Chapter 234 Underground Palace Mural Three Spirit Guards

The unfathomable underground, as Li Star said, there is a vast complex of buildings!

That palace, there is a heavy sky from above, no land below, high and low, winding endlessly!

The palace, dark, heavy, and mysterious, like a demon god who transcends time and space, collapsed and burst into a palace.

That is 484 mysterious Great Halls, a group of ancient buildings gathered together!

The sky is sinking, and a thick and terrifying breath envelopes the earth!

This is……

An underground palace that has been sealed by time for ninety thousand years!

"Is it Lu Xiao's treasure?"

Zhang Lingchuan muttered to himself in shock.

In the endless complex of buildings, I only feel that the ancient meaning of recklessness is like black clouds, and I am as small as a drop in the ocean.

Lifeng was also full of shock and surprise. After spending thousands of years in Daze, he didn't even know that such a magnificent palace of the gods was buried underground!

The gate of the underground palace towers high into the clouds, and the whole body is dark, like a dark night.

The four of them stepped forward, and the gate of the underground palace opened slowly!

The thick and ancient gate made a harsh sound rubbing against the ground, and a mysterious strange sound resounded across the sky.

They entered the main hall of the underground palace!

The dim light, damp atmosphere, and treacherous atmosphere seemed to reappear 90,000 years ago.

The Great Hall is very vast, with two extremely strong top beams and pillars with bronze dragon statues winding around the pillars.

Because of the erosion of the years, the bronze dragon statue has been covered with green patina, and the breath of the years is blowing.

Although Great Hall is weird and gloomy, Moonburn is not afraid at all. She ran around with some excitement, seeing everything strange.

On both sides of the Great Hall, stand three treacherous statues with blue faces and fangs, like cows, ghosts and snakes.

The little girl looked at them curiously, and couldn't help but complain: "Did they not pay the carver, or why did they do it so terribly?"

On the wall behind the sculpture, there is a mural hanging high, the oil paint on it is peeling off, and the text is slightly mottled.

"This is me..."

Yueran started to read the words on the mural. She looked at a word, scratched her head in distress, and suddenly her eyes lit up, "Ah! This is Master's Lu character! Lu Xiao's dead body... What's underneath... …"

The little girl was too short to see it when she stood on tiptoe. She simply climbed onto one of the sculptures that looked like a goat's head, clutching two horns in her small hands, looking at the mural, and muttering words.

Li Star walked over, his sword brows frowned slightly, he mercilessly hugged the little girl down, and said coldly: "Don't climb up, it's too dangerous."


The little girl was more shocked by him. After hearing this, she reluctantly dragged her long voice to agree, and immediately she made a face and rushed to Zhang Lingchuan.

Li Star raised his eyes and looked at the mural: "This is the burial place of my Luxiao. I am the last king of the Shenlong clan. I hide the treasure in the cracks of time and space, waiting for the arrival of the destined person."

In the mural, there are several accompanying pictures, the ones painted are...

A king of the dragon clan leads the whole process of the dragon clan from rise to destruction!

That king is Lu Xiao!

He finally died with the thieves who coveted the throne. The battle of the spirits and gods was turbulent, causing the earth to collapse, and the battlefield was frozen by Lu Xiao in the cracks of time and space, waiting for future generations to discover.

This towering underground palace is not only an ancient battlefield where the Shenlong clan was destroyed, but also a peerless treasure!

Li Star continued to read, "Later, I have left a secret treasure in this underground palace. If you get it, you will become the supreme power! This is the only thing I can do for future generations. Contributed."

Heavenly Secret Treasure?

Could it be the Heavenly Amber that the Master asked them to find?

Li Star's eyes fluctuate a little.

"Junior, did you find anything?" Zhang Lingchuan came over when he saw him staring at the mural.

He also saw the text on the mural!

"Is it Tongtian Amber?"

The ideas of Zhang Lingchuan and Li Star coincide.

When the two looked at the mural again, they suddenly heard a strange sound!




The sound is like an appliance that has been rusted for thousands of years slowly spinning!

The sound resounded in the silent Great Hall, terrifying.

Zhang Lingchuan raised his eyes, he saw it!

It is the three monsters and monsters in front of us that are moving!

A sheep-faced man, a cow-faced man, and a monkey-faced man, all ugly and grinning.

They slowly lifted their rusty necks, moving their eyes, and their bronze-poured arms suddenly lifted!

They held bronze swords in their hands!

Li Star saw the engraved words under their clothes: "The spirit guard of the gods! They are the guards of Lu Xiao!"

Zhang Lingchuan looked alert: "They have no vital signs, just metal puppets!"

With a bang, the three spirit guards unexpectedly pulled their feet out of the platform, and they rushed to Chuanchen and two people, and a powerful force came over the world.

These puppets have at least reached the Realm!

The three spirit emperor puppets...

In today's world, it is simply appalling!

"There are many strong people who have entered Lu Xiao's treasure. Before you find the treasure, don't consume your energy. Let's withdraw first!"

Zhang Lingchuan talked about running Netherworld, hugged the little girl, and rushed to the door of the hall.

Li Star and Lifeng followed closely behind.

One of the sheep-faced puppets raised the mechanical arm, and his fingertips flashed red, and the Great Hall door slammed closed!

The four had to brake hard.

The majesty of the stormy sea swept the whole house, and the earth shook the mountains!

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