In the middle of the night, the moon is dark, and the wind is high.

On the bluestone road in such a deserted village, there were two people, one tall and one short, one fat and one thin.

Carrying a dead man in the dark of night, he rushed towards the center of the village.

This scene, if someone sees it, it will definitely be frightened.

But at that time, I didn't care about these things, not only did I feel any disharmony, but I didn't have the slightest fear.

Maybe it's in my heart that dead people are not terrible, zombies are not terrible, in fact, living people are terrible! Maybe it's

related to Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian, who I haven't seen for a long time, and I don't have time to take care of others.

And the fat man next to me, who looks idle, is much calmer than me.

I really have to wonder if this kid has done this before!

Since I am still unsure whether this village is safe or not, all I and Fat Leaf did not brag about it on the road.

He walked quickly, without saying anything all the way.

In less than half a cigarette, the two of us were already in the room where we had squatted.

The coffin in the house was still there, and I didn't say a word, just a promotion and a fortune.

Then the fat man hugged the old man in, and after the coffin was covered, the land of right and wrong was not long left, and I wanted to run away immediately.

But at this time, the fat man was still standing in front of the coffin and muttering:

"Old man, old man, it's not easy for Lao Tzu to carry you over, and I found you such a golden silk nan coffin, and the reward will be counted." I just hope you can always be blessed in heaven ... "

I listened to the fat man muttering over there, and I must have begged God to worship the Buddha again, and engaged in feudal superstition, this time I remembered it, and asked people to bless us to get up, but before I could praise the fat man a few words, his following words came out:

"Bless Lao Tzu to make a fortune, Amitabha

!" "Ma Dan, hurry up, mother-in-law!"

I was too lazy to pray to God and Buddha with the fat man here, so I left the fat man behind and ran towards the square in the middle of the village.

From a distance, the helicopter was still parked in the middle of the square.

This shows that at least our helicopters were not stolen.

Walk into the plane, pull open the armrest, and open

the door with a "squeak~".

I was just about to turn on the flashlight to check it, but unexpectedly, a black burning stick came out of the helicopter at this time.

That's right, this is certainly not some kind of burning stick, this is definitely an AK47 assault rifle.

Not because I saw that the black stick looked like an AK47, but in this case, it could only be an AK47!

I hurriedly said

, "Don't shoot

, it's me!" Since it was already dark outside, the people in the cabin couldn't see the outside very clearly.

But in this case, it does not affect the transmission of sound, so as soon as Zheng Yan heard that it was my voice, he immediately put down the gun and said to me with some dissatisfaction:

"Why are you outside, you came in without saying a word?" (Why is it so familiar?)

"Hehe, I was in a bit of a hurry just now!"

I replied with a smile, and immediately jumped on the helicopter, and then


The door of the helicopter was slammed shut.

"Dao Chief, where is the fat brother?" Zheng

Qian asked as she sat in the corner of the cargo hold, crossed her legs and faced me.

"He... It should be almost there~"

I turned around and took a look,

and then I stood up and looked through the front windshield of the helicopter towards the south side of the square.

Sure enough, there was a black shadow, now running in my direction, looking at this look, it should be that the fat man is also following at this time.

But to be on the safe side, I didn't go back to the cabin in the back, but continued to crouch in front and observe the situation outside.

"Dao Chief, where is Alice?" Zheng

Qian also followed me to the cockpit in front of me at this time, and asked in my ear.

"She~ is now cooking in the south room!" As

the black shadow continued to get closer, I finally confirmed that it was the fat man himself, so I rolled down the cabin window and greeted

the fat man: "Twitter~"

The fat man heard this voice and immediately ran towards me at an accelerated speed.

Then he opened the door of the helicopter, and before the sea of people came in, he said to us:

"Dao Chief, where is Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian?"

"Far away in the sky, close in front of you, come up first and then talk!"

The fat man didn't say much to me at this time, just closed the hatch and climbed up.

"It turns out that they are all here~"

After the fat man came in, he naturally noticed Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian in the cabin, and said with a smile.

Then he paused at me and said

, "Dao Chief, I thought of a question on the road just now. I've explored this village!

" The fat man did explore, but it was probably played by the mysterious figure, passively exploring, I also laughed and said nothing, and continued to watch the fat man's performance, that is,

"Well, what's the important situation? Aiqing, please tell me!"

The fat man paused, and then continued:

"This village is located in a valley. "


I added, but the fat man smiled and continued

, "The hillsides of this village, which I have seen, do not seem to have formed naturally.

