Chapter 236 Wushuangzong's New System Established

The last reward!

[Sect Leader Privilege: With this, the host can enjoy the privilege of adding details to the Wushuang clan system and architecture at will]

Can you add details to the clan system and architecture? !

Lu Fengyun was a little surprised.

This means that instead of relying on system rewards, he can create a new order by himself!

Just after the apprentice gathering meeting was over, more than two hundred disciples flooded in Fuyao Mountain in an instant, and many of the systems in the clan were not perfect, and it happened that they could be supplemented now!

The establishment of the new system is very simple, as long as Lu Fengyun meditates in his heart, the system will be automatically generated.

System is used to restrain people, and good orderly operation requires the maintenance of good system laws.

This cannot tolerate sloppy, otherwise it would be bad if you make a mistake in one step and be scolded for incompetent.

The first is the formulation of the system for apprentices.

Apprenticeship is an important part of Sect's prosperous development, and the management of disciples is particularly important.

Lu Fengyun pondered for a while, and then he had an idea.

Wushuangzong has been divided into Inner Sect and Outer Sect. As the disciples get started, they must be managed effectively and orderly.

In order to motivate the students, Lu Fengyun refers to the experience of predecessors and modern society, and divides his students into four classes: handyman, Inner Sect disciple, Outer Sect disciple, and direct disciple.

If you want to achieve a leap and enter a higher level at each first-level, you need to work hard.

Wushuangzong has a Longmen Peak, which is a place of opportunity and a place of trial. It is open to handyman once a year.

As long as you can cross the handyman of Longmen Peak, you can become a disciple of Outer Sect.

And in order to encourage handymen to be aggressive, Lu Fengyun set up a list of rewards.

Handyman, Inner Sect, Outer Sect must be set!

In the handyman, there is a hidden abyss list, which means that the fish dives into the abyss and becomes a dragon in one fell swoop!

Every year, the miscellaneous service is played internally, and the top ten on the list can also enter the Outer Sect.

Outer Sect sets up a list of flowing clouds.

Same as the handyman, one year after year, the top ten on the list can enter the Inner Sect.

Inner Sect has an unparalleled list.

In any sect, Inner Sect is the core apprentice resource, and it is also a demonstration of Sect's overall strength. First in the Wushuang list, he can become a direct disciple of Lu Fengyun.

On top of the direct disciples, the Holy Maiden and Holy Maiden were established and selected by Lu Fengyun himself.

In addition to this, a hardship list must be established.

The sea of ​​study is boundless and hard work.

This list is to reward those who are not talented, but have an excellent temperament and do not give up easily. Whether it's a handyman or a personal pass, as long as you work hard enough, you can get on the list.

After formulating the system for apprentices, the next step is Elder.

As Wushuangzong grows stronger, there will definitely be more and more Elder and disciples in the future. In order to operate in an orderly manner, there should be corresponding policies to manage Elder.

Lu Fengyun thought about it and decided to classify Elder according to different functions.

"Two houses" and "seven divisions" were established in Wushuangzong.

The two houses are: Senate House and Elder House.

The seven divisions are: General Division, Law Enforcement Division, Martial Dao Division, Alchemy Division, Refining Department, Internal Affairs Division, and Miscellaneous Service Division.

Within the seven divisions, each division is managed by a director, and the divisions are divided into Elder, Outer Sect Elders, and Inner Sect Elders.

The evaluation system is implemented for Elder, and task indicators are issued every year, and Elder is required to urge his disciples to complete.

Elders who have a high degree of completion will be rewarded. If they have excellent teaching results, they can be upgraded. Such as handyman Elder can be promoted to Outer Sect Elders, and so on.

For the tasks issued, the difficulty of each level should be different, and try to be even.

The principle of not suffering from lack and suffering from unevenness, whether it is a human or a beast, as long as there are biological existences, it is universal.

The senator of the Senate is an honorary title and has no real power. The main role is to sit in Sect. They may not be restricted by Sect and practice outside, but they must be difficult to Sect and they must be recalled.

The main responsibility of the members of the Elder Institute is to participate in Sect events and formulate Sect regulations. Each new regulation is first reviewed by Sect Leader, approved by Sect Leader, and detailed rules can be formulated.

The law passed by the Elder Court was sent to the Law Enforcement Department of the Seven Divisions. If the Law Enforcement Department finds it unreasonable, it may not implement it and request amendments.

The two houses and the seventh department supervise and restrict each other, but they are both responsible to the Sect Leader and accept the supervision of disciples.

If the disciple is dissatisfied with them, report it to Sect Leader and Sect Leader will make a ruling.

This move by Lu Fengyun integrates the three powers/separation and people's supervision/supervisory system that he passed through the former society, which can not only keep the power in hand to the maximum, but also try his best to achieve democracy.

In Shanhai Continent, a world that respects martial arts, his philosophy is unique and shocking!

After setting up the system, the personnel are assigned.

Zhang Lingchuan, Li Star, Qin Kong, Ye Zong and Yueran are naturally direct disciples. They don't need to participate in various lists in the clan, and they can directly take orders from Lu Fengyun.

Because there are too few capable Elders in the clan, the two houses are temporarily closed.

The distribution in the seven divisions is:

General Secretary-in charge: Ming Weiye.

Law Enforcement Department-Director: Chu Huiye.

Martial Dao Division-Director: Bai Hua Wu Xie.

Alchemy Division-Director: Wei Weiye.

Refining Equipment Division-Director: None.

Department of Internal Affairs-Director: Xi Yan (provisional)

Handyman Department-Director: Chu Huiye.

There are too few native Elders following Lu Fengyun. At present, there are many disciples of Martial Dao, Alchemy, and Handyman, and the work is heavy. In line with the principle of more work for those who can work, it will be hard for the night and Chu Huiye.

The thirty Elder Elders given by the system were placed in their respective locations.

At this point, the Wushuangzong system was initially established.

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