wasn't raining, so we were able to drive in.

But if it rains, especially in the rain, then you can't get in from outside, so as long as the rain doesn't stop, then we are still safe in the valley below.

Inside the body of the pickup truck, the top layer is a mattress. There were also a few quilts, sheets, and stuff like that.

It's quite comfortable to sit in.

At the beginning, I thought that if there was no good place to sleep, I would sleep in the car body for so long.

Now, it's so quick to use it. And it's with two girls in such a closed space. It's really ,,,

to prevent the gold dollars in the pockets of the car, as well as the weapons and equipment from getting wet.

The fat man was on top, covered with a waterproof canvas.

So now, all three of us, including the body, are covered with this canvas.

Outside, the raindrops crackled on the canvas. Although the water did not penetrate the water, a chill still came in.

Feeling that Zheng Qian, who was leaning on the car body with me, was a little trembling, I turned on the flashlight and found a futon in the car body.

Cover it for the two girls.

"Thank you~"

Zheng Qian structured the futon I handed over, and when she took my quilt, my hands felt cold for a while.

"Why are your hands so cold~

" "Oh, this canvas, there is a place where the rope is broken, and I pulled it with my hand." "

I flashed my flashlight, and sure enough, in the middle of the car, near the cab, the middle canvas rope was broken, and now over there, the leewind was crackling.

I stretched out my hand, and a biting cold came from below.

"Leave him alone, it's just a little wind leaking below, and the rain can't come in, Zheng Qian, don't talk about it, we'll be there right away anyway." Just now I saw that there seem to be a lot of abandoned buildings in the military base below. When the time comes, find someone to take shelter from the rain. Then make a fire and bake a fire for you~"

Now the three of us are in the car pocket, and there are no conditions, so we can only suffer our sister-in-law, and hope to quench our thirst.

And the fat man at this time, in the car, the air conditioner is estimated to have been played.


The author has something to say:

Thank you for the gift from the elder brother of "Lin 17706178992" ~ Thank you for your support! If you don't follow me, remember to follow me. If I'm lazy one day and don't update it in time, then please move to my headline homepage, which has a micro headline I posted, and I will most likely update a novel-related side story. Thank you for your support!

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