After about a cigarette, these GIs have passed the freshness they had at the beginning.

When the gold bricks were lifted, they did not have the passion they had some time ago, and they began to slack off. It seems that the gold in the hand can no longer buy a mansion and marry 15 wives, but bricks one by one.

And the

sound of the gold bricks of "Tingtingdangdang~Tingtingdangdang~"

became louder.

It can be seen that these people are no longer handling lightly, but greedy for convenience, and directly thrown into the helicopter.

As for the overseers sitting in the plane, the little boss naturally shouted at them angrily, and then jumped off the plane and supervised them personally.

"Framers, check it for me, and I'll carry everything in the cart except the mattress!"

the overseer yelled at the ponies below.

"Yes sir!"

everyone returned in unison, but more helplessly.

Less than half a cigarette had passed, and by this time, the sound of the bricks striking each other had disappeared, replaced by the sound of various weapons being stacked.

Looking at it from afar, these people are really dedicated, and they have carried almost all of our things up.

I was hiding in the corner, poking my head out to watch, when the fat man suddenly pulled me from behind and asked softly

, "Dao Chief, do you want to do it?"

"Wait until this little boss says to do the last check." "


this mini-boss must have been instructed, so he repeatedly insisted that he should take everything with him.

So when these ponies under their hands said that they were finished, they must be at ease, and they must have to do the last inspection, and at that time, everyone, except the driver, should be around the car and be inspected by the leader.


a while, some of the mercenaries had no work left, some leaned on the car, some leaned against the corner, chatting in groups, some squatting on the ground smoking and spitting smoke, and some ran to the corner to puff out.

After the last guard pony had finished moving, he ran over and reported to the boss

, "Report to Captain Kai, the removal is complete

!" "Well, I'll go check it out! Everyone come with me!"

With that, Captain Kai ran towards our high-end pickup truck.

And the stragglers who were still scattered around were now leaning over with cigarettes in their mouths and pants in their mouths.

Some of them held their hands behind their backs, some of them held their hands, and some leaned against the cart to accept the final inspection of the leader!

While they were muttering and making a final speech over there, all the horses were attracted to their attention.

Seeing that the time was ripe, I slapped the fat man and said,


and then the two of us bent on our waists and ran quickly towards the helicopter position.

Now the visibility here is low, and even if they hear the sound, they will think that someone just went to the corner to boo, or amplify the number, and now run back. It won't get their attention at all.

The helicopter was parked in the middle of the road, and since the engine was not started now, the dark green chlorine gas around it had gathered again.

Fortunately, this thing is large enough to be found far away.

The fat man and I ran straight towards the plane, then pulled open the door and jumped in.

I saw that there are three rows in the back row of this helicopter, the last row is a cargo hold, two rows of seats in front, and a row of pilot's seats in the front.

I saw that the cargo yard of this plane, and the seats in the back two rows, were full of all kinds of materials that the fat man and I had looted.

Of course, it also includes the suitcase that I got with the fat man, and a lot of information.

It seems that this one should have finished loading all the things for us! As for the loading cost, it will naturally not be given.

Just as the fat man and I were counting the supplies, the people in the cockpit in front of us suddenly turned around and asked us in English

, "Captain Kai, can you take off?"

The fat man and I were stunned for a moment in the back, and then I immediately figured it out.

It turns out that the clothes I am wearing now are similar to those of Captain Kai, and all the people here are wearing gas masks, so the third child doesn't know the fourth. Naturally, I regarded me, the Li ghost, as Li Kui.

When I thought of it, this driver mistook me for Captain Kai, which is a wonderful thing to help me.

But if you say more, my voice is still different from Captain Kai's voice, so I didn't hurry to say:

"Let's go!" (Let's go!)

And this driver heard my reply, naturally he didn't think much, in front

of him was "physical strength, physical strength~"

operation, and then from the top of our heads, there were all kinds of mechanical hydraulic transmission sounds,

Less than 10 seconds later

, the main engine of the helicopter started, and the propeller began to rotate rapidly, and at this time,


hurricane brought by the rapidly rotating propeller blew the nearby chlorine gas clean.

At this time, Captain Kai's real body also appeared in the middle of the road, stretched out his hand, pointed to

the helicopter, and roared angrily: "Quack, Quack, Quack!", Now

the helicopter is very noisy, so we can't hear what he is saying.

But the appearance of this real Captain Kai still makes my fake Captain Kai very painful.

As soon as the driver in front saw the appearance of the real captain in front of him, he turned around again, glanced at Lao Tzu, and immediately recognized me, Ghost Li.

In a hurry, he had to pull a pistol from his belt.

But Lao Tzu's AK was already hungry and thirsty and pointed at his head, and in his anxiety, he roared angrily:

"You kid give me honesty, take off for Lao Tzu! Don't think that Lao Tzu can't fly a plane, and if you don't take off, be careful that Lao Tzu will collapse you directly!" "

I donnot know what are you say?" (What are you talking about?)

But because this pilot looks like a Chinese man, but he doesn't know Chinese. I was also in a hurry just now, so I translated it again.

“You, boy, be honest, take off for me! Don't think I can't fly a plane. If you old three old four, I will kill you!" Don't think that Lao Tzu can't fly a plane, and if you don't take off, be careful, Lao Tzu will collapse you directly!)

I had to repeat this in English, but this kid doesn't seem to be reconciled in English, and I grunted a lot in the field, but I just don't drive.

The fat man watched the people under Captain Kai slowly surround him, and directly raised his leg to give the pilot a shadowless foot, kicked directly outside the plane, and fainted.

When he was done, he said

, "Dao Chief, let's go!" "Damn, can you fly a plane?"

"No? But Dao Chief, didn't you just say that you would drive it yourself?"

"You also believe that Lao Tzu TMD fooled him!"



author has something to say:

Thank you for the "Yoremi 278951566" boss for the heart, thank the "user 4957672713104" for the heart, thank the "Lin 17706178992" for the heart, and thank the "Lin 17706178992" brother for his continuous support!

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