A few of us asked in unison.

"Yes, wasn't the situation urgent just now, that is, there was no gas to tell you, this side of the mountain, turn over, and then across a small hill, is the abandoned military base. I was on the hill to the east, and I could see it clearly, and it was still shrouded in green smoke, and it was estimated that the people inside should have received a boxed lunch.

I smiled and said to myself:

"It seems that God wants to help us, this love, this Lao Tzu doesn't want to take it, and he has to take it!" Zheng Yan, Zheng Qian, you take the walkie-talkie, and set up a sentry for us on the hill where the fat man just now, and the fat man and I went over to drive our car over, and then if we have time, we will tie Alice to find his suitcase by the way. Let's go now!" As

soon as Zheng Qian heard that we would leave now, she stood up a little nervously and said

, "But, but Dao Chief, isn't the poisonous gas over there still not dispersed?"

We don't have to be in such a hurry, in case your gas masks fail...

"We have to be anxious, because we don't know if the plane that flew over just now is wearing gas masks! If the first batch of people here use their last drop of strength to report information to them, or if they have a live video broadcast, then the next group of people will definitely be wearing gas masks when they come." And the deepening research center of the UBM, gas masks are definitely there. We're already lagging behind, and we're going to have to get our stuff back first. Moreover, this time the smoke below is not only a little poisonous, but also gives us a very good cover! It stands to reason that it is safer than usual, Zheng Qian, you can rest assured! Zheng Yan, you can rest assured!

" Zheng Yan smiled at me and said,

"Call us!"

and then pointed to the walkie-talkie on his shoulder.

I immediately turned on the walkie-talkie and said

, "Yes Madam!" (similar to yes sir, a common phrase for Hong Kong Nyojing. Respectfully comply with the instructions.

"Well, Dao Chief, let's go now?" Alice

seemed to be more anxious than the fat man, and when she heard me say that she wanted to act, she immediately raised her long legs and ran away.

I hurriedly grabbed her arm, took out a compressed biscuit from my bag, and a bottle of drink, and said,

"Let's have something to replenish my body." "

I wanted to say, the 82-year-old compressed biscuits, but when it came to the mouth, it still didn't come out, after all, this Alice is not fat, I said the 82-year-old compressed biscuits, I'm afraid that the little girl is more delicate, and I won't eat it when the time comes, then at the critical moment, I don't have the strength, and I have to carry her back, which is a big problem, so I try to weaken the production date of this food.

Now everyone is also busy all night, eating very little, naturally to the extreme of physical strength, seeing the food I handed over, also took it back:

"Mmmm, okay! Thank you! Your backpack is really a treasure chest!"

"Haha~ Remember to take me to your country to play when the time comes

~""No problem~" (no problem).

As soon as I finished saying this, I found that the atmosphere at the scene immediately became a little depressing, and hurriedly turned to the conversation

: "I'm not talking about me alone, I'm going to take the three of us together, haha~ Will it make you bankrupt~

" Alice At this time, while eating cookies, she smiled slightly:

"It's okay ~ small meaning ~ "

At this time, the surrounding atmosphere eased down slightly.

I also divided the leftover biscuits and mineral water among everyone.

Everyone sat on the edge of the cave, eating mineral water, eating compressed biscuits, looking out at the mountains, and everyone did not speak for a while, very quiet.

And just when I was enjoying this quiet time, from behind us, inside this cave, there

was a burst of echoes of "roar roar roar~",

the sound was relatively small at first, but slowly the sound gradually became louder.

I hurriedly looked behind me, and at this time, several other people also

turned around, I turned on the flashlight and shone inside, now the inside of the cave is pitch black, nothing has come out, but this voice is always reminding us that something has come out of Dongli Amin!

I didn't think about it, I even put my hand on my waist and took off the high-explosive grenade from my belt.

Then I hurriedly shouted

, "Hurry up and get out of this cave, I'm going to throw a high-explosive grenade!"

After shouting, it was too late for me to shout a second reminder, and a large zombie hound more than half a person tall came out of the depths of the cave. And immediately after, there seemed to be several other zombie hounds behind him.

At this time, the fat man's grenade insurance had already been opened, and he threw it towards Li Amin without thinking about it.

And it was at this critical moment that I opened the safety and threw it into the innermost part of the hole.

Then it was too late to run, so I picked up the AK rifle hanging around my neck and rushed towards the zombie hound that rushed over

with a shuttle bullet: "Papa~ Papa~ Papa~"

The grenade in it has not exploded, and a shuttle bullet on my side has already been shot.

And the hound, naturally, was hit by my bullet and rolled inside several times.


sounded, and the high-explosive grenade exploded in the depths of the cave.

A shockwave immediately rushed towards me and the fat man.

I also had the fat man, and the zombie hound from TMD, all of which were blown out together.

Just when I was lying on the hillside at the entrance of the cave, clutching my chest, to see if the hole had been blown up, the zombie hound that had eaten a shuttle of bullets from me before, suddenly dragged three legs towards me, although it was no longer as powerful as when it was four-legged, but now give it a bite, it is not covered, and seconds are the essentials of a box lunch!

I hurriedly unloaded the three empty magazines of the AK rifle and found a full magazine from the tactical vest, but unfortunately, this time doesn't seem to be enough

! Damn, this is over!"Dao Chief, I'm here to save you!"

At this time, Zheng Yan suddenly held the AK rifle on the opposite side and aimed at me, as if he was going to have a shuttle of bullets coming over in the next second!


!". I complained softly, waiting for the judgment of fate!

Now the zombie and me are not very close, the problem is that Zheng Yan is far away from me now, and I am between Zheng Yan and the zombie hound.

This bullet doesn't have long eyes, a shuttle bullet comes, whether it hits a zombie or Lao Tzu, it all depends on luck, oh no, it's all up to Zheng Yan's little sister!

And just as she closed her eyes and was ready to meet the judgment of fate, Alice suddenly shouted:

"Don't shoot!"

and then a bloody storm flashed towards my cheeks.

I wiped the blood from my face with my hand, it stinked.

Open your eyes again.

Damn, this zombie hound, was completely split in half by this Alice holding a half-moon scimitar to rush to the middle.

And the blood on my face is naturally from this zombie hound.

I hurriedly wiped the blood on my face with my clothes, and said

to Alice: "Good knife!"

(The allusion here comes from "Water Margin": Yang Zhi sells knives, it is estimated that Alice must not understand the profound truth contained in it, I will give you a popular science here: Yang Zhi had no choice but to sell the ancestral treasure knife because he had no money. Yang Zhi took out his treasure knife and sold it, and met the bully Niu Er. The first benefit of Yang Zhi's ancestral treasure knife, cutting copper and chopping iron, the knife edge is not rolled, and the second piece is called "picking hair", which has been confirmed. The third is called "Killing without Blood". Niu Er wanted to try, and then Yang Zhi went down with a knife, Niu Er's head fell to the ground, and he looked at the knife mountain on the ground and there was no blood, and said: Good knife! PS: The knife sold in front of the Water Margin is there, but the back head falls to the ground and says that the knife is made of sand, haha!)


The author has something to say:

Today's second update, thank you for the support of new and old readers! Sha Li is here to ask weakly, is there a big guy to give me a gift to reward~ haha~ Thank you for your support!

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