I lifted the oil lamp to the top of the ceiling so that I could see it more clearly.

I saw that above this ceiling, in the middle is a central air conditioner-style air outlet.

"Hemp eggs, such a ghost place, warm in winter and cool in summer, and install some air conditioner. There's definitely something wrong with this!"

After the incident with the ventilation fan of the lily window in the secret room last time, I have already felt the temper of the big guy who designed the secret passage here! For example, as long as he raised his eyebrows, I knew he was going to fart

! This place looks like a central air conditioner, but in fact it should be a secret passage!

Accident is not unexpected, surprise is not surprised!

When I first entered this room, I checked all the surroundings, but I didn't find any entrances or exits.

It stands to reason that the three caves of the cunning rabbit, this secret command and control base, must have more than one exit, but these four sides are really concrete walls, and there are no more exits or shutters.

This time, the voice from the top of my head came in time, and I immediately discovered that the secret passage of this room was above our heads!

The fat man was also studying this air conditioning outlet with me at this time.

Of course, his research is much simpler and crudeer than mine.

Since the fat man is about 2 meters tall, here, he can reach directly to the air conditioner-like air outlet of the ceiling when he stretches out his hand.


sounded, and the entire air outlet was removed, and a burst of dust followed and drifted down from above.

"Hemp eggs, so easy to dismantle!" I

covered my nose and turned on the oil lamp to shine towards the ventilation duct above.

I saw that it was a stainless steel pipe, with a height of 60 cm and a width of 60 cm.

The inside is glossy.

When you get closer, you can feel a gentle breeze blowing.

I touched the ventilation duct in it, and although there

was some dust, it was clean inside.

It seems that the wind that came in has been treated, otherwise, the dust will accumulate over time, and it will accumulate in it, which is not at all what it is now.

"Dao Chief, do you want to climb in and have a look?"

This ventilation duct, welded from a thin layer of stainless steel, hangs from the ceiling. Looking at this thickness, I shouldn't have any problems going up.

But because the fat man is relatively large, it seems that there is still some risk in going up like this, so I just returned:

"You come here to give me the wind, I'll go in and see, what's going on, I'll come back immediately

!" "OK!"

After speaking, the fat man squatted down, and then I stood on the fat man's shoulder, and then aimed at the ventilation duct, and climbed in.

The space here is too small, not easy to operate, pine sticks, I don't have to bring them.

I only brought an oil lamp for lighting.

From the outside, there is not a lot of dust accumulated here, but once inside, it is completely different.

Because there is dust sticking to the upper and lower sides, I move inside, and the PM2.5 in this pipe immediately exceeds the standard.

"Good thing I have a gas mask! I don't know if this thing works. "

Regardless of the three-seven-twenty-one, I just removed the gas mask from my waist, put on the filter canister, and then continued to crawl forward.

I probably climbed about 10 meters and came to a three-way intersection.

The ventilation duct on the outside is obviously much wider than the ventilation duct inside, and the air inside is also much stronger.

Inside this large pipe, a gust of wind blew and made a

sound of "huhuhu~".

How does this sound feel so familiar, as if when I heard the conversation coming from here just now, it was sandwiched with this sound, and it turned out to be the sound of the wind.

It seems that Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian are nearby, nine times out of ten.

Along this large ventilation duct, I climbed about 10 meters ahead and came to the edge of a ventilation window.

This is a protruding part of the middle of the pipe, and there is also an exhaust fan for exhaust on the outside.

But now due to the power outage here, this exhaust fan naturally can't be fanned.

From the gap in the blades of this exhaust fan, you can see the scene below.

But because it's pitch black in the basement now, it's impossible to see anything at all.

Seeing this scene, I felt a pimple in my heart

, "I copied it, how could I find it so much!TMD Heavenly King Lao Tzu couldn't find

it when he came!" And just when I stopped, a little girl's voice suddenly came from below:

"Sister Zheng Yan, there seems to be movement on the ceiling above

~" "Oh, that's the ventilation duct, the sound of the wind inside~

"" But it doesn't sound like ~

" At this time, another female voice sounded disdainfully in non-standard Mandarin, and said:

"There may be a mouse in it~"

At this time, Lao Tzu TMD immediately scolded, but because he took care of the image, he was temporarily dismissed.

After this conversation, the rest of the story fell silent again.

And I didn't immediately identify myself, not because I wanted to pretend to be 13, but because I was absolutely impossible, if I shouted it so directly, I was afraid that the people below would not be able to accept it.

When the time comes, as soon as I get excited, give me a shuttle bullet directly, then I will not be more wronged than Dou E.

So, you have to think of a perfect appearance ceremony.


cleared my throat and shouted in a medium voice

: "Zheng Yan, Zheng Qian, Alice, I'm back!"

I finished shouting, fortunately, the next AK47 bullet did not explode

, Zheng Qian was the first to respond

: "Ah~ Dao Chief, where are you?"

I smiled in the ventilation duct and returned:

" I'm on top of your heads, inside the ventilation duct!"

I didn't bother to pretend to be a ghost at this time, pretending to be 13, but directly indicating my location.

At this time, Alice also smiled and said

: "I thought it was a mouse! It turned out to be the elder of the Dao!" Because

there were two innocent little girls on the side, Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian, I didn't have a seizure, so I had to smile on my face, and I returned in my heart:

"Ahem~ Hello, hello, can you come up? I removed this vent!"

Since Zheng Yan was carrying a flashlight with a strong light, she turned on the flashlight and shone it directly towards me, while my oil lamp shone out inside.

This is a combination of inside and outside, and the demolition project is progressing rapidly.

In less than 10 seconds, I kicked it down, and

with a "bang~",

it hit the ground below.


The author has something to say:

Thank you for your support! Another novel recommended by Sha Li - "Nanyang Taoist Biography of Yu West Strange Realm" is also in the headlines, click on my avatar, go to my homepage, and there is a fried chicken in it!

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