The person squatting opposite me seems to be more patient than I am and the fat man.

But fortunately, the fat man and I were in the room, and the light was darker than outside, and the reflected light was even rarer.

Therefore, it is generally very difficult for people outside to detect us,

while we can monitor the movement outside more clearly.

So during this time, our pressure is relatively small, and it is relatively easy to sit here.

About half a pack of cigarettes had passed, and the moon had risen right in the middle of the sky.

And that person also gradually appeared under this bright moonlight.

Now, the fat man and I could vaguely see that the man crouching under the eaves seemed to be wearing a cloak made of cotton and linen, which glowed a dull pale color in the white moonlight.

His eyes were fixed on the place where we had just lived, the house to the north, and he didn't move.

The other black shadow continued to crouch under our helicopter, and because the helicopter's body just blocked the moonlight, it was impossible to see anything clearly.

It's been more than an hour since I came out.

The wood I had placed in the room was almost burned, and the light from the room was fading.

After about another cigarette, with

the sound of "crackling~",

the last piece of wood in the house burned out, and the whole house was instantly plunged into darkness.

And the whole square, after losing the dim yellow light from the house, is very deserted in an instant, giving people a feeling of time traveling to ancient times.

I guess it's almost time, and the kid is about to start moving, so he touches the fat man with his hand so that he can concentrate.

Sure enough, the bonfire extinguished almost half a cigarette. The man crouched under the eaves slowly moved towards our old room.

And at the same point in time, the person crouching under the helicopter also seemed to sense something, and seemed to stand up over there.

In less than half a minute, the person who was originally squatting under the eaves leaned against the wall, quietly touched

the door of our house, put his ear on the door, listened to something, and then looked outside, looked around, and was ready to push the door in: "Squeak~"

Although his movements were light enough, because the door of this house seemed to be of a problem with the quality, the moment he pushed it open, he still made a tragic call.

The man was also startled by the voice, and hurriedly took a step back.

However, after making sure that no one was awakened, he walked back to the front and continued to push open the door.

Although the wood inside has been burned, the charcoal left over from the wood burning is still burning, emitting a dim light towards the outside.

I guess this light is enough to light up the whole room.

And this person, the moment he pushed open the door, saw the scene inside - empty!

After being stunned for a while, feeling as if he had been in the middle of the trick, he just threw up his feet and ran towards us.

It was too late, it was fast, and at the moment when the person in front of us ran towards us, the person who was hiding behind the helicopter immediately ran towards the east, one after the other, that is, where the fat man and I were hiding.

When the fat man saw the scene in front of him, he hurriedly picked up the crowbar, and then hurriedly climbed down, ready to kill halfway to bite the gold, give the two of them a stuffy stick, and then pack it and take it away.

It's hard to run anywhere, but you have to run to the door of Lord Yama! The fat man was just about to open the door and prepare to give a stick to the man who was rushing ahead and was about to come to our side.

I hurriedly grabbed the fat man and said

, "The person in front has no attack power, and it's easy to deal with it, but the person in the back who was hiding under the helicopter just now is watching the wind, and the person who comes up is more difficult to deal with." Just now, looking at his skills and flexibility, I'm afraid he has two brushes. If we attack the person in front of us and startle the snake, it will be difficult to catch the latter one. Let's put the back one in a sack first, haha!" The

fat man hurriedly asked anxiously

, "What should I do then? I can't put the front one away, this kid has run into our house."

I thought for a moment and smiled and said,

"He can't run!"

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