"How?" "

This kind of cliff is not very common in such mountains, and there is nothing wrong with one or two.

The fat man lowered his head, hoarsely voiced, and continued:

"There is a cliff on one side, which can still be explained, but I was also in the southeast and northwest of this village just now, and I went around all four sides, but I found that this is a face, TMD is all cliffs, and the road is long, so to speak, if we don't have this helicopter, I'm afraid we have no way to go to the sky, no door to enter the ground, and no way to retreat!"

The fat man's sentence that there was no way to retreat scared Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian's little sister, who was not deeply involved in the world, and they didn't dare to speak, and listened attentively.

Then, they stared at me again, waiting for my important speech.

I snorted and said

: "I can't see Mount Tai~

" When the fat man saw me say this, he was obviously not very happy, and he was ready to go crazy:

"Really! No, I'll go and see it with you!".

"It's true, but it's impossible to say that there is no road, and it is impossible for nature to form such a valley so perfectly, unless it is man-made. But if it is artificially made, there will definitely be a passage. Even if there is no passage, it's fine, anyway, we have a helicopter, just fly out at dawn tomorrow. Say goodbye directly to this ghost village. The

fat man saw that what I said was reasonable, so he didn't promote his desperate theory there, but changed the topic and said:

"Dao Chief, why don't you take Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian to the old man's house, I'll watch the helicopter here, after all, there are still a lot of our equipment here!"

I think it's an excuse to help us see the helicopter, with the fat man's ability, even if there is no helicopter, it will be a matter of seconds to get out of this village.

Looking at his gold dollars, that's the most important thing.

But it's true that we can't bring all the information and equipment to that house, in order to protect the hard-won important information, I thought about it again and again

, and nodded back: "It's okay, you stay

!" and then said to Zheng Yan Zheng Qian: "Zheng Yan, Zheng Qian

, let's go to Alice's side to bake the fire and sleep for a while~ It's too cold here, it's too cold and troublesome!"

Zheng Qian and Zheng Yan have been in this place for a long time, and they seem to be a little reluctant to leave here, Zheng Qian said to me tremblingly:

"No, no, Dao Chief, it's not cold here, or let's spend the night here together~" "It's

not cold yet, look at you shaking! Girls are different from fat people, girls have a warm physique, and if they are cold, it will not be easy to conceive children in the future!"

I criticized a little harshly.

At this time, I didn't care about the taboo of men and women, and I just poured out the gossip from my aunt on the street.

I don't know if there is a scientific basis for this.

At this time, Zheng Yan heard my words

, "poof~

" laughed

, and returned: "Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is really not good! Zheng Qian, Alice is there, let's go over together, she

is not safe over there alone?" Seeing Zheng Yan persuading Zheng Qian, I also hurriedly made up the knife:

"Yes, yes, Alice is not safe alone!"

"Uh-huh, okay!"

After speaking, Zheng Qian and Zheng Yan packed up their hearts with me, brought their equipment, weapons, and food, each carried a backpack, and walked off the helicopter.

On the road, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that something was wrong.

This Alice's strength, presumably Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian should know, she is much safer alone than with us.

This kid is a natural lone ranger, his self-protection ability and anti-blow ability are amazing, there will be no danger at all, why would Zheng Yan say that she is dangerous alone...

"Damn! I don't mean me!"

Suddenly I thought, Zheng Yan may have thought, Alice is alone in the house, I used to be alone in the same room...

I'm afraid that Zheng Yan didn't want to go to that house to warm up, but was afraid that I would be in the same room with Alice, so I decided to persuade Zheng Qian to go over together.


the way there, Zheng Yan walked in the front, Zheng Qian walked in the middle, and I walked in the back.

All three of us were heavily armed. Zheng Yan was armed with an AK rifle, a bulletproof helmet, body armor, and a dagger.

And I was also fully equipped, and I also carried a round stainless steel shield on my back. In his hand, he held an AK rifle, and on his waist, he was also equipped with 7 or 8 grenades of various types. As well as 6,7 magazines for AK47.

Since Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian were walking this road for the first time, they were still a little cautious.

I have gone through many times, but I don't have the tension I had the first time, but I can calm down, calm down, and observe the surrounding situation more comprehensively and keenly.


The author has something to say:

Thank you for the big guy "Da Ge's Powder" for sending the heart *10, this 3259-word long chapter is provided by "Da Ge's Powder" to provide strategic support!

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