After my fierce manoeuvre, the whole plane finally stabilized.

Taking advantage of this interval

, I hurriedly turned around and asked

Alice, "Alice, are you alright?"

I saw that Alice was now covering her head with her hand, as if she didn't know whether she had hit the door panel or hit the gold brick, and the whole person was a little confused. For a while, there was no answer to my question.

"Damn, fatty, you hurry to the back and see what's going on!" Alice seems to be hurt!"

I hurriedly called for the fat man's support.

The fat boy is always able to save his life very well at critical moments.

Of course, this time was no exception, but he also immediately unbuckled his seat belt the moment I called him, and then walked from the middle aisle to the back row.

After hearing my words, he replied:

"Dao Chief, open steadily

!" "What kind of technique is my brother!"

Now I am already proficient in the forward tilt and pitch angle of the nose.

But I haven't practiced left and right yet

, but considering that my left turn might turn into a difficult rocket dodge position like a left roll, I decided to hold steady for the time being, and wait until I was all buckled up before I started performing.

At the same time as I stabilized the plane, the fat man had already walked to the back seat, and at the first time, fastened his seat belts and Alice's.

At this time, Alice was already a little dizzy, leaning back in the back seat.

The fat man hurriedly covered Alice with his hand, and then lifted Alice's hand from the top of her head.

"Damn, Dao Chief, Alice seems to have a lottery!" the

fat man shouted anxiously from behind.

By the time I turned my head, I saw a bright red stream of blood running down Alice's snow-white cheeks from between her jet-black hair.

"Hurry up and get a gauze to cover it!There are bacteria on your hands, it will be infected, don't cover it with your hands!" "

Dao Chief, where is the gauze?" The

fat man is also in a hurry now, if he doesn't cover Alice's head, then the blood will not stop, and when the time comes, he will die of excessive blood loss, and there will be one less beauty in the world.

And if you cover it, it's not good to get inflamed. And there is no hand to look for gauze.

This helicopter is 100% equipped with emergency supplies such as gauze.

So that in the event of a plane crash, it can be used to save itself.

Generally, this kind of material is placed under each seat.

Even if we didn't have this material, we still had it in the backpack we brought, but after a bump in the roller coaster just now, our backpack seemed to have been pressed to the bottom, and it was not easy to move for a while.

Just when I was at a loss, Zheng Yan's voice suddenly came from inside the walkie-talkie:

"Dao Chief, don't panic, disconnect that joystick safe." In this case, the plane's autopilot will step in. You're going to help Alice again. "

Damn, why didn't I expect it!" It

is estimated that just now, in a hurry, I didn't turn off the launch button of the walkie-talkie, so that now, everything in the helicopter is being broadcast in real time for Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian.

After listening to Zheng Yan's words, I hurriedly pushed the guillotine away again according to what Zheng Yan said.

On the screen, a line of green English was immediately displayed:

"Autopilot intervention!" "God


I saw that there should be no problem now, so I bent down and went to the ground of this flying table and chair to find it.

Sure enough, there was a net bag made of paratrooper rope and a small backpack with a red cross painted on it.

This kind of backpack, you don't have to think about it, it must be first aid supplies inside.

I hurriedly pulled the little backpack out from under it and opened it.

He took out a roll of gauze, a bottle of alcohol and a plate of antibiotics, and a large bag of sanitary cotton pads, and walked directly from the front to the back seat.

"Fatty, you brush up his hair! I see where he got hit

!" "Mmmm!"

The fat man slowly lifted Alice's hair.

At this time, Alice also woke up, instinctively touched her head with her hand, but after touching it, she felt a piercing pain, and exclaimed

: "Ah

!" I hurriedly reassured:

"Your head hurts, don't touch it, I'll bandage you!"

After listening to my words, Alice slowly put her hand down.

And the fat man and I were able to continue the work below.

After some searching, I finally found the location of the wound.

It is a long, narrow cut, estimated to be 2 or 3 centimeters long.

Now it's bubbling blood outside.

I hurriedly used the sanitary cotton in this bag to suck aside the blood around me.

When the wound is almost treated, it is to pour some alcohol on the tampon, and then plan to disinfect the wound perimeter, so that the gauze is wrapped so that the surrounding wound will not be infected.

As you all know, this one is quite painful to pour salt on the wound.

And applying alcohol to the wound, which is even more salted, is actually the same feeling.

I said to Alice, "I guess it will hurt a little to disinfect you!"


didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

"Then, you bite this thing!" I

found a thick dollar bill in the cabin, and then took away the outermost two above and below, after all, the outermost two sides have been in close contact with the ground, and it is not very hygienic to put it in my mouth.

He then handed Alice the dollar.

It was put on her lips.

Alice looked at me, didn't say anything, pulled out a knife, and then consciously put it in her mouth and bit it.

"I'm going to start disinfecting!3,。。。 "

This is also a common routine, in order to prevent psychological pressure on the wounded when disinfecting and sterilizing, it is generally said to be a countdown.

And it is often the first one at the beginning of the countdown that is to give you a quick knife to cut through the mess, and it is directly done for you.

In this way, you will think in your heart that you have not started yet, and that you are safe and complete this operation without burden.

And Alice naturally didn't know that there was such a routine, and my full lump of alcohol cotton pads was pressed down on her wound.

"Woo woo

woo ~ woo ~ woo woo ~ " Although he bit the dollar in his mouth, he still made a whining sound towards the outside.

While Alice hadn't fainted from the pain, I also quickly cut through the mess and completed the disinfection of the wound as quickly as possible.

Then I bandaged Alice's wound with gauze.

Finally, if it is fixed with medical tape, the problem is not very big.

After dealing with all this, Alice and I, as well as the fat man, and Alice, were already sweating.

As soon as it came, the engine of this helicopter was on top of the cabin.

Most of the heat generated by the helicopter engine is blown off by the propellers on it.

Blown straight into the airport. Plus we're hovering now, and there's no cooling down when the wind blows in front of us when flying.

So the temperature inside the cabin, that's pretty high.

Second, just now, the fat man and I were busy bandaging Alice's wounds, so the fat man and I are both doctors and nurses, and it is the first time to do this kind of thing, so naturally we are a little at a loss and a little nervous.

And Alice, she sweats, I guess, when sterilized, it hurts too much.

Three, I haven't studied where the air conditioner of this helicopter is turned on.

I hurriedly shouted to the fat man

, "Fatty, bring me the 82-year-old mineral water in my backpack."

Then, after bandaging Alice, I took out a version of the antibiotics in this medical bag, took out two of them and handed them to Alice, took the mineral water handed by the fat man, and said to Alice:

"Take two more elixirs to save your life

!" "Show me the instructions of that medicine!"

"You're still afraid that I'll hurt you! If you want to see it, take it." With

that, I handed Alice the box with the drug's instructions.

After studying for a while, Alice swallowed two pills with 82-year-old mineral water, and said,

"Dao Chief, how do you know to take two?"

"Isn't it written on this plate, I just read it!"

Of course, I did.

The English of these drugs is weird, and I naturally understand it. But I'm afraid everyone can't understand it. So I won't say what kind of antibiotic it is.

And the Arabic numerals on it, I believe everyone can understand it.

It says 2pic/

day, which is known to anyone with a clear eye, that is, to eat two pills a day.


The author has something to say:

Thank you "Lin 17706178992" for the gift! Thank you for your continued support! PS No matter what time it is, please fasten your seat belts!

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