I don't know how the fat man ran over there, so I hurriedly walked down cautiously.

"Fatty, what are you doing here?" I

shouted towards the mountains.

On the cliff, against the cliff wall, I cautiously spared

it, only to see that the fat man was now squatting on a platform, not knowing what he was doing.

I hurriedly shouted

, "What are you doing?" The

fat man also heard my voice at this time, so he turned his head, smiled at me and said,

"Isn't this looking for clues!"

After saying that, he stuffed something on the ground into his pocket.

The fat man is now on a platform of a mountain col about 2,30 meters away from my steps, about 2,3 square meters.

Below is the cliff, and this small platform is just stuck in the middle of the mountain, which is quite safe.

It's just that it's safe over there, and I'm going to walk over here, so it's not necessarily safe.

The roads between these are all suspended plank roads, and if you are not careful, you will probably go to see God soon.

After I moved over cautiously, I saw that the fat man was now studying the body of a zombie over there, and looking at this dress, it looked similar to the zombie I found.

However, because of the shelter from the wind and rain, the decomposition of this zombie is much smaller than the one I just found.

"Did you find anything?" I

asked softly.

"No, but this zombie has a strange injury. "

What kind of weird method?"

"Oh, Dao Chief, come and see!" After

speaking, he turned the zombie over, only to see that the other parts of the zombie's body were not injured.

If it weren't for the fat man who deliberately pointed to my abdomen, I would definitely not know that this person's abdomen was actually empty.

"Damn! What a monster! It can't be eaten by crows!"

This is the only way I can think of a reasonable explanation.

But when you think about it, it's still not right.

After all, the rest of the zombie is intact, but why is the abdomen hollowed out? Unlike crows, crows aren't picky eaters.

In the final analysis, this account seems to be more reliable than that of other zombies or mutants.

After looking around, I said

, "It seems that there is a dangerous zombie in this place, and this kind of zombie likes to attack people's abdomen. Chubby, you have a big belly, be careful. In the eyes of zombies, yours is delicious. "


the fat man cursed, and walked towards the edge of the cliff outside.

"What are you going to do?"

I was afraid that this kid was running around, patronizing and looting treasures, delaying our actions, so I hurriedly asked.


Then he stood on the edge of the cliff, and in broad daylight, he did something indecent.

"Madan, it's good to talk about public morality, this is the way others walk, and you just sprinkle it on it. Don't be afraid, it's gone, haha! Be cautious, comrade! In a place where no one manages, you must be more conscious, do you understand!"

The fat man didn't reply to me directly, he shushed over there, and shook his head and said:

"The flying stream goes straight down 3,000 feet, which is suspected to be the Milky Way... Damn!"

The fat man, a big wet man, had not yet finished chanting a good poem, so he ended up in a panic and retreated towards the back door.

In the panic, the clothes were also stained with a lot of poetry.

I hurriedly hid on the cliff on the side, hurriedly took out an AK47 rifle, aimed at the cliff below, and hurriedly asked

, "What's wrong?"

The fat man also climbed with a roll at this time and ran to my side, but fortunately I have already shifted my strategy, otherwise, this poetry will be contaminated with Lao Tzu.

The fat man didn't have time to equip his weapons, so he shouted loudly:

"Numb, the zombies are climbing up!"

As soon as the fat man finished speaking, a hand that was already highly rotten suddenly poked out from the edge of the cliff.

Then a bone-only head was revealed.

The hollow eyes inside turned towards us, and I was almost startled when I saw Lao Tzu.


further ado, we looked at each other for about a second before my index finger pulled the trigger on the AK47.


5 rounds of 7.2mm rifle bullets were fired in a point shot, in 1 second or so on, towards this unlucky zombie.

"Puff puff~"

5 bullets, impartial, hit the zombie's head, and directly hit the zombie who was about to climb up and flew out.

After the incident, the clothes are gone, and the merit and fame are hidden.

I blew off the barrel of my AK47 rifle, wiped the barrel with my shirt, and said

, "It's just a zombie, panic

wool!" and at this time, the fat man was not careless, he had already ripped off the high-explosive grenade from her waist, and then pulled the fuse.

The current insurance of the high-explosive grenade has been opened by the fat

kid, in his hand, the fuse is "silky~"

burning, and white smoke is emitting outside

, but this kid doesn't seem to have the intention of throwing it out immediately, and has been pinching it in his hand.

I hurriedly shouted

, "TMD is going to blow up!" Only

then did the fat man rush towards the edge of the cliff, and then, after aiming, he threw it diagonally downward.

Then the whole person fell to the ground in an instant.

In less than 0.5 seconds, there

was a sound of "coax~",

and the mountains shook instantly, but because we were in a relatively empty space, the sound of the explosion was not much.

But this tremor shook the mountains here.

I hurriedly walked towards the takeaway, ready to see if the fat boy had died heroically.

At this time, the fat man also got up slowly, and slowly crawled towards the takeaway

, and I, because I was inside, the vibration and sound were relatively small, so I reached the edge of the cliff faster than him.

At a distance of about 10 meters from our current platform, in a small mountain col, a huge spider is now howling at us "


"Dao Chief, did you kill you?" the

fat man also flew over at this time and asked me.

"Kill a yarn! But looking at the appearance of this spider-type zombie, although it was not killed, it has no ability to attack us now. "

That's good!" Hearing

this, the fat man was also relieved.

To be honest, I was also relieved at this time.

Although this kind of spider-type zombie, I have not seen it before, and I have even slashed it myself.

Although the offensive type of this zombie is not the strongest, but the defensive ability is quite powerful.

Ordinary weapons can't hurt it, which is also the difficulty of this kind of zombie.

But now fortunately, it was discovered by the fat man, a person who does not abide by public morality, otherwise, it would be good if we ran into it, but if it was touched by Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian, it would be difficult to say.

"Fatty, you just found that?" I

asked, turning to the fatten.

The fat man was also startled at this time, and in a panic, he took out a cigarette and lit it and smoked it.


"Isn't this chanting poetry, suddenly Lao Tzu faintly heard below, it seems that someone is saying that I am good poetry, good poetry." I looked down, Nima, where the people, TMD a zombie was grinning hoarsely at me.

Lao Tzu hurriedly used Lao Tzu's boy urine as a vanguard weapon to nourish this zombie.

Just when Lao Tzu was proud, not far away, suddenly a giant spider zombie crawled up.

I hurriedly retreated to the back. "

Where did you come from, this spider-type zombie!" I

asked, ignoring the braggadocio of the fat kid, and jumped to the point.


The author has something to say:

Thank you for the "AFO wolf pack" boss for sending the heart*3, thank you for your support!

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