It didn't take long for me to fall asleep.

But before I could sleep, I felt like the sky was shaking.

"What's wrong?"

I asked softly.

"Dao Chief, there is movement outside, it seems that a group of zombies are coming.

Zheng Yan whispered in my ear.

The bonfire in this stairwell, I don't know when, has been extinguished, and it is also possible that Zheng Yan took the initiative to extinguish it.

So now the situation is that you can't see your fingers, and you can only know who is in front of you through sound and physical contact.

But as soon as I heard the word zombie, the whole person woke up in an instant.

Dying sick sat up in shock, after sitting up, think carefully, zombies TMD zombies, panic what. Bring me my 30m broadsword, oh no, my 30-round AK rifle.

After thinking about it carefully, Xiao Shengren gave him a nickname - an expert in zombie novels, and Xiao Sheng was most afraid of zombies, so he said softly:

"Zombies don't have to be afraid, if you come, I have enough peanuts (bullets) here!"

After speaking, he touched out the AK rifle that I put aside before going to bed.

And just as I was about to walk out, I suddenly heard a little girl's exclamation outside:

"Oh, Shit!"

from this voice, and from the sound of walking, it sounded not far from our door.

And after hearing this voice, I was also taken aback, and hurriedly took a step back. If you continue to run outside the bunker, won't you saturate this girl and take a picture.

Inside this bunker is now out of sight, Zheng Yan followed me, and ran out with me just now.

I didn't expect that I would kill a horse gun now

, but when I walked back, I didn't shout "Please pay attention to reversing!", and Zheng Yan naturally didn't know that I was still driving back.

So, impartially, Zheng Yan and I met each other.


" Zheng Yan's head just fit into my chest, and she let out a bang

, "Oh oh!"

Although there are strong muscles as a cushion, it still hurts to hit it like this, and I can't help but snort softly.

But now when the last moment comes, I can't help but be hypocritical here, so I hurriedly hugged Zheng Yan to prevent her from falling backwards, after all, her small body and I bumped into it, it was undoubtedly Mars hitting the earth.

It is always the little girl who suffers.

After the two of us calmed down a little, I lowered my head and whispered in Zheng Yan's ear:

"There seems to be a living person outside!"


Zheng Yan was a little surprised, but fortunately he didn't shout out loudly, otherwise, we would have exposed the target.

When we stopped inside the house, the sound of footsteps outside gradually became clear.


to the hall ~ listen to the hall ~ listen to the hall ~" This is the sound of high heels walking on the cement pavement, and then the sound of high heels stopped, and there was an impatient wheezing sound


~" and without waiting for this unlucky girl to finish breathing, a large number of zombies suddenly roared from behind,

"Sisisi~Roar~Roar~Roar~Kick~." Kick and beat~"

When I heard this familiar voice, I kind of understood what was going on outside now.

If I'm not mistaken, then the current situation outside is like this:

on a dark and windy night in the moon, there is a beautiful girl with high heels, hanging out in the abandoned military base deep in the mountains and old forests.

And then suddenly was attacked by zombies who didn't know from which corner

.,And then,Fortunately, people have practiced.,So now there's no way to be a zombie.,Now I'm playing eagle and catch chickens with zombie babies.。

Of course, others may not know all this, but I can hear it clearly in the bunker.

"Hmph, this little girl is very powerful~ It seems to be a person, but she can actually run to this abandoned base, and she can live from the beginning of the biochemical outbreak to the present. "

I have a heartfelt respect for this girl in my heart, but more of awe.

A powerful person is certainly respectable, but it is also terrifying, what if he is a bad person!

And just as I was analyzing the causes and consequences of this matter, Zheng Yan suddenly raised his head and said softly:

"Dao Chief, should we go out and help this person." She seemed to be surrounded by zombies.

"What do you say?"

"When there was movement outside just now, I climbed to the bunker on the second floor to look, and at that time, by the light of the helicopter burning, I saw that there were a lot of zombies on the south and north sides of this road, so I called you up in such a panic." But just now, I didn't see that there was a living person in it. I thought they were all zombies. Zheng

Yan told me what she had just seen, but now is the end of the world, it is not that you can't save people, but you have to judge whether this person is a good person before saving people.

Now the situation on the other side is not very clear, and if you rush to save people, you may put yourself in it.

I thought about it again and again, and said to Zheng Yan:

"Don't panic first, this woman is by no means an ordinary person, and she can come here alone." These zombies, she should be able to deal with. It's better for us not to go out, or we will be treated like zombies, and if we get a bullet, then we will be miserable.

Zheng Yan lowered her head, thought for a while, nodded, and returned:


Today's plan is not to save people, but to secretly observe!

After almost 1 minute, the

sound of running in high heels is gradually approaching.

And we don't need to observe secretly, because this girl who is dead is rushing over with a torch...

Since she is in the light and we are in the dark, the current situation is that we can see this girl clearly, but that girl cannot see us.


The author has something to say:

Thank you for your support! The strongest reserve of the end is just the beginning. In the future, I will continue to bring you more and higher quality novels, remember to follow me~ Thank you for your support!

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