At this time, I didn't say much to the fat man, but nodded to the fat man and took the paratrooper rope.

At this time, the fat man also hurriedly reorganized his defensive tools and prepared for a vicious battle.

I grabbed the paratrooper rope and flew up the wall like Alice, I couldn't.

But compared to Alice, my absolute power is definitely greater than her.

After all, I am a man, and if my strength is less than that of a woman, it is unscientific.

So, I just chose to swing, pulled the rope closer, took a few steps back, and then took an arrow step towards the boardwalk on the cliff to the west.

After drawing a beautiful arc, I finally reached the bottom of the plank road in front of me, which was still intact.

Above my head, there is a suspended plank road embedded in the cliff, and I will not be able to climb it for a while, but it will not be in the way.

I was angry and dantian, my legs exerted force, my left foot stepped on my right foot, my right foot stepped on my left foot, and I climbed the ladder and flew up alternately!

Suddenly, he climbed up the rope.

When I got to the top of the boardwalk, there was the fortress not far in front of me, and it was safe for the time being.

But at this time, I found out that Lao Tzu was clever but was mistaken by cleverness.

I came here myself, but the fat man really couldn't come here at this time.

After all, I'm not Alice, and I'm able to climb rocks to send ropes.

Just as I was in a daze, Alice suddenly shouted, "

Tie a stone to a rope and throw it over

!" "Okay!"

I just found a random stone, tied it to the rope, and threw it at the fat man.

Due to Alice's fire cover, the fat man is still safe now.

After the fat man took the rope, he followed my practice and came over on the swing.

Looking at the paratrooper rope that has been stretched to the limit, it is really a sweat for the fat man.

To be honest, this paratrooper rope is quite strong.

also picked up a small life for the fat man.

After all three of us had come up, I was heading towards the valley, and after one last glance,

Alice gathered her weapons and prepared to tell me to hurry back.

And just as I was looking towards the black hole below the cliff, I suddenly froze.

"Wait!Alice, give me another 30 seconds!" Alice

thrust into her waist helplessly when she heard my words.

At this time, the fat man smiled at Alice and said

, "Yang Beauty, do you still have bullets?"

Alice didn't say a word, but took off the two magazines from her belt and handed them to the fat man.

Of course, these are Alice's last two magazines. Then he said,

"Curiosity kills the cat!" Continue to die here!"

and then went first, and climbed through the gap to the top of the fortress.

And the fat man ran towards me after getting the magazine, divided by two, and then picked up the AK47 rifle and rushed to the cliff, towards the zombies who were already relatively close, and shot them out with a shuttle of bullets.

And by the time the fat man came, my time was almost up.

I shouted

, "Fat man, close your eyes!"


Before the fat man could react to anything, suddenly a violent light shot out from the bottom of the cliff, and this snow-white light was ten thousand times brighter than the midday sun.

The entire valley was illuminated in an instant.

That's right, when I told Alice to wait for us for 30 seconds, I had already unloaded the two flashbangs from my waist, and then immediately uncovered the safety and threw them towards the black hole under the cliff.

And when the fat man came, it just exploded.

Fortunately, the fat man was finishing the first magazine at this time, and he was changing the magazine, and he didn't look down the cliff, otherwise, he would definitely be blind.

When I heard the explosion, I counted to three in my heart, 'one, two, three,'

and then opened my eyes and looked down the mountain.


I glanced at and rushed towards the fortress behind me without looking back.

Then he shouted:

"Fat man, run!" At

this time, the fat man just loaded his bullets, and he didn't have time to hit a shuttle, so he hurriedly packed up his equipment and followed.

Without saying a word all the way, in less than 5 seconds, the two of us just fell into the basement of the fortress.

Then he climbed up through the narrow gap.

Then he hurriedly and the fat man reset the base of the heavy machine gun. The only entrance was blocked. I felt a little safe.

"Damn, I'm tired!" I don't

know if it's because the base is too heavy and difficult to lift, or because we're now temporarily safe, so we relaxed.

After the fat man and I were done with this, we collapsed on the edge of the heavy machine gun.

In the past, the fat man and I have experienced various crises more than once, and there is no lack of thrilling moments when our lives are hanging by a thread.

But there has never been a time when a masochist like this one is helpless, and the whole thing is useless.

Since the end of the world, with the improvement of our experience of survival in the apocalypse, I thought that this kind of zombie was commonplace.

Seconds are spikes. Unexpectedly, we were still too tender.

I thought I was invincible in the world.

In fact, if we didn't have the lethal weapons we rely on to survive, we would probably have solved this very basic spider-type zombie.

Not to mention others, such as undead warriors, centaur zombies, and corpse emperors.

This time it can be regarded as a lesson to me and the fat man, perhaps, survival, just by chance. Death, on the other hand, is eternal.

We should cherish, cherish, and be grateful for this hard-won accident.

"Damn!Alice, how do you feel that you owe this little girl a favor again!"

I thought of gratitude, and I thought of Alice, who had just appeared on the stage and saved my little life, and shouted at the fat man.

At this time, the fat man had already taken out a cigarette and picked it up.

But I regret that I lost the lighter on the cliff just now, so I can't smoke it now. I had to just keep it in my mouth.

Out of breath, he didn't speak very cleverly and said to us:

"Don't look at this kid's unknown origin, but this person is not bad now, at least now he knows to go back to protect Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian immediately."

"Damn! I really didn't expect that. I thought this little girl left us and ran away first! So, this Alice is still a knife mouth and a tofu heart. "

Hey, hey!" the

fat man smiled lewdly.

Then, I laughed along.

Then he took out the lighter and lit it for the fat man.


The author has something to say:

There is another book of "Nanyang Taoist Biography of Yu West Strange Realm", which is serialized in the headlines, and interested partners can go to my headline homepage to view, or search directly!

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