Air warfare pays attention to the right time, place and people.

And in this, for us now, the most important thing is the location.

In an air battle, there are two major geographical advantages:

First, you should bite the enemy's tail and fight! That is, you should not rush in front of others, but follow the others to fight! In this way, people will not see you, and you can directly launch missiles!

Second, you must fight from a high position! You must fly higher than the enemy, so that you can be condescending, and by using gravity, the missiles launched can save a lot of fuel and greatly increase the range of the strike.

Our current grenade launchers have a limited range, and it is estimated that it will be a little difficult to hit them from below, so the first step is to raise the height and run to the top of people's heads to hit them.

When we pulled up here, the UBM plane on the opposite side also understood in an instant and climbed up with us.

And by this time, the fat man's grenade launcher 7 grenades had already been loaded.

This guy is much shorter and more agile than rockets.

After the fat man reloaded the bullets, he lay down on the window, dodging the bullets fired from the opposite side and aiming at the same time.

With a "bang~",

a grenade shone brightly and rushed towards the UBM's plane.

This speed was much slower than that of the rocket, and it took about 2 seconds to reach the vicinity of the UBM's plane.

Then there was a


and it exploded almost 10 meters away from the UBM plane.

In an instant, the front windshield of the UBM's aircraft was shattered by the fragments generated by the grenade explosion.

The plane also fell down in an uncontrollable spiral in an instant.


fat man gave full play to this fine tradition, and after watching the UBM helicopter eat this

grenade, the effect was excellent, so he was ruthless, and increased the dose of the drug fiercely, and took a fierce medicine, only to hear: "Bang bang~"

A series of explosions came from the outside, and the fat boy cleaned all the grenades in the grenade launcher in one breath, and tried to get rid of the disease.

And at this time, I was afraid that these grenades would miss, so I chased after them.

The speed of the grenades, combined with my dive, eventually exploded almost in the vicinity of the UBM's plane.

Originally, the people on the plane were still saved, but now they are definitely not saved.

I don't know which grenade and which agent directly smashed the fuel tank of the UBM helicopter, and the aviation fuel inside erupted outward in an instant, forming a white fog in the air.

And this dense fog, which existed for less than 1 second, was ignited by the helicopter's own engine, and

with a sound of "coax~",

the whole helicopter exploded in the air.

Of course, when the big guy is in this kind of explosion picture, he usually won't look back.

Instead of lowering my head to look at the downed enemy plane, I looked toward the base of the Aoyama UBM to the south.

As a result of the climb, we are already at an altitude of almost 1 kilometer.

The horizon also widened up all of a sudden.

The entire county seat of Lin'an has become the size of a chessboard, while Qingshan has become like a villain's book, and the small raccoon city in the distance is as gloomy and calm as usual.

The fat man and Alice, now the two of them, were still lying on the window looking down at the falling plane. Or enjoy this rare scene in the apocalypse.

Having just solved the big problem in front of me, Fat Man and Alice are obviously much more relaxed, but compared to their leisure, I am worried about another thing.

"I don't know if the UBM people will send a helicopter over.

I whispered softly as I looked in the direction of the green mountains to the south.

And at this time, the on-board radio rang again.

Because the fat man just scolded the person opposite for convenience, I put this radio station directly on, and naturally, what I just said was also heard by others.

I hurriedly pressed the mute button, and then shouted to

the fat man and Alice: "Be quiet, someone called us through the radio!" At

this time, the fat man came back from the window, and he didn't know what was still holding a piece of spiritual food in his mouth, and asked with a smile:

"Is it Zheng Yan?"

Alice took a puff of the fat man's second-hand hair door-to-door cigarette, and was choked,



I hurriedly said:

"Numb, don't smoke in the helicopter, there is an aviation gasoline fuel tank above our heads!" The

fat man also felt that he was a little rude at this time, for the sake of my face, but also in order not to leave a bad impression in the heart of Alice's little girl, he aimed at the cigarette butts on the ground and threw the cigarette butts from the window.

So, I continued:

"It's not Zheng Yan, it's UBM... "

I haven't finished talking yet, after all, the communication between Zheng Yan and us is actually encrypted, and the handheld radio is used, not this airborne radio.

This airborne radio station, and our hand-held radio station are certainly not on the same frequency.

At this time, the fat man also sat back and asked,

"You haven't died if you fall like this?"

I guess this is... And

just as I was about to guess who would give us the signal, the radio sounded by itself, and a more shrill voice came from a middle-aged girl from a beautiful country: (The following is an English dialogue, but it has been translated by me.)

"I know where you are!Surrender quickly, you can't run!

" I was absolutely amused when I heard this, and I felt that this was similar to the sentence that shouted at the thief:

"Stop, don't run!", but I can't

laugh now, because now is not the time to laugh, but a matter of life and death.

Before I could decide what to go back to, the fat man suddenly rushed to the front, reached over, picked up the on-board walkie-talkie, and shouted over there:


Anyway, it's not a good language for girls, and even Alice on the side felt embarrassed for a while.

The people over there don't know if they can understand it, and the content may not be able to understand it, but at least, in terms of tone, they can hear that this is a sentence that is not very elegant.

The middle-aged girl on the opposite side, who was also Xiucai met Bing, was unreasonable, and after being stunned for a while, she returned:

"What are you talking about? Who are you? Alice is with you and asked her to talk to me!"

Hehe, it seems that this middle-aged girl on the other side is not very good at Chinese.

I hurriedly took the fat man's hand-held radio, pressed the speech button, and said: (in a pure London accent),

"Tell you, you may not believe it, but in fact I am God!"

and then immediately turned off the radio station, preventing this middle-aged woman from continuing to ramble and bewitch the army.

I don't know how this kid knew that Alice was with us, but it seems that Alice is much heavier in the eyes of this big guy at UBM than me and Fatty, the two former demolition workers at the Qingshan base.

I hung up and glanced at Alice in the back seat.

I saw that she was now holding her head with both hands, and then buried her head between her legs, as if she was hiding from something.

I hurriedly said

, "Alice, don't go to your heart, the person on the other side is cheating us. If he really had the ability to chase after him, he would have chased him a long time ago, and he would have to talk to us here and waste time. I think... I copied it!"

I suddenly thought that these people were not really delaying time! But it was not themselves who were delaying, but the time of our team!

I hurriedly turned the nose of the plane, circled it 360 degrees, and turned around, and the signal was that there were no UBM planes around, so I immediately lowered the altitude and flew towards the hill east of the abandoned military base.


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